- Book
Authors: Tô Hoài (2005) - -
- Book
Authors: - (2017) - 1. Oaks and people: a long journey together; Eustaquio Gil-Pelegrín et al -- 2. An updated infrageneric classification of the oaks: review of previous taxonomic schemes and synthesis of evolutionary patterns; Thomas Denk et al -- 3. The fossil history of Quercus; Eduardo Barrón et al -- 4. Physiological evidence from common garden experiments for local adaptation and adaptive plasticity to climate in American live oaks (Quercus section Virentes): implications for conservation under global change; Jeannine Cavender-Bares, José Ramirez-Valiente -- 5. Oaks under Mediterranean-type climates: functional response to summer aridity; Eustaquio Gil-Pelegrín et al
- Article
Authors: Duy, Ngợi (2014) - -
- Final Year Project (FYP)
Authors: Vũ, Hồng Hạnh; Advisor: Nguyễn, Diệu Hồng (2016) - The study was conducted at a special point of time when historic terms of President Obama was about to end and people began to question if Obama, as the first colored president, had done enough to improve race relations and address racial inequality. Within that context, this study is an attempt to work out his own perceptions on race relations, racial inequality before official inauguration and use these viewpoints as criteria to evaluate his actions during his terms. Finally, the study would come to a conclusion that whether Obama could realize his pre-presidency perceptions in his terms.
The research employs content analysis. Specifically, for the first research question, the stu...
- Book
Authors: - (2017) - This compendium provides a wide view covering everything from molecular mechanisms and risk factors for neurological disorders to the effects of bariatric surgery on brain function and functional neuroimaging applied to obesity research. The impact of obesity on brain function and the development of neurodegenerative and neuroinflammatory disorders has been understudied, despite the recent proliferation of obesity research. Among the topics covered are adipose biology, the adipose tissue - gut - brain axis, brain energy metabolism, dementia, cerebrovascular disease, and multiple sclerosis.Preface; Contents; Part I: Adipose Tissue Biology and Crosstalks; Chapter 1: Function and Dysfunc...
- Book
Authors: - (2017) - Due to the resultant health consequences and considerable increase in prevalence, obesity has become a major worldwide health problem. Obesity and Lipotoxicity" is a comprehensive review of the recent researches to provide a better understanding of the lipotoxicity-related mechanisms of obesity and the potential for the development of new treatment strategies. This book overviews the biochemical pathways leading to obesity-related metabolic disorders that occur subsequent to lipotoxicity. Chapters examine the deleterious effects of nutrient excess at molecular level including the cellular and molecular aspects of breast cancer, resistance to leptin, insulin, adiponectin, and interconn...
- Thesis
Authors: Nguyễn, Đình Tuân; Advisor: Tran, Quoc Long (2021) - Artificial intelligence has advanced in recent years, enabling the development of numerous applications for seeing the physical world and assisting humans with a variety of activities. Among the numerous applications of video understanding problems, one of the more challenging branches is object movement analysis. To understand object movement, we must rely on the context of the activity to indicate the object’s states, such as shopping, going to the hospital, participating in sports, or crowd behavior. Despite the amount of studies, the majority of studies focus on specific behaviors, and there is currently no comprehensive model for this topic. This thesis establishes a framework fo...
- Book
Authors: Kendal, Simon (-) - This book will explain the Object Oriented approach to programming and through the use of small exercises, for which feedback is provided, develop some practical skills as well…
- Book
Authors: Kendal, Simon (-) - This book will explain the Object Oriented approach to programming and through the use of small exercises, for which feedback is provided, develop some practical skills as well…
- Book
Authors: - (2008) - This book brings together a collection of invited interdisciplinary persp- tives on the recent topic of Object-based Image Analysis (OBIA). Its c- st tent is based on select papers from the 1 OBIA International Conference held in Salzburg in July 2006, and is enriched by several invited chapters. All submissions have passed through a blind peer-review process resulting in what we believe is a timely volume of the highest scientific, theoretical and technical standards. The concept of OBIA first gained widespread interest within the GIScience (Geographic Information Science) community circa 2000, with the advent of the first commercial software for what was then termed 'obje- oriented ...
