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  • TC_02660.pdf.jpg
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  • Tác giả : Tran, Hong Thai; Luong, Tuan Anh (2010)

  • Vietnam-Chinese transboundar y river basins play an important role in socio-economi c development for both Vietnam and China. The cooperative research on assessment of climat e change impact on water resources is necessary in order to maintain and develop water resources, exploit and consume effectively, protect environment and prevent disasters on transboundary river basins. The problems have been paid the attention by scientists and agencies of both countries. This report presents the expressions of climate change impacts on water resources on Vietnam-China transboundary river basins and suggest coop...

Tìm kiếm theo: Tác giả Luong, Tuan Anh

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Kết quả tìm kiếm từ 1 đến 3 trong 3 kết quả
  • TC_02660.pdf.jpg
  • Article

  • Tác giả : Tran, Hong Thai; Luong, Tuan Anh (2010)

  • Vietnam-Chinese transboundar y river basins play an important role in socio-economi c development for both Vietnam and China. The cooperative research on assessment of climat e change impact on water resources is necessary in order to maintain and develop water resources, exploit and consume effectively, protect environment and prevent disasters on transboundary river basins. The problems have been paid the attention by scientists and agencies of both countries. This report presents the expressions of climate change impacts on water resources on Vietnam-China transboundary river basins and suggest coop...