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Showing results 30211 to 30230 of 101372
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  • Final Year Project (FYP)

  • Authors: Vũ, Hoài Linh;  Advisor: Phạm, Nha Trang (2022)

  • In the past few years, the number of foreign workers has increased significantly throughout Japan, in which Vietnamese students study and work in large numbers. While living in the land of the rising sun, many international students express concerns, or even obsessions, about the dense paperwork they have to encounter every day in Japan. That is the reason why a website that guides Japanese students to fill out all kinds of documents is necessary for Japanese students. The content of this thesis is to create a visual product that can help international students who have difficulty with Japanese forms and papers to fill them out easily. Besides, this website is intended to help those w...

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  • Journal Article

  • Authors: Tràng Thiên (1962-12-01)

  • “Bỗng nhiên quyển “Tortilla Flat” ra đời sau năm 1935 (tác giả đã 33 tuổi) được hoan nghênh rần rộ khắp nước. John Steinbeck đón sự thành công ấy bằng cách bỏ Nữu Ước chạy đến Mexique để trốn cái không khí nồng nhiệt, chờ cho tới khi dư luận công chúng lắng dịu xuống ông mới dám trở về.”

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  • Book

  • Authors: Effe, Alexandra (2017)

  • This book is about the metanarrative and metafictional elements of J. M. Coetzee's novels. It draws together authorship, readership, ethics, and formal analysis into one overarching argument about how narratives work the boundary between art and life. On the basis of Coetzee's writing, it reconsiders the concept of metalepsis, challenges common understandings of self-reflexive discourse, and invites us to rethink our practice as critics and readers. This study analyzes Coetzee's novels in three chapters organized thematically around the author's relation with character, reader, and self. Author and character are discussed on the basis of Foe, Slow Man, and Coetzee's Nobel lecture, 'He...

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  • Final Year Project (FYP)

  • Authors: Đoàn, Thị Oanh;  Advisor: Văn, Thị Thanh Bình (2022)

  • Jack London and Ernest Hemingway are among eminent American writers of the twentieth century. With a desire to express the importance of emotional intelligence in literature, the author of this thesis endeavors to find out how self-consciousness are expressed in short stories, namely: “The law of life”, “To build a fire”, and “The snows of Kilimanjaro”. A qualitative method is undertaken to collect vital data for investigating self-consciousness and conclusions. Findings showed that the direct correlation between self-consciousness and self-management impacts the final result of the characters. Moreover, this research figures out the similarities of two authors in using writing techni...

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  • Book

  • Authors: - (2011)

  • Mehrsprachigkeitsdidaktik begreift den Sprachenreichtum der Lernenden als Ressource und entwickelt gezielt eine mehrsprachige Sprachhandlungskompetenz. Mehrsprachigkeitsdidaktik verfolgt ein curriculares und methodisch-didaktisch umfassendes und sprachenübergreifendes Herangehen an das Sprachenlernen und -lehren. Das Jahrbuch versammelt Beiträge zu ihrer Entwicklungsgeschichte, zur theoretischen Einbettung, zur Forschungslage und zu Anwendungsfragen, zu den beteiligten Sprachen und zur spezifischen Stellung der Fremd- und Zweitsprache Deutsch im Repertoire von Herkunfts- und Fremdsprachen

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  • Book

  • Authors: - (2010)

  • Hatte das Jahrbuch im Jubiläumsband 25 über Wege der Nachbarfächer informiert, sich kulturwissenschaftlich zu perspektivieren, so leuchtet der vorliegende Band 35 Interkulturelle Germanistik - Disziplinäre Kooperation in internationalen Feldern nun die Potentiale von Interkulturalität und Interdisziplinarität aus. Mit einem Plädoyer für die Vermeidung reduktiver Deutungen eröffnet Norbert Mecklenburg den Allgemeinen Teil. In Interkulturalität als Traumparabel führt er anschaulich vor, wie dies für Kafkas Erzählung Schakale und Araber jenseits der Festlegung auf eine jüdisch-arabische Polarität über das Offenhalten des Blicks für die Gestaltungsweise des Textes selbst möglich wird. Auc...

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  • Article

  • Authors: Bui, Kieu Trang; Nguyen, Thi Xuan (2020)

  • Acute promyelocytic leukemia (APL) is a type of acute leukemia, which has the highest death rate among blood cancers and caused by a specific (15; 17) chromosomal translocation, resulting in a fusion gene PML/RARα. Klotho gene plays a role in preventing aging, inflammation and cancer. CTLA4, PD1 and LAG3 are immunosuppressive receptors located on surface of T cells and considered as a negative regulation of immune response. These genes regulate immune cell activity through several signalling moleculars such as STATs and NF-κB. In this study, to additionally determine the difference between APL and other leukemia, we performed experiments to measure mRNA expression of above genes by us...

