Browsing by Author Lacey , Anita

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  • 428_2017_Book_WomenUrbanizationAndSustainabi.pdf.jpg
  • Book

  • Authors: Lacey , Anita (2017)

  • Contents: Introduction Anita Lacey -- Part I. Contesting livelihoods, land and tenure -- Urban labour and livelihoods: women, postcolonial developmental governance and rapid employment programmes in Honiara and Port Moresby Anita Lacey -- Immanent politics in the Kampungs: gendering, performing and mapping the Jakarta economic subject Lisa Tilley -- Barrio women's gendering practices for sustainable urbanism in Caracas, Venezuela Juan Velasquez Atehortua -- Part II. Resisting water and food insecurity -- Relational trajectories of urban water poverty in Lima and Dar es Salaam Adriana Allen and Pascale Hofmann -- What is being sustained? Sustainability and food exchange sites...

Browsing by Author Lacey , Anita

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Showing results 1 to 1 of 1
  • 428_2017_Book_WomenUrbanizationAndSustainabi.pdf.jpg
  • Book

  • Authors: Lacey , Anita (2017)

  • Contents: Introduction Anita Lacey -- Part I. Contesting livelihoods, land and tenure -- Urban labour and livelihoods: women, postcolonial developmental governance and rapid employment programmes in Honiara and Port Moresby Anita Lacey -- Immanent politics in the Kampungs: gendering, performing and mapping the Jakarta economic subject Lisa Tilley -- Barrio women's gendering practices for sustainable urbanism in Caracas, Venezuela Juan Velasquez Atehortua -- Part II. Resisting water and food insecurity -- Relational trajectories of urban water poverty in Lima and Dar es Salaam Adriana Allen and Pascale Hofmann -- What is being sustained? Sustainability and food exchange sites...