Browsing by Author Nguyen, Quoc Tuan

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  • 1.pdf.jpg
  • Article

  • Authors: Lam, Sinh Cong; Nguyen, Quoc Tuan; Kumbesan, Sandrasegaran (2019)

  • Fractional Frequency Reuse (FFR) is a promising to improve the spectrum e ciency in the LongTerm Evolution (LTE) cellular network. In the literature, various research works have been conducted to evaluate the performance of FFR. However, the presented analytical approach only dealt with the special cases in which the users are divided into 2 groups and only two power levels are utilised. In this paper, we consider a general case of FFR in which the users are classified into  groups and each group is assigned a serving power level. The mathematical model of the general FFR is presented and analysed through a stochastic geometry approach. The derived analytical results in terms of av...

  • [doi 10.1109%2Fcyberc.2010.69] Tuan, Nguyen Quoc; Nguyen, Dinh-Thong -- [IEEE 2010 International Conference on Cyber-Enabled Distributed Computing and Knowledge Discovery (CyberC) - Huangshan, China.pdf.jpg
  • Conference paper

  • Authors: Nguyen, Quoc Tuan; Nguyen, Dinh-Thong (2010)

  • Dual feedback control algorithm has proved to allow the base station to respond quickly and efficiently to the uplink bandwidth request in broadband wireless access (BWA) networks [2][3]. In this algorithm the bandwidth request is calculated based on both the length of the backlogged queue and the mismatch between packet arrival and service rates. However, the physical channel quality, SNR, does not play any role in the algorithm; therefore the algorithm is suboptimal with respect to bandwidth utilization. Under fading conditions modern BWA networks employ adaptive modulation and coding (AMC) which has only a finite number of discrete service rates to grant to subscribers. In this pap...

  • Selection of Appropriate Number of CRs in Cooperative Spectrum Sensing over Suzuki Fading.pdf.jpg
  • Article

  • Authors: Dinh, Thị Thai Mai; Nguyen, Thanh Long; Nguyen, Quoc Tuan (2016)

  • With the rapid development of wireless communications, the radio spectrum is becoming scarce. However, researchers have shown that many portions of licensed spectrum unused for significant periods of time. Recently, cognitive radio has been proposed as a very effective mechanism which allows Cognitive Radio Users (CRs) to utilize the idle unused licensed bands. The main challenge for a CR is to detect the existence of Primary User (PU) in order to minimize the interference to it. In this paper, we study the cooperative spectrum sensing under Suzuki composite fading channel which is the mixture of Rayleigh fading channel and Log-normal shadowing channel. Besides, we also concentrate o...

  • item.jpg
  • Conference Paper

  • Authors: Lam, Sinh Cong; Doan, Duy Manh; Nguyen, Quoc Tuan; Xiaoying, Kong; Kumbesan, Sandrasegaran (2019)

  • In this paper, we study Ultra Dense Networks (UDN) in which the density of BSs is distributed with a density of up to 100 BS/km 2 . This paper utilizes the stretched path loss model which recently has been introduced as an appropriate model for short communications. We introduces a new approach to control the transmit power of the user in which the user's transmit power depends on the distance between the user and its associated Base Station (BS), signal power attenuation. The user performance metric in terms of average coverage probability is mathematically derived. The analytical results indicates that in the case of utilizing power control, increasing the transmit power and the den...

Browsing by Author Nguyen, Quoc Tuan

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Showing results 1 to 4 of 4
  • 1.pdf.jpg
  • Article

  • Authors: Lam, Sinh Cong; Nguyen, Quoc Tuan; Kumbesan, Sandrasegaran (2019)

  • Fractional Frequency Reuse (FFR) is a promising to improve the spectrum e ciency in the LongTerm Evolution (LTE) cellular network. In the literature, various research works have been conducted to evaluate the performance of FFR. However, the presented analytical approach only dealt with the special cases in which the users are divided into 2 groups and only two power levels are utilised. In this paper, we consider a general case of FFR in which the users are classified into  groups and each group is assigned a serving power level. The mathematical model of the general FFR is presented and analysed through a stochastic geometry approach. The derived analytical results in terms of av...

  • [doi 10.1109%2Fcyberc.2010.69] Tuan, Nguyen Quoc; Nguyen, Dinh-Thong -- [IEEE 2010 International Conference on Cyber-Enabled Distributed Computing and Knowledge Discovery (CyberC) - Huangshan, China.pdf.jpg
  • Conference paper

  • Authors: Nguyen, Quoc Tuan; Nguyen, Dinh-Thong (2010)

  • Dual feedback control algorithm has proved to allow the base station to respond quickly and efficiently to the uplink bandwidth request in broadband wireless access (BWA) networks [2][3]. In this algorithm the bandwidth request is calculated based on both the length of the backlogged queue and the mismatch between packet arrival and service rates. However, the physical channel quality, SNR, does not play any role in the algorithm; therefore the algorithm is suboptimal with respect to bandwidth utilization. Under fading conditions modern BWA networks employ adaptive modulation and coding (AMC) which has only a finite number of discrete service rates to grant to subscribers. In this pap...

  • Selection of Appropriate Number of CRs in Cooperative Spectrum Sensing over Suzuki Fading.pdf.jpg
  • Article

  • Authors: Dinh, Thị Thai Mai; Nguyen, Thanh Long; Nguyen, Quoc Tuan (2016)

  • With the rapid development of wireless communications, the radio spectrum is becoming scarce. However, researchers have shown that many portions of licensed spectrum unused for significant periods of time. Recently, cognitive radio has been proposed as a very effective mechanism which allows Cognitive Radio Users (CRs) to utilize the idle unused licensed bands. The main challenge for a CR is to detect the existence of Primary User (PU) in order to minimize the interference to it. In this paper, we study the cooperative spectrum sensing under Suzuki composite fading channel which is the mixture of Rayleigh fading channel and Log-normal shadowing channel. Besides, we also concentrate o...

  • item.jpg
  • Conference Paper

  • Authors: Lam, Sinh Cong; Doan, Duy Manh; Nguyen, Quoc Tuan; Xiaoying, Kong; Kumbesan, Sandrasegaran (2019)

  • In this paper, we study Ultra Dense Networks (UDN) in which the density of BSs is distributed with a density of up to 100 BS/km 2 . This paper utilizes the stretched path loss model which recently has been introduced as an appropriate model for short communications. We introduces a new approach to control the transmit power of the user in which the user's transmit power depends on the distance between the user and its associated Base Station (BS), signal power attenuation. The user performance metric in terms of average coverage probability is mathematically derived. The analytical results indicates that in the case of utilizing power control, increasing the transmit power and the den...