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  • Book

  • Authors: Cano, Marina (-)

  • This is the first exploration of the performative and theatrical force of Austen’s work and its afterlife, from the nineteenth century to the present. It unearths new and little-known Austen materials: from suffragette novels and pageants to school and amateur theatricals, passing through mid-twentieth-century representations in Scotland and America. The book concludes with an examination of Austen fandom based on an online survey conducted by the author, which elicited over 300 responses from fans across the globe. Through the lens of performative theory, this volume explores how Austen, her work and its afterlives, have aided the formation of collective and personal identity; how th...

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  • Thesis

  • Authors: Trịnh, Ngọc Trâm;  Advisor: Đào, Duy Hiệp (2012)

  • Luận văn ThS. Văn học nước ngoài -- Trường Đại học Khoa học Xã hội và Nhân văn. Đại học Quốc gia Hà Nội, 2012; Tìm hiểu về phân tâm học như một lí thuyết phê bình văn học. Nghiên cứu thế giới tâm lí của nhân vật Jane Eyre qua nghệ thuật tiểu thuyết của Charlote Bronte. Trình bày những ẩn ức, ám ảnh về cái chết và tình yêu; Electronic Resources

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  • Conference Paper

  • Authors: Phạm, Quốc Sự (2011)

  • The relationship of Japan and Vietnam has been explored by historians of the two countries. However, the studies mainly focus on their relationship in ancient-medieval modern times and from 1973 upto now. Accordingly, many set aside the link between Vietnam and Japan from 1954 to 1973 in consideration to fact that in 1954, Vietnam was cut into two halves and in 1973, the formal diplomatic connnection between the two countries was knotted. However, it is true that Japan - Vietnam mutual exchange of this time is worth diving into

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  • Book

  • Authors: Blouin, Michael J. (2013)

  • In American discourse, Japan is routinely imagined as a supernatural entity. Gothic tales from these cultures are exchanged, adapted, and consumed. By analyzing this phenomenon, in texts ranging from those of Lafcadio Hearn to the films of Shimizu Takashi, we can better comprehend the relationship between the two countries as well as the layers of complexity that accompany constructions of foreignness. Specifically, in response to the rise of a "Global Gothic," Blouin interprets these unsettling works to be evidence of a "cosmopolitan Gothic," one that refuses satisfactory enclosure and advocates a turn inward to re-invigorate dialogues upon the world stage"--|cProvided by publisher.I...

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  • Conference Paper

  • Authors: Nguyễn, Thị Thanh Hoa (2011)

  • Japan has been a significant aids donor to Vietnam for 30 years. It is proved that human resource development is a problem to address not only for the time being but also for the time to come with regard to a sustainable economic growth. Vietnam has made it dear that it is striving to build a strong and compelitive aconomy. Therefore, the country is seeking for all available instruments to enhance its human resource, the base of its economy. It is no doubt that Japanese ODA has been of great help

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  • Article

  • Authors: Phan, Chi Anh; Nguyen, Dang Minh (2012)

  • This study investigates the implementation of Kaizen practices in Vietnamese manufacturing companies. Statistical techniques such as ANOVA and regression are applied to analyze the data are collected from 64 Vietnamese manufacturing companies through a questionnaire survey during 2011-2012. The results of statistical analysis indicate that Japanese continuous improvement practices have positive relationship with companies' performance on quality, cost, and delivery. We conclude that Vietnamese companies should further emphasis on implementing Japanese management practices to enhance the performance.

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  • Conference Paper

  • Authors: Nguyen, Quynh Huong (2024)

  • Vietnam from tradition to the present seems to have built its own religious philosophies education, but they have not yet become strictly theoretical views. The difference between Vietnamese education and other developed education systems is probably that we are still struggling but have not yet generalized the values of educational ideas into philosophy, into doctrine, theoretical view of education as an orthodox guide to this very important area of social life. Therefore, this article focuses on analyzing educational philosophy through educational reforms in Japan to offer some suggestive reflections for current Vietnamese educational philosophy.

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  • Book

  • Authors: Chervenkova, Velizara (2017)

  • The book presents three Japanese psychotherapeutic approaches, Morita, Naikan, and Dohsa-hou, in the chronological order of their development, giving a thorough account of both their underlying concepts and practical applications. In addition to describing their idiosyncrasies, a major focus of the book is also to elucidate as to how the deeply imprinted cultural specificities of these approaches, emanating from their common cultural ground, converge to two focal points--silence and body-mind interconnectedness--that vest the approaches with their therapeutic power. In so doing, the book gives an insight into the intrinsic dynamics of the methods and emphasizes on their potential for ...

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  • Conference Paper

  • Authors: Nishikawa, Yukiko (2020)

  • This paper explores the Japanese response to COVỈD-19 in order to determine why emergency provisions are not Included In Japanese law, and how the Japanese people managed the emergency situation w ithout the use o f forcible countermeasures against COVID-19. In so doing, it discusses the Japanese legal system and Interpretations o f the Constitution o f Japan vis-a-vis emergency powers. The Japanese response to COVID-19 shows that the experience o f World War II still has significant effects on law and politics In contemporary Japan, especially in terms o f lim iting excessive power in the executive for fear o f Impeding democracy. Moreover, Japanese economic and social actors became ...

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