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Showing results 71604 to 71623 of 101371
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  • Book Review

  • Authors: Đào, Đại Nghĩa (2022)

  • Tác giả Rosie Nguyễn đã mở đầu cuốn sách nhỏ này với những chia sẻ rõ nét, chân thực và pha chút sự hài hước bên trong. Đấy cũng là cách mà cô “dẫn dắt” tôi trong suốt hành trình Ta ba lô trên đất Á – cuốn sách du ký đầu tiên của một tác giả người Việt với các chỉ dẫn dẫn đầy đủ chi tiết về việc đi du lịch bụi.Bản thân là người thích đi phượt và thích đọc những cuốn sách chia sẻ kinh nghiệm đi phượt.

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  • Journal Article

  • Authors: Võ, Quang Yến (1959-12-15)

  • “Trọng lực trên mặt cung trăng rất yếu, so với trọng lực trên mặt đất ta ở, chỉ bằng độ 16%. Với một trọng lực yếu như vậy, cung trăng không thể giữ được lâu khí quyển và các chất dễ bốc hơi.”

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  • Journal Article

  • Authors: Tri Tân (1941)

  • "Dân tộc Việt Nam ta là một dân tộc giầu lòng sùng bái vĩ nhân. Không một người của lịch sử nào đã có công với đất nước mà không được dân gian lập đền thờ. Ngoài Bắc, ở Hà nội, "đền Hai Bà" thờ Trưng nữ vương; trong Nam, ở Gia định "đền Ông thờ Lê văn Duyệt. Hằng ngày, có người trí thức đến chiêm ngưỡng, người bình dân đến lễ bái..."

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  • Book

  • Authors: Chama, Brian (2017)

  • This book provides a timely and important summary of tabloid journalism in Africa, which clearly shows how tabloids in the African context play a unique role in the democratization process. Prior to this book, very little was known about how tabloid journalists operate in Africa. The book first explores the global practice of journalism and then focuses on tabloid journalism – finally situating the discussion within the African context. As well as concentrating on how tabloid journalism can be seen as part of the broader neo-liberal thinking in Africa, in which democracy and freedom of expression is promoted, it also looks at how tabloid journalism practice has been met with resistanc...

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  • Conference Paper

  • Authors: Gangal, Vibhu (2019)

  • A new financial crisis in making and a key reason for financial instability in Asia’s emergent economies is ballooning corporate debt-trap due to industry life cycles, demanding an overhaul of sectoral fundamentals. Characterized by non-performance of companies, evinced as defaults, such cyclic and unpredictable declines engulf banks and subsequently, the entire economy. Alleviating such shocks demands capital and industry specific expertise, difficult to be availed timely and locally in EMEs. Despite recourses available to banks, some observations are counter-intuitive. What could hold monetary transmission to take effect in such conditions? What could explain policy stance of not pr...

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  • Book

  • Authors: Makowski, Piotr Tomasz (2017)

  • Machine generated contents note: Introduction: Theory of Efficient Action---The Task of Reinterpretation -- Virtues and Vices of Kotarbinski's Praxiology --Effectiveness and Efficiency: The Praxiological Sense of Actions --Consequences of Concretism: Rationality and Reasons for Action --Organization of Actions and Planning -- Automaticity and the Economization of Actions -- Shared Agency: The Praxiological Approach

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  • Thesis

  • Authors: Bùi, Thị Ngọc Tuyền;  Advisor: Võ, Đại Quang (2014)

  • Tag question is a special type of questions in English, which is frequently used by native speakers in daily conversations. However, students at Tran Phu High School, Quang Ninh Province usually make mistakes in using this grammatical structure so they cannot communicate successfully. This thesis is an attempt to help students master the nature of tag questions and become more confident in using them. In this thesis, the following points have been raised : the most relevant factors involving a tag question such as notions of tag questions, polarity, operators, intonation. Syntactic and semantic features of tag questions are also clearly present...

  • 2017_Book_TagoreAndNationalism.pdf.jpg
  • Book

  • Authors: - (2017)

  • This volume brings together eminent Tagore scholars and younger writers to revisit the concepts of nation, nationalism, identity and selfhood, civilization, culture and homeland in Tagore's writings. As these ideas take up the centre-stage of politics in the subcontinent as also elsewhere in the world in the 21st century, it becomes extremely relevant to revisit his works in this context. Tagore's ambivalence towards nationalism as an ideology was apparent in the responses in his discussions with Indians and non-Indians alike. Tagore developed the concept of 'syncretic' civilization as a basis of nationalist civilizational unity, where society was central, unlike the European model of...

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