Browsing by Author Huỳnh, Anh Tuấn

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 85
  • 04051001377.pdf.jpg
  • Thesis

  • Authors: Đặng, Thảo Hiền;  Advisor: Huỳnh, Anh Tuấn (2016)

  • This study aimed at pointing out the similarities and differences in the types of pun used in English and Vietnamese advertisements in men‘s magazines, which is achieved by identifying the common types of pun used in advertisements and the devices used in creating these types of pun. The methods applied are quantitative, qualitative and contrastive. The data analysis shows that phonological pun resulting from rhyme or alliteration is most commonly used in both English and Vietnamese advertisements. Besides, the use of polysemy and fixed expressions in pun creation is found in English and Vietnamese advertisements as well. The most significant difference is that lexical pun realized in...

  • 04051001384.pdf.jpg
  • Thesis

  • Authors: Vũ, Thị Mai Anh;  Advisor: Huỳnh, Anh Tuấn (2016)

  • The study is conducted to investigate the common textual patterns and their signaling devices and to find out the similarities and differences of these issues in English and Vietnamese diseases outbreak online news. Correspondingly, three research questions are raised, which are (1) What kinds of textual pattern are commonly used in disease outbreak online news in English and Vietnamese? (2) What are the signaling devices that help to identify textual patterns in disease outbreak online news in English and Vietnamese? (3) What are the similarities and differences between textual patterns and signaling devices of disease outbreak online news in English and Vietnamese? In order to answe...

  • 04051001513.pdf.jpg
  • Thesis

  • Authors: Quách, Hải Yến;  Advisor: Huỳnh, Anh Tuấn (2017)

  • This is a qualitative study that presents the findings of a linguistic analysis on American online news on the conflicts of the South China Sea from 2014-2015. The research has applied Fairclough‟s three-dimension framework and Halliday‟s Systemic functional grammar to identify and explain how American ideologies are portrayed and represented through language used in the American online news written by the American reporters. In this research the writer used the descriptive method to study the problem. There were ten newspapers collected from some wellknown online websites such as CNN, Los Angeles Times, NBC News, New York Times and Center for Strategic and International Studies. The ...

  • 04051001226.pdf.jpg
  • Thesis

  • Authors: Vi, Thị Bảo Thoa;  Advisor: Huỳnh, Anh Tuấn (2015)

  • This study attempts to discover the relationship between power, ideology and discourse embraced in the speech delivered by President G.W. Bush on the September 11, 2001, using the CDA framework suggested by Norman Fairclough. The analysis is carried out in three separated phases namely description, interpretation, and explanation. Major aspects selected for analysis include vocabulary, grammar, and macro-structure. An analytical framework is also built up in order to specify goals and analytical units in each stage. Following this framework, in-group and out-group lexicalization, voice, pronouns, large-scale structure and emotion techniques are investigated. The findings show t...

  • 04051000879.pdf.jpg
  • Thesis

  • Authors: Nguyễn, Thị Thùy Linh;  Advisor: Huỳnh, Anh Tuấn (2013)

  • Based on the theoretical background of cross- cultural communication, this study aims at investigating the similarities and differences in expressing satisfaction towards different co- interactants in the Vietnamese and American language and culture. It fo (...)

  • 04051000911.pdf.jpg
  • Thesis

  • Authors: Phạm, Thu Thảo, 1986-;  Advisor: Huỳnh, Anh Tuấn (2013)

  • This research was aimed at finding out: (1) the students‟ background of English and their attitudes toward learning reading comprehension skill; (2) factors causing their difficulties and the problems the teachers might encounter in the teaching process of the reading comprehension skills; (3) suggested solutions. The researcher carried out the study by three instruments: classroom observation, two survey questionnaires and i nformal interviews. The research reveals that the students‟ lack of knowledge, including linguistic and cultural background knowledge, the teachers‟ teaching methods, some diffi...

  • 04051001587.pdf.jpg
  • Theses

  • Authors: Nguyễn, Thu Thủy;  Advisor: Huỳnh, Anh Tuấn (2019)

  • This research intended to explore the potential effects of instructing studentsto us metacognitive strategies in listening comprehension in th TOEIC tests. Anaction research approach was employed. The research project lasted 8 weeks. During 8 weeks of the project, participants were given instructions on using metacognitive strategies to improve their listening comprehension in the TOEIC tests. The researcher used survey questionnaires, interviews, pr -test and post-testto collect data from the students. The pr -questionnaire was chosen to elicit the data about the students’employment of metacognitiv strategies in listeningcomprehension in the TOEIC tests before the interven...

