Adsorption behavior of acrylic acid-grafted chition (ChAA) powder was studied for Cr(III) ion in aqueous solution. The effects of graft yield. pH of the solution, treatment time, temperature, and metal ion concentration on adsorption capacity were considered. The exprimental results showed that this graft copolymer was far more effective than original chitin for removing Cr(III) ion in all experiments. Desorption and readsorption of Cr(III) ions onto (ChAA) powder were also investigated
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Adsorption behavior of acrylic acid-grafted chition (ChAA) powder was studied for Cr(III) ion in aqueous solution. The effects of graft yield. pH of the solution, treatment time, temperature, and metal ion concentration on adsorption capacity were considered. The exprimental results showed that this graft copolymer was far more effective than original chitin for removing Cr(III) ion in all experiments. Desorption and readsorption of Cr(III) ions onto (ChAA) powder were also investigated