Based on the theoretical background of cross-cultural communication, this study aims at investigating the similarities and differences in condolence offering strategies used in office setting by Vietnamese English speakers and American English speakers. It focuses primarily on the popularity and preference of condolence strategies in different situations. To succeed in doing such research, the author of the study takes informants’ social parameters such as age, sex, marital status, living area, and occupation into consideration. Besides, their surveyed responses are carefully analyzed to build a frame, a common set of strategies in the field. The conclusion is drawn from data analysis and findings are presented and compared in a brief and concise way. Some common examples of condolence extending strategies used by both VSE and ASE from the data are also presented and illustrated with the hope of partially helping avoid cultural shock and communicating breakdown.
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Based on the theoretical background of cross-cultural communication, this study aims at investigating the similarities and differences in condolence offering strategies used in office setting by Vietnamese English speakers and American English speakers. It focuses primarily on the popularity and preference of condolence strategies in different situations. To succeed in doing such research, the author of the study takes informants’ social parameters such as age, sex, marital status, living area, and occupation into consideration. Besides, their surveyed responses are carefully analyzed to build a frame, a common set of strategies in the field. The conclusion is drawn from data analysis and findings are presented and compared in a brief and concise way. Some common examples of condolence extending strategies used by both VSE and ASE from the data are also presented and illustrated with the hope of partially helping avoid cultural shock and communicating breakdown.