  • 04051001643.pdf.jpg
  • Thesis

  • Authors: Đỗ, Thị Nhâm;  Advisor: Huỳnh, Anh Tuấn (2019)

  • Các dữ liệu thu thập được từ phiếu điều tra và phỏng vấn giáo viên cho thấy những đánh giá tích cực của giáo viên về chương trình dạy Toán tích hợp tiếng Anh. Theo đó, chương trình mang lại những lợi ích nhất định về các mặt sau: - Môi trường giáo dục: Chương trình là bước đệm cho quá trình toàn cầu hoá: mang đến cơ hội để trao đổi kiến thức, văn hoá với các nước khác, giúp học sinh có thể đạt được các chứng chỉ quốc tế ở môn Toán và Tiếng Anh. Chương trình thực hiện chủ trương của đề án ngoại ngữ quốc gia giai đoạn 2017-2025, đẩy mạnh giảng dạy Toán bằng Tiếng Anh. - Kiến thức Toán: Chương trình cung cấp kiến thức nâng cao về môn Toán cho học sinh giỏi, hướng dẫn học sinh cách tiế...

  • 04051001177_noi_dung.pdf.jpg
  • Thesis

  • Authors: Lê, Thị Khánh Hòa;  Advisor: Huỳnh, Anh Tuấn (2015)

  • This study aims at investigating how the abstract concept love is conceptualized in American and Vietnamese ro mantic novels from 2008 to 2013. The theory of conceptual metaphor suggested by Lakoff and Johnson (1980) and Kovecses (1986) is adopted as the analytical framework in this study. 200 samples of metaphorical expressions denoting love were found in American and Vietnamese romantic novels , which were written by native speakers. The results show that love can be conceptualized as war, madness/ insanity, magic, physical forces, pains, fire/ heat, a journey, and a nutrient in both languages. However, it is easier to find the...

Browsing by Author Huỳnh, Anh Tuấn

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 85
  • 04051001377.pdf.jpg
  • Thesis

  • Authors: Đặng, Thảo Hiền;  Advisor: Huỳnh, Anh Tuấn (2016)

  • This study aimed at pointing out the similarities and differences in the types of pun used in English and Vietnamese advertisements in men‘s magazines, which is achieved by identifying the common types of pun used in advertisements and the devices used in creating these types of pun. The methods applied are quantitative, qualitative and contrastive. The data analysis shows that phonological pun resulting from rhyme or alliteration is most commonly used in both English and Vietnamese advertisements. Besides, the use of polysemy and fixed expressions in pun creation is found in English and Vietnamese advertisements as well. The most significant difference is that lexical pun realized in...

  • 04051001384.pdf.jpg
  • Thesis

  • Authors: Vũ, Thị Mai Anh;  Advisor: Huỳnh, Anh Tuấn (2016)

  • The study is conducted to investigate the common textual patterns and their signaling devices and to find out the similarities and differences of these issues in English and Vietnamese diseases outbreak online news. Correspondingly, three research questions are raised, which are (1) What kinds of textual pattern are commonly used in disease outbreak online news in English and Vietnamese? (2) What are the signaling devices that help to identify textual patterns in disease outbreak online news in English and Vietnamese? (3) What are the similarities and differences between textual patterns and signaling devices of disease outbreak online news in English and Vietnamese? In order to answe...

  • 04051001513.pdf.jpg
  • Thesis

  • Authors: Quách, Hải Yến;  Advisor: Huỳnh, Anh Tuấn (2017)

  • This is a qualitative study that presents the findings of a linguistic analysis on American online news on the conflicts of the South China Sea from 2014-2015. The research has applied Fairclough‟s three-dimension framework and Halliday‟s Systemic functional grammar to identify and explain how American ideologies are portrayed and represented through language used in the American online news written by the American reporters. In this research the writer used the descriptive method to study the problem. There were ten newspapers collected from some wellknown online websites such as CNN, Los Angeles Times, NBC News, New York Times and Center for Strategic and International Studies. The ...

