Browsing by Author Doan, Thu Trang

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  • Authors: Doan, Thu Trang (2)

  • This paper explores the effect of revealed comparative advantage in the M&A pre- integration process. Revealed comparative advantage reflects the advantage of a particular industry in trade compared to other industries. It is measured by the share of a sector’s exports in the overall country-wide exports, compared to the share of that sector’s exports in the total exports of a group of countries. In this study, we examine whether revealed comparative advantage could determine the completion likelihood of an M&A deal and the duration of M&A pre-integration process. A binary logistic regression model and a multiple regression model were performed with a sample of 260 ...

  • 4085-133-7711-1-10-20170719.pdf.jpg
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  • Authors: Doan, Thu Trang (2017)

  • This paper explores the effect of revealed comparative advantage in the M&A preintegration process. Revealed comparative advantage reflects the advantage of a particular industry in trade compared to other industries. It is measured by the share of a sector’s exports in the overall country-wide exports, compared to the share of that sector’s exports in the total exports of a group of countries. In this study, I examine whether revealed comparative advantage could determine the completion likelihood of an M&A deal and the duration of M&A pre-integration process. A binary logistic regression model and a multiple regression model were performed with a sample of 260 mergers and acqu...

  • item.jpg
  • Final Year Project (FYP)

  • Authors: Nguyen, Thuy Trang;  Advisor: Doan, Thu Trang (2021)

  • This paper investigates the determinant of the entry mode choice between acquisitions and joint ventures in the context of Vietnam, with the focus on institutions and experience aspects. There are three factors proposed in this study, namely cultural distance, institutional distance and host country experience, which can have an impact on the selection of entry mode. By employing data of both foreign acquisition and joint venture deals in Vietnam derived from Zephyr for the period of 2000 - 2018, the goal of this research is to explore the influence of each factor to the decision of acquisition or joint venture. The results of this research indicate that the higher cultural dis...

  • BuiLeThuyLinh_IB2015C.pdf.jpg
  • Final Year Project (FPY)

  • Authors: Bui, Le Thuy Linh;  Advisor: Doan, Thu Trang (2019)

  • The increasing of plastic waste has reached crisis level and it caused significant environmental damage. The reduction of plastic waste therefore become a very serious problem of not only Vietnam but also all the world. Vietnamese people recently seem to be more aware of the negative effects when using plastic products especially single-use plastic products. Reusable plastic products are considered as a solution for people to reduce the use of single-use plastic and also reduce the plastic waste to environment. This study using the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) to investigate the determinants of Vietnamese consumers’ intention to purchase reusable plastic products. A quest...

  • 16_DeterminantsOfCustomerSatisfactionInArchitecturalServiceIndustry_DuongThiMinhNguyet_2018.pdf.jpg
  • Final Year Project (FYP)

  • Authors: Duong, Thi Minh Nguyet;  Advisor: Doan, Thu Trang (2018)

  • The main purpose of this study is applying Kano model to identify determinants of customer satisfaction in architectural service industry, especially in the case of Moon Design Company - an architectural service firm based in Danang city. One of the reasons for me to conduct this research is that there are very few research articles on this subject in Vietnam. Kano categories would suggest the producers or service providers about which factors should be more paid attention to fulfill than the others (must-be [M], one-dimensional [O] and attractive [A] requừement). In this research, theoretical arguments were developed and a survey was designed following the instruction from Kano metho...

  • INS2024_Chap 1.pdf.jpg
  • Presentation

  • Authors: Doan, Thu Trang (2020)

  • This introductory course provides fundamental understanding and insights on formulating and executing strategies in an organization. It is widely known that good strategy-making and good strategy-execution are the key ingredients of company success and the most reliable signs of good management. Therefore, the mission of the course is to explore why good strategic management leads to good business performance by presenting the basic concepts and tools of strategic analysis, and drilling students in the methods of crafting a well-conceived strategy and executing it competently.

  • 26_ResidentsAttitudestowardTourismdevelVelopmentincualo_LeHuy_2018.pdf.jpg
  • Final Year Project (FYP)

  • Authors: Le, Huy;  Advisor: Doan, Thu Trang (2018)

  • Findings from the study indicate that residents' perceptions about the impacts of tourism are related to the level of economic dependency on tourism. As the economy grows, the attitude of local residents becomes more positive. The development of new tourist spot contributing to the growth of local residents' income which lead Nghi Hai residents' attitudes become more positive in the coming years.

