- Book
Authors: - (2016) - For more than four decades, K.J. Lee’s Essential Otolaryngology: Head and Neck Surgery has been the premier national and international guide to otolaryngology. The eleventh edition of this classic reference has been thoroughly updated to bring you up to speed with today's practice of otolaryngology. This concise, easy-to-follow book presents the latest clinical information to help you treat the wide range of conditions involving the head and neck or prep for board review. It is organized to allow for quick clinical recall and high yield review of the field’s must-know information
- Conference Paper
Authors: Huỳnh, Trọng Hiền (2013) - Kadoya Shichirobee còn gọi Kadoya Eikichi (1610-1672) xuất than từ dòng họ Matsumoto ở Shinshu - Nagano hiện nay. Shichirobee là con thứ hai trong gia đình, năm 1631 đến An Nam với tư cách là một thương buôn. Tuy nhiên, hai năm sau Mạc Phủ bắt đầu ban hành dần các lệnh cấm người Nhật ở nước ngoài trở về, đến năm 1635 nghiêm cấm tàu thuyền đến Nhật Bản ngoại trừ thuyền của người Hà Lan và Trung Quốc. Shichirobee ở lại Hội An lập nghiệp, lấy vợ người Việt và có một người con trai tên là Ngô Thuận Quan.Trong tham luận này, người viết sử dụng nguồn tư liệu đã dịch (tư liệu gốc không thể tiếp cận) bước đầu phân tích các hoạt động, mổi quan hệ, cách thức buôn bán của Shich...
- Book
Authors: Hans-Walter Schmuhl. (2008) - -
- Article
Authors: Nguyễn, Danh Nguyên; Nguyễn, Đạt Minh (2018) - Bài viết này trình bày tư tưởng của cải liên tục (Kaizen) dưới quan điểm của phát triển nguồn nhân lực. Kaizen được hiểu như một triêt lý sẩn xuất với hàng trăm những thay đổi như thường xuyên để tạo ra sự thay đổi lớn hơn trong sản xuất. Những thay đổi này đến từ những ý tưởng, tư duy sáng tạo của người lao động tại vị trị làm việc của mình giúp cho các điều kiện, quy trình sản xuất được cải thiện một cách liên tục. Kaizen không chỉ thúc đẩy mọi người trong tổ chức suy nghĩ sáng tạo mà nó còn giúp chính những con người đó phát triển năng lực, đồng thời phát triển nhân cách, thói quen làm việc đúng đắn. Xuất phát từ tư tưởng này, bai viết trình bày cách thức mà doanh nghiệp đạt được m...
- Book
Authors: Chui, C. K.; Chen, G. (2009) - Kalman Filtering with Real-Time Applications presents a thorough discussion of the mathematical theory and computational schemes of Kalman filtering. The filtering algorithms are derived via different approaches, including a direct method consisting of a series of elementary steps, and an indirect method based on innovation projection. Other topics include Kalman filtering for systems with correlated noise or colored noise, limiting Kalman filtering for time-invariant systems, extended Kalman filtering for nonlinear systems, interval Kalman filtering for uncertain systems, and wavelet Kalman filtering for multiresolution analysis of random signals. Most filtering algorithms are illust...
- Journal Article
Authors: Hebel, Johan Peter (1962-09-01) - Câu chuyện là tiếng cười thích thú, với lối diễn tả giản minh, tế nhị. Đọc xong, chúng ta cũng sẵn lòng bỏ ra ít phút để suy ngẫm những điều hiểu lầm không đáng tiếc chút nào của những du khách thành Amsterdam.
- Book
Authors: Nemeth, Thomas (2017) - This book presents a comprehensive study of the influence of Immanuel Kant's Critical Philosophy in the Russian Empire, spanning the period from the late 19th century to the Bolshevik Revolution. It systematically details the reception bestowed on Kant's ideas during his lifetime and up to and through the era of the First World War. The book traces the tensions arising in the early 19th century between the imported German scholars, who were often bristling with the latest philosophical developments in their homeland, and the more conservative Russian professors and administrators. The book goes on to examine the frequently neglected criticism of Kant in the theological institutions th...
- Book
Authors: Arroyo, Christopher (2017) - This book defends the thesis that Kant's normative ethics and his practical ethics of sex and marriage can be valuable resources for people engaged in the contemporary debate over same-sex marriage. It does so by first developing a reading of Kant's normative ethics that explains the way in which Kant's notions of human moral imperfection unsocial sociability inform his ethical thinking. The book then offers a systematic treatment of Kant's views of sex and marriage, arguing that Kant's views are more defensible than some of his critics have made them out to be. Drawing on Kant's account of marriage and his conception of moral friendship, the book argues that Kant's ethics can be used...
- Book
Authors: Schulting, Dennis (2017) - In this book, Dennis Schulting presents a staunch defence of Kant’s radical subjectivism about the possibility of knowledge. This defence is mounted by means of a comprehensive analysis of what is arguably the centrepiece of Kant’s Critique of Pure Reason, namely, the Transcendental Deduction of the Categories. Radical subjectivism about the possibility of knowledge is to be understood as the thesis that the possibility of knowledge of objects essentially and wholly depends on subjective functions of thought, or the capacity to judge by virtue of transcendental apperception, given sensory input. Subjectivism thus defined is not about merely the necessary conditions of knowledge, but n...
