Browsing by Author Bach, Thi Thanh Thanh

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  • SV.12.06_EN.pdf.jpg
  • Article

  • Authors: Pham, Ngoc Duy; Nguyen, Duc Vinh; Bach, Thi Thanh Thanh (2012)

  • Abstract: Through the understanding and analysis of the situation demands and the assignment of Vietnam's automobile consumer (from price segment related to income, and style); so that there may be proper orientation for the development of automobile industry in Vietnam. Furthermore, by analyzing the market and found that the cause of the automotive market distortions are specific market failures such as information asymmetry, oligopolistic - monopoly power measurement in automobile industry of Vietnam and the influence (lobby); of the interest groups cause. From then make some recommendations to overcome the bias of the market, which is the first step to properly perceive the proces...

Browsing by Author Bach, Thi Thanh Thanh

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Showing results 1 to 1 of 1
  • SV.12.06_EN.pdf.jpg
  • Article

  • Authors: Pham, Ngoc Duy; Nguyen, Duc Vinh; Bach, Thi Thanh Thanh (2012)

  • Abstract: Through the understanding and analysis of the situation demands and the assignment of Vietnam's automobile consumer (from price segment related to income, and style); so that there may be proper orientation for the development of automobile industry in Vietnam. Furthermore, by analyzing the market and found that the cause of the automotive market distortions are specific market failures such as information asymmetry, oligopolistic - monopoly power measurement in automobile industry of Vietnam and the influence (lobby); of the interest groups cause. From then make some recommendations to overcome the bias of the market, which is the first step to properly perceive the proces...