  • 04051001226.pdf.jpg
  • Thesis

  • Authors: Vi, Thị Bảo Thoa;  Advisor: Huỳnh, Anh Tuấn (2015)

  • This study attempts to discover the relationship between power, ideology and discourse embraced in the speech delivered by President G.W. Bush on the September 11, 2001, using the CDA framework suggested by Norman Fairclough. The analysis is carried out in three separated phases namely description, interpretation, and explanation. Major aspects selected for analysis include vocabulary, grammar, and macro-structure. An analytical framework is also built up in order to specify goals and analytical units in each stage. Following this framework, in-group and out-group lexicalization, voice, pronouns, large-scale structure and emotion techniques are investigated. The findings show t...

  • 04051000879.pdf.jpg
  • Thesis

  • Authors: Nguyễn, Thị Thùy Linh;  Advisor: Huỳnh, Anh Tuấn (2013)

  • Based on the theoretical background of cross- cultural communication, this study aims at investigating the similarities and differences in expressing satisfaction towards different co- interactants in the Vietnamese and American language and culture. It fo (...)

  • 04051000911.pdf.jpg
  • Thesis

  • Authors: Phạm, Thu Thảo, 1986-;  Advisor: Huỳnh, Anh Tuấn (2013)

  • This research was aimed at finding out: (1) the students‟ background of English and their attitudes toward learning reading comprehension skill; (2) factors causing their difficulties and the problems the teachers might encounter in the teaching process of the reading comprehension skills; (3) suggested solutions. The researcher carried out the study by three instruments: classroom observation, two survey questionnaires and i nformal interviews. The research reveals that the students‟ lack of knowledge, including linguistic and cultural background knowledge, the teachers‟ teaching methods, some diffi...

  • 04051001587.pdf.jpg
  • Theses

  • Authors: Nguyễn, Thu Thủy;  Advisor: Huỳnh, Anh Tuấn (2019)

  • This research intended to explore the potential effects of instructing studentsto us metacognitive strategies in listening comprehension in th TOEIC tests. Anaction research approach was employed. The research project lasted 8 weeks. During 8 weeks of the project, participants were given instructions on using metacognitive strategies to improve their listening comprehension in the TOEIC tests. The researcher used survey questionnaires, interviews, pr -test and post-testto collect data from the students. The pr -questionnaire was chosen to elicit the data about the students’employment of metacognitiv strategies in listeningcomprehension in the TOEIC tests before the interven...

  • 04051001643.pdf.jpg
  • Thesis

  • Authors: Đỗ, Thị Nhâm;  Advisor: Huỳnh, Anh Tuấn (2019)

  • Các dữ liệu thu thập được từ phiếu điều tra và phỏng vấn giáo viên cho thấy những đánh giá tích cực của giáo viên về chương trình dạy Toán tích hợp tiếng Anh. Theo đó, chương trình mang lại những lợi ích nhất định về các mặt sau: - Môi trường giáo dục: Chương trình là bước đệm cho quá trình toàn cầu hoá: mang đến cơ hội để trao đổi kiến thức, văn hoá với các nước khác, giúp học sinh có thể đạt được các chứng chỉ quốc tế ở môn Toán và Tiếng Anh. Chương trình thực hiện chủ trương của đề án ngoại ngữ quốc gia giai đoạn 2017-2025, đẩy mạnh giảng dạy Toán bằng Tiếng Anh. - Kiến thức Toán: Chương trình cung cấp kiến thức nâng cao về môn Toán cho học sinh giỏi, hướng dẫn học sinh cách tiế...

  • 04051001177_noi_dung.pdf.jpg
  • Thesis

  • Authors: Lê, Thị Khánh Hòa;  Advisor: Huỳnh, Anh Tuấn (2015)

  • This study aims at investigating how the abstract concept love is conceptualized in American and Vietnamese ro mantic novels from 2008 to 2013. The theory of conceptual metaphor suggested by Lakoff and Johnson (1980) and Kovecses (1986) is adopted as the analytical framework in this study. 200 samples of metaphorical expressions denoting love were found in American and Vietnamese romantic novels , which were written by native speakers. The results show that love can be conceptualized as war, madness/ insanity, magic, physical forces, pains, fire/ heat, a journey, and a nutrient in both languages. However, it is easier to find the...