Modern scientific research, irrespective of the discipline, continues to be dominated by two themes: a growing em-phasis on specialization, and an ever-increasing rate of information generation. Measurement techniques have evolved steadily in all fields, enabling more and more insight into the areas of shock waves and detonation studies. There will surely be new problems to be studied as space travel advances and the ability to land measuring devices safely on distant worlds increases. Dr KREHL has produced an extraordinary book, listing the achievements and developments in shockwave and detonics studies over several centuries and the people who made them possible. Its study will inform and entertain us and prepare us for the wonders to come.
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Modern scientific research, irrespective of the discipline, continues to be dominated by two themes: a growing em-phasis on specialization, and an ever-increasing rate of information generation. Measurement techniques have evolved steadily in all fields, enabling more and more insight into the areas of shock waves and detonation studies. There will surely be new problems to be studied as space travel advances and the ability to land measuring devices safely on distant worlds increases. Dr KREHL has produced an extraordinary book, listing the achievements and developments in shockwave and detonics studies over several centuries and the people who made them possible. Its study will inform and entertain us and prepare us for the wonders to come.