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  • 3118-'The Subthalamic Nucleus Part II Modelling and Simulation of Activity.pdf.jpg
  • Book

  • Authors: Heida, Tjitske; Marani, Enrico; Usunoff, Kamen G. (2008)

  • This monograph gives an overview of the STN. It treats the position of the STN in hemiballism, based on older and recent data. The cytology encompasses the neuronal types present in the STN in nearly all studied species and focuses on interneurons and the extent of their dendrites. Ultrastructural features are described for cat and baboon (F1, F2, Sr, LR1, LR2 boutons and d.c.v. terminals, together with vesicle containing dendrites), the cytochemistry is focused on receptors (dopamine, cannabinoid, opioid, glutamate, GABA, serotonin, and cholinergic-, purinergic ones) and calcium binding proteins and calcium channels. The development of the subthalamic nucleus from the subthalamic cel...

Tìm kiếm theo: Tác giả Heida, Tjitske

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  • 3118-'The Subthalamic Nucleus Part II Modelling and Simulation of Activity.pdf.jpg
  • Book

  • Tác giả : Heida, Tjitske; Marani, Enrico; Usunoff, Kamen G. (2008)

  • This monograph gives an overview of the STN. It treats the position of the STN in hemiballism, based on older and recent data. The cytology encompasses the neuronal types present in the STN in nearly all studied species and focuses on interneurons and the extent of their dendrites. Ultrastructural features are described for cat and baboon (F1, F2, Sr, LR1, LR2 boutons and d.c.v. terminals, together with vesicle containing dendrites), the cytochemistry is focused on receptors (dopamine, cannabinoid, opioid, glutamate, GABA, serotonin, and cholinergic-, purinergic ones) and calcium binding proteins and calcium channels. The development of the subthalamic nucleus from the subthalamic cel...