Browsing by Author Dinh Van Duc

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  • 2317-1-4476-1-10-20161115.pdf.jpg
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  • Authors: Dinh Van Duc (2007)

  • The paper focuses on the following: 1. Geolinguistics addresses the mixture and distribution of languages from a geographical perspective that is always associated with economy, population and society. A geolinguistic perspective, therefore, can shed m ore light on the specificities of a certain socio-politicai space in existence an d development. Such is the case with ASEAN. 2. ASEAN originally (1967) w as a political alliance for m ilitary confrontation. Regional and intern ational political changes in the last few decades have gradually turned it into analliance of partners for economy and security of the whole area of South East Asia. Geolinguistically, however, this space is ra...

Browsing by Author Dinh Van Duc

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  • 2317-1-4476-1-10-20161115.pdf.jpg
  • Article

  • Authors: Dinh Van Duc (2007)

  • The paper focuses on the following: 1. Geolinguistics addresses the mixture and distribution of languages from a geographical perspective that is always associated with economy, population and society. A geolinguistic perspective, therefore, can shed m ore light on the specificities of a certain socio-politicai space in existence an d development. Such is the case with ASEAN. 2. ASEAN originally (1967) w as a political alliance for m ilitary confrontation. Regional and intern ational political changes in the last few decades have gradually turned it into analliance of partners for economy and security of the whole area of South East Asia. Geolinguistically, however, this space is ra...