- Conference Paper
Authors: Hasebe, Yasuo (2019) - Minobe tried to purify the public law theory of Japan of foreign factors like political, historical and metaphysical ideas. What he employed as its instrument was the state=corporation doctrine, which was a legacy of the Kantian legal theory. Unconsciously, he endeavoured to realise a Rechtsstaatthat is, according to Kant, an unrealisable ideal, to which humanity should eternally strive to get closer. Minobe’s disciples regarded the state - corporation doctrine as an old-fashioned foreign device, whose utility lapsed once the popular sovereignty principle was established by the new constitution. They did not grasp the lineage of thoughts behind the public law theory that Minobe import...
- Final Year Project (FYP)
Authors: Nguyễn, Hải Âu; Advisor: Vũ, Thị Hoàng Mai (2021) - Karen memes have become a trending phenomenon among English speaking countries recently. However, there has not been many studies focusing on analyzing
how Karen’s identity is constructed in these memes. Accordingly, this research illustrates Karen’s identity framed in Karen memes and the ideologies these memes
manifests by applying an adaptation of Shifman’s typology of memetic dimension and drawing on framework from rhetorical criticism as well as visual rhetoric. Image based memes directly featuring Karen as the main character are collected on Reddit websites, in a subreddit called r/Fuck You Karen. Text, images and context of the memes are analyzed through critical discour...
- Thesis
Authors: Hoang, Thi Tuyet Nhung; Advisor: Nguyen, Thi Hong Van (2015) - Niemand kann die große Rolle Einer Sprache in unserem heutigen Leben verneinen. Sie gilt Tag für Tag als ein notwendiger Bestandteil der menschlichen Tätigkeit. Mit Hilfe der Sprache kann man mit einander Informationen, Kenntnisse, Erfahrungen oder sogar Kulturen austauschen. Falls es keine Sprache gäbe, dann würde sich unsere Gesellschaft nicht so wohl wie heute entwickeln. Aus diesem Grund gewinnen Fremdsprachen immer mehr an Bedeutung
- Book
Authors: - (2017) - This volume offers perspectives from the general public in post-Soviet Central Asia and reconsiders the meaning and the legacy of Soviet administration in Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan. This study emphasizes that the way in which people in Central Asia reconcile their Soviet past to a great extent refers to the three-fold process of recollecting their everyday experiences, reflecting on their past from the perspective of their post-Soviet present, and re-imagining. These three elements influence memories and lead to selectivity in memory construction. This process also emphasizes the aspects of the Soviet era people choose to recall in positive and negative lights. Ultimately...
- Book
Authors: Bonnafé, Cédric (2017) - This monograph provides a comprehensive introduction to the Kazhdan-Lusztig theory of cells in the broader context of the unequal parameter case. Serving as a useful reference, the present volume offers a synthesis of significant advances made since Lusztig's seminal work on the subject was published in 2002. The focus lies on the combinatorics of the partition into cells for general Coxeter groups, with special attention given to induction methods, cellular maps and the role of Lusztig's conjectures. Using only algebraic and combinatorial methods, the author carefully develops proofs, discusses open conjectures, and presents recent research, including a chapter on the action of the c...
- Working Paper
Authors: Nguyen, Quynh Uyen; Sonomoto, Kenji; Nguyen, Huynh Minh Quyen; Advisor: (2010) - Bacteriocins from lactic acid bacteria (LAB) have attracted increasing interest due to their applications not only as safe and natural food preservatives but also as potential antimicrobials. In our study, LAB wereisolated from some traditional Vietnamese fermented foods with plant and animal origins. After isolation, bacteriocin-producing lactic acid bacteria were screened by using direct and spot-on-lawn methods. As a result, one bacteriocin-producing lactic acid bacterium from fermented pork rolls was shown to produce a promising bacteriocin. Then, other studies such as antibacterial spectra and LC-MS of the bacteriocin were carried out in this study.
- Thesis
Authors: Hoang, Duc Hien; Advisor: Wang, Tsung Cheng; Nguyen, Phu Hung (2018) - This master project is about Splendora’s Master Construction Project. Splendora project was conceived and planned in a context of quick growth in residential areas of Hanoi. Our survey on the opinion of project managers about factors that may contribute to the success of the project reveals some important hints on project management policy for the company show 4 key findings. First is the performance of a project is highly dependent to the competency of the project manager, the competence of project management team. Second is criteria relating to company’s organizational structure and culturaldohaveeffectstotheprojectsuccess.Thethirdisexternalenvironmentinfluence the outcomes ofprojec...
- Book
Authors: Martin, Jacqueline (2014) - Contents: Actus Reus -- Mens Rea -- Strict liability -- Participation -- Inchoate offences -- Capacity -- General defences -- Mental capacity defences -- Homicide -- Non-fatal offences against the person -- Sexual offences -- Theft -- Other offences under the theft acts -- Fraud act 2006 -- Criminal damage -- Public order offences.
- Book
Authors: - (2000) - Teacher training has undergone extensive reform in recent years, much of it focused on raising the quality of subject teaching, yet all who work in schools share a set of wider concerns and responsibilities having to do with the education of the whole child. This book provides an authoritative, concise, and accessible collection of readings on cross-curricular issues.
- Thesis
Authors: Le, Do Tuan; Advisor: Shetty, Megh; Ta, Ngoc Cau (2007) - Theoretical view of customer relationship management will be presented. Case study of FPT software will be described and analyzed with specific methodology. Research findings will be presented with three reseach questions. And the recommendation will be done corresponding to previous part.
- Book
Authors: - (2010) - Key Topics in Surgical Research and Methodology represents a comprehensive reference text accessible to the surgeon embarking on an academic career. Key themes emphasize and summarize the text. Four key elements are covered, i.e. Surgical Research, Research Methodology, Practical Problems and Solutions on Research as well as Recent Developments and Future Prospects in Surgical Research and Practice.