- Conference Paper
Authors: Banroi, Kanyarat (2019) - According to many studies related to wage differences between genders, it was found that the factors that determine wage differences between men and women started by Oaxaca and Blinder (1973). Pointed out that the difference in wages can be divided into 2 parts as follows, firstly, the explanatory parts that are caused by human capital differences, such as education, skills. For the second part, the unexplainable parts caused by gender discrimination. As for the factors that can explain the differences in wages between genders in human capital, Monk-Turner and Turner (2001) studied the wage differences between male and female Korean workers in 1988 by Oaxaca method (1973) found that w...
- Book
Authors: Hollings, Christopher ; Lawson, Mark V. (2017) - The theories of V.V. Wagner (1908-1981) on abstractions of systems of binary relations are presented here within their historical and mathematical contexts. This book contains the first translation from Russian into English of a selection of Wagner's papers, the ideas of which are connected to present-day mathematical research. Along with a translation of Wagner's main work in this area, his 1953 paper 'Theory of generalised heaps and generalised groups, ' the book also includes translations of three short precursor articles that provide additional context for his major work. Researchers and students interested in both algebra (in particular, heaps, semiheaps, generalised heaps, semig...
- Book
Authors: - (2017) - This book constitutes the proceedings of the 11th International Workshop on Algorithms and Computation, WALCOM 2017, held in Hsinchu, Taiwan, in March 2017. The 35 full papers presented together with three invited talks were carefully reviewed and selected from 83 submissions. The papers are organized in topical sections on invited talks; computational geometry; combinatorial optimization; graph drawing; graph algorithms; space-efficient algorithms; computational complexity; approximation algorithms.Invited talks -- Computational geometry -- Combinatorial optimization -- Graph drawing -- Graph algorithms -- Space-efficient algorithms -- Computational complexity -- Approximation algori...
- Book
Authors: Palinski-Wade, Erin (2015) - If you're looking to lose weight and get fit, Walking the Weight Off For Dummies will show you just what to do to walk yourself to a whole new you. Whether you want to burn fat, boost your energy level, improve your mood, shed your belly, or just get toned, this easy to read, fun and friendly guide will have you putting your best foot forward — over and over again! Inside you'll discover which workouts are the best to achieve your specific goals, how low-impact walking is perfect for fat-burning, how to pick the right pair of shoes for walking, and so much more.
Walking is the number one form of exercise in America, and studies show that it is highly effective in achieving multiple h...
- Book
Authors: Devereux Herbeck, Mariah (2013) - How and when can a narrative agent or voice be considered unreliable? What happens when narrative authority fails and, just as importantly, why does it? As a means to answering these questions, Wandering Women in French Film and Literature examines the phenomenon of 'narrative drift' through in-depth analysis of twentieth-century novels and films...
- Book
Authors: Khadiagala, Gilbert M. (2017) - Contents: Security and governance in the Great Lakes region : an introduction Gilbert M. Khadiagala -- Burundi : between war and negative peace Yolande Bouka -- The Democratic Republic of the Congo : an elusive peace Jason K. Stearns -- Rwanda : setting the stage for 2017 and beyond Carina Tertsakian -- Uganda in the Great Lakes region : obstacles to peace and security Paul Omach -- The African Union's role in maintaining peace and security in the Great Lakes region Solomon Dersso -- The European Union and the Great Lakes region : constraints and inconsistencies Marie V. Gibert -- The United Nations in the Great Lakes region Emily Paddon Rhoads -- 9. Conclusions : reve...
- Book
Authors: - (2017) - This book examines the relationship between wartime conflict and theatre practices. Bringing together a diverse collection of essays in one volume, it offers both a geographically and historically wide view of the subject, taking examples from Britain, Australia and America to the Middle East, Korea and China, and spanning the fifth century BCE to the present day. It explores the ways in which theatre practices have been manipulated for use in political and military propaganda, such as the employment of scenographers to work on camouflage and the application of acting methods in espionage training. It also maps the change in relationships between performers and audiences as a result o...
- Journal Article
Authors: Race, Jeffrey (2011) - Jeffrey Race was born in Norwalk, Connecticut, in 1943. After attending that city’s public schools, he graduated from Harvard College in 1965 with a bachelor’s degree in government. While at Harvard, Race was a member of the Reserve Officers Training Corps (ROTC), and he served on active duty in the United States Army in Vietnam during 1965–1967. He returned to Vietnam as a civilian in 1967–1968 to conduct the research that led to his classic 1972 study, War Comes to Long An: Revolutionary Conflict in a Vietnamese Province.1 He worked as a contractor for the Advanced Research Projects Agency of the United States Department of Defense in Bangkok during 1968–1969, and received his docto...
- Journal Article
Authors: Miller, Edward (2006) - This paper examines the recent debate between historians Keith Taylor and Robert Buzzanco over the interpretation of the Vietnam War and considers the implications of the debate for the future of Vietnam War studies. Miller analyzes Taylor and Buzzanco's differences over the origins and evolution of the war, and finds that both historians rely too heavily on the Cold War to explain the motives and actions of leaders and groups who participated in the conflict. The paper concludes with a proposal to reconceptualize the war as a contest among the multiple ways of thinking about modernization
- Book
Authors: - (2017) - This exciting new collection examines the relationships between warfare, myths, and fairy tales, and explores the connections and contradictions between the narratives of war and magic that dominate the ways in which people live and have lived, survived, considered and described their world. Presenting original contributions and critical reflections that explore fairy tales, fantasy and wars, be they "real" or imagined, past or present, this book looks at creative works in popular culture, stories of resistance, the history and representation of global and local conflicts, the Holocaust, across multiple media. It offers a timely and important overview of the latest research in the fie...