- Book
Authors: Nussbaum, Sven (2008) - -
- Book
Authors: - (2007) - This book has long been the essential reference to object-oriented technology, which, in turn, has evolved to join the mainstream of industrial-strength software development. In this third edition--the first revision in 13 years--readers can learn to apply object-oriented methods using new paradigms such as Java, the Unified Modeling Language (UML) 2.0, and .NET. The authors draw upon their rich and varied experience to offer improved methods for object development and numerous examples that tackle the complex problems faced by software engineers, including systems architecture, data acquisition, cryptoanalysis, control systems, and Web development. They illustrate essential concepts,...
- Book
Authors: Craig, I. (-) - This comprehensive examination of the main approaches to object-oriented language explains the key features of the languages in use today. Class-based, prototypes and Actor languages are all looked at and compared in terms of their semantic concepts. In providing such a wide-ranging comparison, this book provides a unique overview of the main approaches to object-oriented languages. Exercises of varying length, some of which can be extended into mini-projects are included at the end of each chapter. This book can be used as part of courses on Comparative Programming Languages or Programming Language Semantics at Second or Third Year Undergraduate Level. Some understanding of programmi...
- Book
Authors: Meyer, Bertrand (1997) - This volume aims to study how practicing software developers, in industrial as well as academic environments, can use object technology to improve the quality of the software they produce. It includes topics on concurrency and Internet programming.
- Book
Authors: Bruegge, Bernd ; Dutoit, Allen H. (2014) - For courses in Software Engineering, Software Development, or Object-Oriented Design and Analysis at the Junior/Senior or Graduate level. This text can also be utilized in short technical courses or in short, intensive management courses.
- Book
Authors: - (2008) - This report covers the activities of the 4th European Lisp and Scheme Workshop. We introduce the motivation for a workshop focussing on languages in the Lisp family, and mention relevant organ-isational aspects. We summarize the presentations and discussions, in-cluding Alexander Repenning’s keynote talk, and provide pointers to related work and events.
- Book
Authors: Tsang, Curtis H. K. ; Lau, Clarence S. W. ; Leung, Ying K. (2010) - This book is written for students and developers who wish to master the essential skills and techniques in applying the Unified Modeling Language (UML) for software development. The reader will learn object-oriented analysis, design, and implementation using appropriate UML models, processes, techniques, and tools. Accompanying this book is the Community Edition of Visual Paradigm for UMP (VP-UML), an award-winning Computer-Aided Software Engineering (CASE) tool, which allows the reader to put the theories learned into practice immediately.
- Book
Authors: Lehmann, Denis (1993) - Pour une approche culturelle de la comm unication spécialisée -- D es publics d'une extrêm e diversité -- Le poids des réalités économ iques, sociales et in stitutionnelles -- Un problèm e didactique ancien -- Besoins langagiers et besoins d’apprentissage -- D es program m es axés sur les contenus langagiers : syllabus et curriculums -- Un autre regard sur Pélaboration des programmes -- La place de la composante linguistique
- Article
Authors: Dang, Ngoc Hanh (2010) - The demand for newly constructing of drainage pumping station in Red river delta has
increased recently. Total drainage volume for the whole region in 2006 was 2406.8m
/s, and it was
predicted to increase to 5181.3m
/s in 2020 [1]. The average drainage coefficient for the year from
2010 to 2020 will be 7. 0 l/s per hectar, three and a haft time higher than the aver age drainage
coefficient for the period from 1954 to 1973; 1.8 times higher than 1973 to 1976 and 1.3 times
higher than 1976 to 2000. This article aims to provide the primary analysis of objective (drainage
requirement) and subjective fact...
- Book
Authors: Tulenheimo, Tero (2017) - This book develops a novel generalization of possible world semantics, called ‘world line semantics’, which recognizes worlds and links between world-bound objects (world lines) as mutually independent aspects of modal semantics. Addressing a wide range of questions vital for contemporary debates in logic and philosophy of language and offering new tools for theoretical linguistics and knowledge representation, the book proposes a radically new paradigm in modal semantics. This framework is motivated philosophically, viewing a structure of world lines as a precondition of modal talk. The author provides a uniform analysis of quantification over individuals (physical objects) and objec...