Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 9 of 9
- Article
Authors: Van Toan Dao , Vincent Breton, Hong Quang Nguyen, David R.C. Hill (2014) - Le calcul à haute performance prend une place
croissante dans toutes les disciplines scientifiques. Dans
ce contexte, la précision et surtout la reproductibilité des
expériences numériques doit rester une préoccupation
majeure. La recherche de reproductibilité, essentielle à
toute expérimentation scientifique, est parfois négligée,
notamment en simulation stochastique parallèle, avec à
la clef des conséquences importantes sur la pertinence
des résultats obtenus. Dans cet article, nous proposons
une analyse des enjeux de la reproductibilité numérique.
Nous identifions ensuite les principaux obstacles à sa
mise en œuvre. Pour pallier à ces obstacles, nous
proposons un ensemb...
- Article
Authors: Van Toan Dao, Hong Quang Nguyen, Lydia Maigne, Vincent Breton, David R.C. Hill (2014) - Stochastic simulation is of key importance for scientific
computing. Parallel stochastic simulations are becoming
popular since the Monte Carlo method is easily parallelized.
However, the main interests we observe in related
publications deal with the following issues: simulation
performance, applicability of the simulation, model design,
etc. Even if these interests are justified, accuracy and
reproducibility, especially for numerical simulation
experiments, must remain a major concern in the process of
increasing and diffusing scientific knowledge. We recently
realized that this essential question of reproducibility is
sometimes overlooked. In this paper we study the esse...
- Article
Authors: Manh Hung Nguyen, Tuong Vinh Ho and Jean-Charles Richaud (2015) - The negative consequence of fire, especially fire in public
buildings, brings too much of lost in both human and money.
The fire evacuation specialists proposed many evacuate
techniques, methods and policies adapting to the given
building, groups of people, or situations. However, conducting
experiments to test these proposed solutions, in the reality, is
nearly impossible. Therefore, simulation of fire and fire
evacuation to evaluate these proposals is a reasonable solution.
This paper proposes an agent-based model for modeling and
simulation of fire evacuation in public buildings. The model is
implemented and tested using the GAMA agent-based
simulation platform.
- Article
Authors: Hung Nguyen Manh, Ho Tuong Vinh, Nguyen Trong Khanh, Do Minh Duc (2015) - Landslides, as one of the major natural hazards,
account each year for enormous property damage in terms of
both direct and indirect costs. Mountain roads where probability
of land sliding is the highest, causes hurdles not only in the
traffic flow but generate various traffic problems in the form of
congestion, high accidents rate and waste of time. This paper
introduces an agent-based model for modeling and simulation
of the effects of landslide on the circulation of transports on
mountain roads. This model is applied to the National Road N°6
of Vietnam to visualize and analyze the effects of landslide on
the road when it occurs. This model could help us to improve
and op...
- Other
Authors: XH Ta, D Longin, B Gaudou, TV Ho (2015) - Our main purpose is to build a simulation describing the
persons movements in a public area during a crisis situa-
tion. Our running example is about the evacuation process
of a supermarket during a fire. The main difficulty of such
works comes from the fact that it is generally impossible
to obtain precise descriptions of persons behaviors. After
several works on individual emotions we are convinced that
emotion is well adapted to explain such actions in a situa-
tion crisis. In the aim to test our hypothesis, we present here
a first simulation (without any emotion management) that
is a first step of our main purpose. This simulation aims
to describe the well-known fact th...
- Article
Authors: Nguyen Tuan Thanh Le, Chihab Hanachi, Serge Stinckwich, Tuong Vinh Ho (2015) - This paper shows how to simulate and evaluate disaster re-
sponse plans and in particular the process and the organization set up
in such situations. We consider, as a case study, the tsunami resolution
plan of Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. We firstly examine the process model
corresponding to this plan by defining three scenarios and analyzing sim-
ulations built on top of them. Then, we study the agent organizational
structure involved in the plan by analyzing the role graph of actors and
notably the power, coordination and control relations among them ac-
cording to the Grossi framework. These evaluations provide recommen-
dations to improve the response plan.
- Article
Authors: Nguyen Tuan Thanh Le, Chihab Hanachi, Serge Stinckwich, Tuong Vinh Ho (2015) - Coordination is one of the most important issues in order to reduce the damage caused by a crisis. To analyze the efficiency of a coordination plan, a BPMN (Business Process Modeling Notation version 2.0) model is usually used to capture the processes of activities and messages exchanged between the actors involved in a crisis, while an OCMAS (Organization Centered Multi-Agent System) model is used to
represent the roles, their interactions and the organizational structures. In this paper, we describe a proposal that allows to perform an automatic transformation between BPMN and OCMAS models of the same coor-
dination plan. The proposal is illustrated through a coordination plan of ...
- Article
Authors: Chu Thị Minh Huệ, Đặng Đức Hạnh, Nguyễn Ngọc Bình (2015-07-09) - -
- Working Paper
Authors: N.N. Binh, P.V. Huong and B.N. Hai (2015-06) - -
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 9 of 9