Browsing by Author Doan, Thu Trang

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Showing results 1 to 8 of 8
  • Article

  • Authors: Doan, Thu Trang (2)

  • This paper explores the effect of revealed comparative advantage in the M&A pre- integration process. Revealed comparative advantage reflects the advantage of a particular industry in trade compared to other industries. It is measured by the share of a sector’s exports in the overall country-wide exports, compared to the share of that sector’s exports in the total exports of a group of countries. In this study, we examine whether revealed comparative advantage could determine the completion likelihood of an M&A deal and the duration of M&A pre-integration process. A binary logistic regression model and a multiple regression model were performed with a sample of 260 ...

  • 4085-133-7711-1-10-20170719.pdf.jpg
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  • Authors: Doan, Thu Trang (2017)

  • This paper explores the effect of revealed comparative advantage in the M&A preintegration process. Revealed comparative advantage reflects the advantage of a particular industry in trade compared to other industries. It is measured by the share of a sector’s exports in the overall country-wide exports, compared to the share of that sector’s exports in the total exports of a group of countries. In this study, I examine whether revealed comparative advantage could determine the completion likelihood of an M&A deal and the duration of M&A pre-integration process. A binary logistic regression model and a multiple regression model were performed with a sample of 260 mergers and acqu...

  • item.jpg
  • Final Year Project (FYP)

  • Authors: Nguyen, Thuy Trang;  Advisor: Doan, Thu Trang (2021)

  • This paper investigates the determinant of the entry mode choice between acquisitions and joint ventures in the context of Vietnam, with the focus on institutions and experience aspects. There are three factors proposed in this study, namely cultural distance, institutional distance and host country experience, which can have an impact on the selection of entry mode. By employing data of both foreign acquisition and joint venture deals in Vietnam derived from Zephyr for the period of 2000 - 2018, the goal of this research is to explore the influence of each factor to the decision of acquisition or joint venture. The results of this research indicate that the higher cultural dis...

  • BuiLeThuyLinh_IB2015C.pdf.jpg
  • Final Year Project (FPY)

  • Authors: Bui, Le Thuy Linh;  Advisor: Doan, Thu Trang (2019)

  • The increasing of plastic waste has reached crisis level and it caused significant environmental damage. The reduction of plastic waste therefore become a very serious problem of not only Vietnam but also all the world. Vietnamese people recently seem to be more aware of the negative effects when using plastic products especially single-use plastic products. Reusable plastic products are considered as a solution for people to reduce the use of single-use plastic and also reduce the plastic waste to environment. This study using the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) to investigate the determinants of Vietnamese consumers’ intention to purchase reusable plastic products. A quest...

  • 16_DeterminantsOfCustomerSatisfactionInArchitecturalServiceIndustry_DuongThiMinhNguyet_2018.pdf.jpg
  • Final Year Project (FYP)

  • Authors: Duong, Thi Minh Nguyet;  Advisor: Doan, Thu Trang (2018)

  • The main purpose of this study is applying Kano model to identify determinants of customer satisfaction in architectural service industry, especially in the case of Moon Design Company - an architectural service firm based in Danang city. One of the reasons for me to conduct this research is that there are very few research articles on this subject in Vietnam. Kano categories would suggest the producers or service providers about which factors should be more paid attention to fulfill than the others (must-be [M], one-dimensional [O] and attractive [A] requừement). In this research, theoretical arguments were developed and a survey was designed following the instruction from Kano metho...

  • INS2024_Chap 1.pdf.jpg
  • Presentation

  • Authors: Doan, Thu Trang (2020)

  • This introductory course provides fundamental understanding and insights on formulating and executing strategies in an organization. It is widely known that good strategy-making and good strategy-execution are the key ingredients of company success and the most reliable signs of good management. Therefore, the mission of the course is to explore why good strategic management leads to good business performance by presenting the basic concepts and tools of strategic analysis, and drilling students in the methods of crafting a well-conceived strategy and executing it competently.

  • 26_ResidentsAttitudestowardTourismdevelVelopmentincualo_LeHuy_2018.pdf.jpg
  • Final Year Project (FYP)

  • Authors: Le, Huy;  Advisor: Doan, Thu Trang (2018)

  • Findings from the study indicate that residents' perceptions about the impacts of tourism are related to the level of economic dependency on tourism. As the economy grows, the attitude of local residents becomes more positive. The development of new tourist spot contributing to the growth of local residents' income which lead Nghi Hai residents' attitudes become more positive in the coming years.