- Book
Authors: Eichler, Jan (2017) - Contents: Theoretical inspiration : three key authors -- From Sarajevo to San Francisco -- The Cold War -- From the end of the Cold War to the end of the Global War on Terror -- From the dissolution of the Soviet Union toward the annexation of Crimea.
- Journal Article
Authors: Koh, David (2008) - -
- Final Year Project (FYP)
Authors: Đình, Thị Thùy; Advisor: Nguyễn, Thúy Lan (2015) - The globalization makes English learning become very important to the modernization and industrialization of Vietnam. To meet “Basic requirements of English teachers” set by MOET, 2nd-year mainstream students at ULIS have to take C1-level test at the end of the second year at the university. This test affects their learning significantly. Since there is little research on this in Vietnam, this study was carried out to investigate the washback effects of C1-level test on students’ English learning motivation in the perception of 2nd-year mainstream students at FELTE, ULIS. Hopefully, the research would be a source of reference for the teachers and leadership to understand how students’...
- Thesis
Authors: Nguyễn, Thị Mừng; Advisor: Vũ, Hải Hà (2021) - The study of the Washback effect has been given scant attention at the high school level. This thesis is concerned with the Washback effect in relation to English speaking skills. This case study was conducted to examine the students‟ and teachers‟ perspectives on the Washback effect and influences of the Vietnamese National Upper-Secondary exam on English speaking skills. One hundred, English students from the 12 grade and sixteen teachers from two schools, in Hanoi, Vietnam, were administering a five-point Likert questionnaire that soliciting their opinion and affective attitudes regarding The teaching and learning of English communicative skills; their attitudes regarding teaching ...
- Article
Authors: Thu, Dinh Minh (2020) - Research on washback, i.e. test impacts on teaching and learning in class, of high-stake
English tests is prevalent. Little attention has, however, been paid to washback of an English achievement
test (EAT) albeit its highly practical significance including reporting and improving teacher effectiveness
right in a programme in a specific context (El-Kafafi, 2012; Antineskul & Sheveleva, 2015). The present
paper aims to explore teachers’ perceptions of the teaching contents under the influence of an EAT which
steps up to an English Proficiency Test - PET (or B1 level equivalent) for university undergraduates in
Vietnam as required for graduation by Vietnam’s Ministry of Educ...
- Dissertation
Authors: Đinh, Minh Thu; Advisor: Duong, Thu Mai (2021) - The teachers stated their appreciation of the communicative language teaching while their practice was shaped with more features of the grammar-translation. In terms of the last aspect in concern, i.e, the teachers’ career development, while the teachers expected more training and sharing regarding the new test, few professional activities were witnessed throughout the research time. Positive washback was found in the teachers' alignment between the test contents and the taught contents, their positive feeling toward the textbook, and their motivator role, etc. Negative washback evidence lay in the teachers' teaching-to-the-test, teacher-centred classes, etc. Most findings supported p...
- Journal Article
Authors: Dinh, Thi Phuong Hoa (2020) - This study reports on the effects English proficiency test (EPT) (based on the Six-level Foreign language proficiency framework for Vietnam) for graduates on classroom teaching and learning activities. The study, known as the only research investigating washback in language education through classroom observation so far, explores the washback, the influence of testing on 9 teachers and 679 non-English major students. The study, conducted at the National University of Arts Education, combines classroom observation with data from interview, questionaire responses and document analysis to determine whether washback exists, to what degree it operates, and whether it is a positive or negat...
- Article
Authors: Dinh, Thi Phuong Hoa (2020) - A study in Vietnam concerning the effects of The Vietnam Six-levels of Foreign Language Proficiency Framework, specially English Proficiency Tests for graduates, on classroom teaching and learning activities are reported. The study explores the phenomenon of washback or backwash, the influences of testing on 9 teachers and 679 non-English major students. It is cited as the only known research investigating washback in language education through classroom observation. The study was conducted at National University of Art Education, and combined classroom observations with data from interview, questionaire responses and document analysis to determine whether washback exist, to what degr...
- Final Year Project (FYP)
Authors: Bùi, Thanh Hường; Advisor: Dương, Thu Mai (2018) - With the introduction of the Project 2020, students at most universities in Vietnam have to pass the graduation proficiency assessment. The understandings of the test effects on learning and teaching, or washback, are essential for the teachers, students and test administrators to gain desirable test outcomes. However, little is known about test’s washback, particularly washback on students in Vietnam. This study, hence, investigate the perception of students of a graduation proficiency assessment and the washback of the test on students’s test preparation strategies through questionnaires and interviews. The results show that students have positive perceptions towards the graduation ...
- Conference Paper
Authors: Đinh, Thi Phuong Hoa (2018) - In educational research, tests have been considered one of the dominant determiners of what happens in classrooms that can influence teaching and learning activities - English proficiency tests in particular. In this paper, the influences have been classified directly and indirectly, either positively or negatively, or both. Therefore, the positive or negative influences of tests are related to washback. This study investigated how The Vietnam Six-levels of Foreign Language Proficiency Framework and its English proficiency tests affect institutional policies and teaching of English as foreign language for non-English major students at National University of Arts Education in Hanoi,...