This symposium was held to assess the state-of-the-science and identify re-search needed to address the increasingrisks posed by freshwater harmful algal blooms to human health and ecosystem sustainability. Information obtained through the symposium will help form the scientific basis for de-veloping and implementing strategies to reduce these risks. All chapters in this book are based on platform sessions or draft workgroup reports that were presented at ISOC-HAB. All chapters were completed after the conclusion of ISOC-HAB. Each chapter was critically reviewed by at least two peers with expertise in the subject matter, revised based on those reviews, and reviewed by the editor before being accepted for publi-cation. Grateful acknowledgment is given to the National Science and Technology Council’s Committee on the Environment and Natural Resources in the Executive Office of the President for providing guidance, to the sponsoring agencies, to the agency representatives named below who organized the symposium, to the international scientific community members who par-ticipated in the symposium, and to EC/R of Durham, NC, the contracting organization that provided logistical support for the symposium and this monograph.
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This symposium was held to assess the state-of-the-science and identify re-search needed to address the increasingrisks posed by freshwater harmful algal blooms to human health and ecosystem sustainability. Information obtained through the symposium will help form the scientific basis for de-veloping and implementing strategies to reduce these risks. All chapters in this book are based on platform sessions or draft workgroup reports that were presented at ISOC-HAB. All chapters were completed after the conclusion of ISOC-HAB. Each chapter was critically reviewed by at least two peers with expertise in the subject matter, revised based on those reviews, and reviewed by the editor before being accepted for publi-cation. Grateful acknowledgment is given to the National Science and Technology Council’s Committee on the Environment and Natural Resources in the Executive Office of the President for providing guidance, to the sponsoring agencies, to the agency representatives named below who organized the symposium, to the international scientific community members who par-ticipated in the symposium, and to EC/R of Durham, NC, the contracting organization that provided logistical support for the symposium and this monograph.