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Showing results 67717 to 67736 of 101372
  • 2017_Book_S-BPMInTheProductionIndustry.pdf.jpg
  • Book

  • Authors: - (2017)

  • This book is open access under a CC BY-NC 4.0 license. This volume presents several case studies highlighting the latest findings in Industry 4.0 projects utilizing S-BPM features. Their potential is explored in detail, while the limits of engineering a company from a communication-centred perspective are also discussed. After a general introduction and an overview of the book in chapter 1, chapter 2 starts by condensing the industrial challenges driven by the German "Industry 4.0" trend to form a concrete vision for future production industries. Subsequently, chapter 3 introduces the basic concepts of S-BPM and its capabilities, in particular for supporting the restructuring of proce...

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  • Book

  • Authors: Román-Odio, Clara (2013)

  • This book examines the iconography of the Virgin of Guadalupe as a force for social justice and feminist emancipation within Chicana cultural productions from 1975-2010. In these productions the Virgin serves as a paradigm to unlock the histories of conquest and colonization, racism, and sexual oppression in the US-Mexico borderland and beyond...

  • 2017_Book_SafetyAndEfficacyOfGene_BasedT.pdf.jpg
  • Book

  • Authors: - (2017)

  • In this book, leading international experts analyze state-of-the-art advances in gene transfer vectors for applications in inherited disorders and also examine the toxicity profiles of these methods. The authors discuss the strengths and weaknesses of available vectors in the clinical setting, and specifically focus on the challenges and possible solutions that researchers are testing in order to improve the safety of gene therapy for genetic diseases. This comprehensive and authoritative overview of vector development is a necessary text for researchers, toxicologists, pharmacologists, molecular biologists, physicians, and students in these fields.

  • 2017_Book_SafetyAssessmentOfGeneticallyM.pdf.jpg
  • Book

  • Authors: Huang, Kunlun (2017)

  • This book introduces readers to food safety assessment research on Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs). As is broadly known, the main concerns about GM foods' adverse effects on health are the nutrients, toxicity, allergenicity and unexpected effects. Before GMOs can be made commercially available, a comprehensive food safety assessment - taking these concerns into account - must first be performed. Exploring these aspects, the book is divided into two parts: the first part focuses on the safety assessment guidelines of the CAC, while the second highlights new methods used for the evaluation of GMOs' safety. Offering an essential, practical guide, it will be of interest to researche...

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  • Book

  • Authors: - (2009)

  • In spite of the potential use of nanomaterials as tissue engineering devices, implants, biosensors, drug delivery devices, etc., there has yet to be a compilation of the risks associated with the in vivo use of nanomaterials. There are numerous and well-known risks because of the size of nanoparticles. For example, nanoparticles can cross cell membranes and enter the cytoplasm undetected. The aim of this book is to provide one of the first detailed overviews of how cells and tissues in the body deal with nanoparticles. This is important not only for implantable devices, but also for the manufacturing of nanophase materials when particles can be inhaled or enter the body through the sk...

  • 2017_Book_SafetyEthicsAndRegulations.pdf.jpg
  • Book

  • Authors: - (2017)

  • This invaluable resource discusses the saftey, ethics, and regulations of developing stem cell clinical applications. Each chapter is contributed by a preeminent scientist in the field and covers such topics as clinical safety of stem cell gene therapy, the patentability of hESC technologies, international guidelines, challenges to international stem cell clinical trials, worldwide regulations including in emerging markets like China and Taiwan. Saftey, Ethics, and Regulations and the other books in the Stem Cells in Clinical Applications series will be invaluable to scientists, researchers, advanced students and clinicians working in stem cells, regenerative medicine or tissue engine...

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  • Book

  • Authors: - (2015)

  • Part I LAND, HISTORY AND CULTURE -- 1. Modern Japan in history -- Andrew Cobbing -- 2. Anthropology of modern Japan / Carolyn S. Stevens -- 3. The practice of religion in Japan: an exploration of the state of the field / Lucia Dolce -- 4. Mass media in Japan / Katja Valaskivi -- 5. Heritage management in present-day Japan / Noriaki Nishiyama -- 6. Geography's contributions to Japanese Studies / Mary McDonald -- 7. Regionalism and the local / Anthony Rausch -- Part II SOCIETY -- 8. Education / Robert W. Aspinall -- 9. Feminism / Vera Mackie -- 10. "How to Sex"? The contested nature of sexuality in Japan / Mark McLelland -- 11. Gender equity in Japan / Joyce Gelb -- 12. Policing in Japa...

  • 2841.pdf.jpg
  • Book

  • Authors: - (2008)

  • Obesity is an epidemic in most developed countries. Bariatric surgery is growing at an exponential rate, with more than 140,000 bariatric operations performed in the U.S. yearly. In keeping with the other manuals in the series, The SAGES Manual of Bariatric Surgery presents a practical "how to" approach to minimally invasive bariatric surgery. The patient care needs are addressed in introductory chapters dealing with the rationale for surgery; overview of operations; preoperative assessment; psychological evaluation; and postoperative follow up, including behavioral issues and dietary guidelines. The editors then address the practicalities of setting up a bariatric program and both...

  • TNS10646.pdf.jpg
  • Article

  • Authors: Trần, Đức Công (2002)

  • Tất cả chúng ta đều do tứ đại hợp thành. Mặc dầu người da đen, người da trắng, người cao, người thấp, sai biệt nam giới khác nữ giới ở nhiều điểm nhưng sai biệt trên bình đẳng là do tứ đại hợp thành...

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  • Journal Article

  • Authors: Duong, Phuoc M,; Harms, Erik (2012-01)

  • Urban development is a double-edged sword. While plans of development transform the material landscape with visions of wealth and luxury, they also work to discipline humanity to the logic of global capital. In Saigon’s Edge: On the Margins of Ho Chi Minh City, Erik Harms finely illustrates the effects of rapid urban growth on the lives of those who live on the fringe of Hồ Chí Minh City.

  • 60_SalesPerformanceImprovementOfOcsVietnamHanoiBranch_NguyenThiThoa_2015_E_T700249.pdf.jpg
  • Final Year Project (FYP)

  • Authors: Nguyen, Thi Thoa;  Advisor: Dao, Tung (2015)

  • The thesis goes to find the answer for the question how to increase sales performance at OCS Company, focusing on the main criteria to measure sales performance, what affect it and the factors actually trigger high performance at OCS Companion.

  • 2017_Book_SalicylicAcidAMultifacetedHorm.pdf.jpg
  • Book

  • Authors: - (2017)

  • This book provides an overview of current knowledge, ideas and trends in the field of induced acclimation of plants to environmental challenges. Presenting recent advances in our understanding of the importance of salicylic acid, it paves the way for deciphering the precise role of salicylic acid in the field of plant physiology, biochemistry and agronomy, and breeding stress-tolerant and high-yielding sustainable transgenic crops. Adopting a mechanistic approach, the book offers valuable information on the role of salicylic acid in combating varied abiotic stresses. Plants are challenged by biotic and abiotic stresses. They adjust to changing environmental conditions by adopting vari...

  • 960.pdf.jpg
  • Book

  • Authors: - (2009)

  • Salinity and water stress limit crop productivity worldwide and generate substantial economic losses each year, yet innovative research on crop and natural resource management can reveal cost-effective ways in which farmers can increase both their productivity and their income. Presenting recent research findings on salt stress, water stress and stress-adapted plants, this book offers insights into new strategies for increasing the efficiency of crops under stressful environments. The strategies are based on conventional breeding and advanced molecular techniques used by plant physiologists, and are discussed using specific case studies to illustrate their potential. The book empha...

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