Browsing by Author Vu, Quang Dung

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  • 168.pdf.jpg
  • Article

  • Authors: Vu, Quang Dung; Nguyen, Viet Ha; To, Van Khanh (2007)

  • In designing embedded systems, the exploration and synthesis of different design altematives and co-verification of a specific implementation are the most demanding tasks. Kaffe, an open-source technology, provides a platform for building a runtime environment and integrating different design methodologies. Integrating Kaffe into embedded systems is the cornerstone of java-like technologies, allowing possibilities such as the development of portable programs on mobile devices. In this paper, we introduce a co-design environment based on Kaffe vvhich supports the specification and prototyping o f dynamically reconfigurable embedded systems.

  • 84.pdf.jpg
  • Article

  • Authors: Vu, Quang Dung; Nguyen, Viet Ha (2011)

  • In this paper, vve propose a solution for a worstl-case execution time (WCET) analyzable Java system - a combination of a time predictable Java processor and a method WCET analysis at Java bytecode level. The execution time of bytecodes, the instructions of the Java virtual machine, is known cycle accurately for Java processor, which simplifies the low-level WCET analysis [1 . In hard real-time systems, the estimation of the WCET is essential. WCET analysis is in general an undecidable problem. As concerning above, we propose some of WCET analysis methods using control flow graph applied for high-level and low-level Java processor. Java bytecode generation has to follow stringent rul...

Browsing by Author Vu, Quang Dung

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  • 168.pdf.jpg
  • Article

  • Authors: Vu, Quang Dung; Nguyen, Viet Ha; To, Van Khanh (2007)

  • In designing embedded systems, the exploration and synthesis of different design altematives and co-verification of a specific implementation are the most demanding tasks. Kaffe, an open-source technology, provides a platform for building a runtime environment and integrating different design methodologies. Integrating Kaffe into embedded systems is the cornerstone of java-like technologies, allowing possibilities such as the development of portable programs on mobile devices. In this paper, we introduce a co-design environment based on Kaffe vvhich supports the specification and prototyping o f dynamically reconfigurable embedded systems.

  • 84.pdf.jpg
  • Article

  • Authors: Vu, Quang Dung; Nguyen, Viet Ha (2011)

  • In this paper, vve propose a solution for a worstl-case execution time (WCET) analyzable Java system - a combination of a time predictable Java processor and a method WCET analysis at Java bytecode level. The execution time of bytecodes, the instructions of the Java virtual machine, is known cycle accurately for Java processor, which simplifies the low-level WCET analysis [1 . In hard real-time systems, the estimation of the WCET is essential. WCET analysis is in general an undecidable problem. As concerning above, we propose some of WCET analysis methods using control flow graph applied for high-level and low-level Java processor. Java bytecode generation has to follow stringent rul...