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Showing results 515 to 534 of 101371
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  • Journal Article

  • Authors: Que, Anh Tran; Dut, Van Vo (2021)

  • The objective of this paper is to review the effect of internationalization on firm financial performance and to propose a research agenda in the international business field. By systematically searching the relevant database, twenty-five related studies published in journals indexed in the Web of Science - Clarivate Analytics and Scopus in the period from 1998 to 2019 - were selected and reviewed. The study applied the meta-analysis method to detect the limitations of prior studies. Reviewing results reveal that most of the empirical studies concluded the positive effect of firms’ internationalization on their financial performance; while the nonlinear (U-shaped, or inverted U-shape...

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  • Thesis

  • Authors: Ha, Thi Kim Dung;  Advisor: Bui, The Duy (2010)

  • The thesis "A 3-Dimension Room Design System with Interactive Genetic Algorithm" will introduce an application of Interactive Genetic Algorithms (IGAs) to the problem of 3D room design. The major goal of the proposal is to help a user obtain a desirable 3D room design in an easy and fast way. Therefore, time cost of designing is reduced. The user only has to rate each presented design then the system will calculate and generate new designs based on the user's selections. More over, generating designs based on the choices of the user is one of potential ways to meet customer's taste, which always changes.

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  • Conference Paper

  • Authors: Dong, Pham-Khoi; Nguyen, Hung K.; Tran, Xuan-Tu (2019)

  • In this paper, we propose a high-throughput and low-latency AES architecture for wideband and real-time applications such as surveillance cameras, video conference, motion detection, IoT gateways, data store encryption... Our design uses an outer round pipeline technique to achieve high throughput. The design has been modelled in RTL VHDL and then synthesized with a 45nm CMOS technology using Synopsys Design Compiler. The implementation results show that the proposed architecture achieves a throughput of 111.3Gbps and a latency of 12.6ns at the maximum operating frequency of 870MHz. With the same 45nm CMOS technology, our design has area efficiency (2.4 times) and energy efficiency (4...

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  • Book

  • Authors: Aboitiz, Francisco . (2017)

  • Contents: Introduction : the beginning of words -- Pandora's box -- A matter of size -- Broken symmetry -- Bridging hemispheres -- A loop for speech -- Monkey brain, human brain -- Grasping mirrors -- Of birds and men -- Talking heads -- Taming ourselves -- Epilogue.

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  • Book

  • Authors: Dixon, Wheeler Winston ; Graham, Richard (2017)

  • A Brief History of Comic Book Movies traces the meteoric rise of the hybrid art form of the comic book film. These films trace their origins back to the early 1940s, when the first Batman and Superman serials were made. The serials, and later television shows in the 1950s and 60s, were for the most part designed for children. But today, with the continuing rise of Comic-Con, they seem to be more a part of the mainstream than ever, appealing to adults as well as younger fans. This book examines comic book movies from the past and present, exploring how these films shaped American culture from the post-World War II era to the present day, and how they adapted to the changing tastes and ...

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  • Final Year Project (FYP)

  • Authors: Nguyễn, Thị Quyên;  Advisor: Pham, Thị Hanh (2013)

  • The change in language teaching from teacher-centeredness to learnercenteredness in language classroom has resulted in empirical research on the good language learners, among which is the investigation into learners‟ strategy. In Vietnamese, learners‟ chief exposure to English language is through reading, which reinforces the necessity of becoming proficient readers if they want to be a good language learner. Therefore, this research aims to explore students‟ reading comprehension strategies and find out the differences in strategy use by successful and less successful readers. Two cases from the fast-track division at FELTE, ULIS-VNU were selected for in-depth investigation. T...

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  • Conference Paper

  • Authors: Nguyen, Cong Danh (2019)

  • Teaching and learning computer programming have introduced many challenges to both lecturers and students in Computer Science. Objective: This paper presents a new computer programming teaching method. Method: Based on Scrum software development method, students in a computer programming course are divided into multiple teams. Scrum emphasizes effective collaboration and communication between students within their team to complete a list of required programming exercises. The students are encouraged to find out and share their solution with the team in order to gain more experience. Results: A case study that describes in detail an experiment in a first-year computer programming cours...

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  • Thesis

  • Authors: Dang, An Hai;  Advisor: Nguyen, Viet Anh, Supervisor (2007)

  • 88 p. + CD ROM; Phân tích Chiến lược phát triển thương hiệu và chiến lược marketing của Công ty Cổ phần Bia Sài Gòn - Nghệ Tĩnh. Nghiên cứu quan điểm của khách hàng, người tiêu dùng đối với sản phẩm bia nói chung và chiến lược phát triển thương hiệu Vidabeer của Công ty C (...); Electronic Resources; Luận văn ThS. Business Administration -- School of Business. Vietnam national university HaNoi, 2007

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  • Final Year Project (FYP)

  • Authors: Nguyễn, Thu Hằng;  Advisor: Vũ, Tường Vi (2012)

  • In the field of foreign language learning, motivation has long been recognized as one of the key factors that determine language learners‟ achievement and attainment. As the result, the teacher‟s use of motivational strategies is generally believed to enhance students‟ active engagement and participation in the class (Cheng & Dornyei, 2007). Therefore, using motivational strategies effectively is of great importance to teacher. However, studies on Vietnamese teachers‟ use of motivational techniques have been partly dug while research on native teachers‟ use is still a gap in Vietnamese teaching context

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  • Final Year Project (FYP)

  • Authors: Giang, Nguyet Minh;  Advisor: Phạm, Thị Hanh (2012)

  • First of all, this paper aims at gaining insights into collaborative teaching by identifying the nature of collaboration between native and non-native teachers in teaching speaking as a foreign language to Vietnamese high schoolers and examining the impacts of this teaching practice on teaching speaking and the teachers themselves. Afterwards, it targets at contributing to the existing literature of this novel practice which does not seem to receive enough attention as it deserves. Last but not least, the study would give suggestions for further studies to enrich the literature of this field in the future. Implications will also be withdrawn for further explanation

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  • Thesis

  • Authors: Hoàng, Thị Thu Hà;  Advisor: Hoàng, Văn Vân (2010)

  • It is said that all living creatures in the world have their own ways of communicating with each others. For example, the ants giving information by touching others’ antennas when carrying their food, or the birds, the dolphins use their own sounds to transfer and receive information. We human being use our unique tool which no other creature may have. We mostly use language to talk to others. However, each nation and each ethnic has their different language. In my home country, Vietnam, there are 54 ethnics. Not all of them have written language, but they have their own spoken language. Similarly, we have hundreds of languages all over the world. To communicate with people who spea...

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  • Authors: Hoàng, Thùy Linh;  Advisor: Dương, Thị Nụ (2014)

  • This paper deals with English grammar teaching of teachers at Vietnamese primary schools. In Vietnam, English language in general and grammar in particular are no longer taught in traditional method because that did not give learners ability to communicate in real life situations. Moreover, teaching grammar to young learners, who owns special psychological and perceptional characteristics, requires much more effort from teachers in seeking new attractive teaching activities.

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  • Thesis

  • Authors: Nguyen, Thi My Hanh;  Advisor: Le, Van Canh (2011)

  • The present qualitative case study is aimed at finding out the perceptions of vocabulary teaching held by a group of upper-secondary school teachers working in Quang Oai upper-secondary school in Hanoi and the connection between their beliefs and practices (...)

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