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  • Authors: Lipscomb, Stephen (2009)

  • For metric spaces the quest for universal spaces in dimension theory spanned approximately a century of mathematical research. The history breaks naturally into two periods — the classical (separable metric) and the modern (not necessarily separable metric). While the classical theory is now well documented in several books, this is the first book to unify the modern theory (1960 – 2007). Like the classical theory, the modern theory fundamentally involves the unit interval. By the 1970s, the author of this monograph generalized Cantor’s 1883 construction (identify adjacent-endpoints in Cantor’s set) of the unit interval, obtaining — for any given weight — a one-dimensional metric spac...

Browsing by Author Lipscomb, Stephen

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  • 380.pdf.jpg
  • Book

  • Authors: Lipscomb, Stephen (2009)

  • For metric spaces the quest for universal spaces in dimension theory spanned approximately a century of mathematical research. The history breaks naturally into two periods — the classical (separable metric) and the modern (not necessarily separable metric). While the classical theory is now well documented in several books, this is the first book to unify the modern theory (1960 – 2007). Like the classical theory, the modern theory fundamentally involves the unit interval. By the 1970s, the author of this monograph generalized Cantor’s 1883 construction (identify adjacent-endpoints in Cantor’s set) of the unit interval, obtaining — for any given weight — a one-dimensional metric spac...