Browsing by Author Nguyen, Thi Van Lam

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  • TC_02396.pdf.jpg
  • Article

  • Authors: Nguyen, Thi Thanh Huong; Nguyen, Thi Van Lam (2008)

  • The topic of happiness draws a lot of attention from different types of people. In fact, there are so many ways to express our happiness, one of which is employing words and idioms denoting happiness. In this article, the authors discuss five adjectives denoting happiness - the feeling of pleasure: “cheerful”, “gay”, “glad”, “merry” and “pleased” in terms of grammar and semantics. Their grammatical features include syntactic functions and morphological features, and the semantics includes lexical meaning, synonyms, antonyms, collocations and idioms of which these words are a component. The authors finally provide some suggestions in the teaching and learning of as well ...

  • 25.3.6.pdf.jpg
  • Article

  • Authors: Nguyen, Thi Van Lam (2009)

  • This article is intended for the discussion of the lexemes denoting the feeling of great pleasure sub-classified into four groups of adjectives (‘delighted’, ‘elated’, and ‘jubilant’); nouns (‘bliss’, ‘ecstasy’, ‘euphoria’, ‘glee’, ‘joy’, and ‘rapture’); verbs (‘exult’ and ‘rejoice’); and idioms (‘walk on air’, ‘in seventh heaven’, ‘on cloud nine’, ‘on top of the world’, ‘over the moon’ and ‘thrilled to bits’). They are dealt with in respect of their grammatical features including the syntactic functions and morphology, and their semantic structures including lexical meaning, synonyms, collocational range, words and idioms of which the word denoting the feeling is a constituent. Some...

  • 27.2.8.pdf.jpg
  • Article

  • Authors: Nguyen, Thi Van Lam (2011)

  • Project-based learning (PBL), though not a novel or revolutionary approach, plays a very important role in education in general and English teaching in particular. In this article, the author discusses the definitions and benefits of PBL. She also deals with the steps for implementing a PBL project and suggests several English learning projects for students of English.

Browsing by Author Nguyen, Thi Van Lam

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Showing results 1 to 3 of 3
  • TC_02396.pdf.jpg
  • Article

  • Authors: Nguyen, Thi Thanh Huong; Nguyen, Thi Van Lam (2008)

  • The topic of happiness draws a lot of attention from different types of people. In fact, there are so many ways to express our happiness, one of which is employing words and idioms denoting happiness. In this article, the authors discuss five adjectives denoting happiness - the feeling of pleasure: “cheerful”, “gay”, “glad”, “merry” and “pleased” in terms of grammar and semantics. Their grammatical features include syntactic functions and morphological features, and the semantics includes lexical meaning, synonyms, antonyms, collocations and idioms of which these words are a component. The authors finally provide some suggestions in the teaching and learning of as well ...

  • 25.3.6.pdf.jpg
  • Article

  • Authors: Nguyen, Thi Van Lam (2009)

  • This article is intended for the discussion of the lexemes denoting the feeling of great pleasure sub-classified into four groups of adjectives (‘delighted’, ‘elated’, and ‘jubilant’); nouns (‘bliss’, ‘ecstasy’, ‘euphoria’, ‘glee’, ‘joy’, and ‘rapture’); verbs (‘exult’ and ‘rejoice’); and idioms (‘walk on air’, ‘in seventh heaven’, ‘on cloud nine’, ‘on top of the world’, ‘over the moon’ and ‘thrilled to bits’). They are dealt with in respect of their grammatical features including the syntactic functions and morphology, and their semantic structures including lexical meaning, synonyms, collocational range, words and idioms of which the word denoting the feeling is a constituent. Some...

  • 27.2.8.pdf.jpg
  • Article

  • Authors: Nguyen, Thi Van Lam (2011)

  • Project-based learning (PBL), though not a novel or revolutionary approach, plays a very important role in education in general and English teaching in particular. In this article, the author discusses the definitions and benefits of PBL. She also deals with the steps for implementing a PBL project and suggests several English learning projects for students of English.