Introduction: Rugged free-energy landscapes / Wolfhard Janke -- Some aspects of infinite-range models of spin glasses: theory and numerical simulatioons -- The Potts glass model: a scenario for the freezing transition of structural glasses? / Kurt Binder, Claudio Brangian, Walter Kob -- Domain walls, droplets and barriers in two-dimensional Ising spin glasses / Alexander K. Hartmann -- Local scale-invariance in disordered systems / Malte Hankel, Michel Plemling -- Transport of mobile particles in and immobile environment: computer simulations of sodium silicates / Jürgen Horbach -- The gonihedric Ising model and glassiness / Demond A. Johnston, Adam Lipowski, Ranasinghe P.K.C. Malimini -- Thermodynamics of protein folding from coarse-grained models' perspectives / Michael Bachmann, Wolfhard Janke -- Exact energy landscape of proteins using a coarse-grained model / Frank Dressel, Sigismund Kobe -- Protein folding, unfolding and aggregation studied using an all-atom model with simplified interaction potential / Anders Irbäck -- All-atom simulations of proteins / Ulrich H.E. Hansmann -- Markov chain Monte Carlo methods for simulations of biomolecules / Bernd a. Berg -- A different approach to Monte Carlo simulations in systems with complex free-energy landscapes / David P. Landau -- Generalized-ensemble algorithms for protein folding simulations / Yuji Sugita, Ayori Mitsutake, Yuko Okamoto.
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Content Distribution
Introduction: Rugged free-energy landscapes / Wolfhard Janke -- Some aspects of infinite-range models of spin glasses: theory and numerical simulatioons -- The Potts glass model: a scenario for the freezing transition of structural glasses? / Kurt Binder, Claudio Brangian, Walter Kob -- Domain walls, droplets and barriers in two-dimensional Ising spin glasses / Alexander K. Hartmann -- Local scale-invariance in disordered systems / Malte Hankel, Michel Plemling -- Transport of mobile particles in and immobile environment: computer simulations of sodium silicates / Jürgen Horbach -- The gonihedric Ising model and glassiness / Demond A. Johnston, Adam Lipowski, Ranasinghe P.K.C. Malimini -- Thermodynamics of protein folding from coarse-grained models' perspectives / Michael Bachmann, Wolfhard Janke -- Exact energy landscape of proteins using a coarse-grained model / Frank Dressel, Sigismund Kobe -- Protein folding, unfolding and aggregation studied using an all-atom model with simplified interaction potential / Anders Irbäck -- All-atom simulations of proteins / Ulrich H.E. Hansmann -- Markov chain Monte Carlo methods for simulations of biomolecules / Bernd a. Berg -- A different approach to Monte Carlo simulations in systems with complex free-energy landscapes / David P. Landau -- Generalized-ensemble algorithms for protein folding simulations / Yuji Sugita, Ayori Mitsutake, Yuko Okamoto.