Browsing by Author Nguyen, Dang Tuan Minh

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  • 83_CurrentSituationsOfVietnamCompaniesTradeDefenseLawsuitsAndSome_TranPhuongThao_2015_E_T700246.pdf.jpg
  • Final Year Project (FYP)

  • Authors: Nguyen, Dang Tuan Minh;  Advisor: Tran, Phuong Thao (2015)

  • In the period of struggle economy, how to protect justifiable rights of exporters in global market is a big question for authorized agents to research and find solutions. This thesis is aimed at analysing some main reasons for the increase of lawsuits involving Vietnamese exporters and various compatible solutions to limit legal risks. Besides, the document also clarify the importance of managing practise in VCA, Ministry of Industry and Trade and relating legal authorities and more vital, enhance the awareness and responsibility of domestic enterprises and individuals to be self- protective from global economy integration.

  • 39_TheImpactofTheTrans_PacificPartnershipAgreement_NguyenHongNgoc_2016_E_T700261.pdf.jpg
  • Final Year Project (FYP)

  • Authors: Nguyen, Hong Ngoc;  Advisor: Nguyen, Dang Tuan Minh (2016)

  • The key findings of this study are summarized below: The knowledge of bank’s representatives about TPP agreement is good. A11 the respondents also affirm that TPP is an important agreement for Vietnam which can creates both positive and negative sides on banking sector. The banking aspects that are affected by TPP agreement include: legal aspect, investment aspect, market access aspect and bank restructuring. In which, bank restructuring is considered as one of the aspects that is affected most because the impacts TPP creates for this aspect can be beyond the control of the government. Besides, the necessity of Vietnam bank restructuring is emphasized when Vietnam’s banks still exist ...

Browsing by Author Nguyen, Dang Tuan Minh

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Showing results 1 to 3 of 3
  • 83_CurrentSituationsOfVietnamCompaniesTradeDefenseLawsuitsAndSome_TranPhuongThao_2015_E_T700246.pdf.jpg
  • Final Year Project (FYP)

  • Authors: Nguyen, Dang Tuan Minh;  Advisor: Tran, Phuong Thao (2015)

  • In the period of struggle economy, how to protect justifiable rights of exporters in global market is a big question for authorized agents to research and find solutions. This thesis is aimed at analysing some main reasons for the increase of lawsuits involving Vietnamese exporters and various compatible solutions to limit legal risks. Besides, the document also clarify the importance of managing practise in VCA, Ministry of Industry and Trade and relating legal authorities and more vital, enhance the awareness and responsibility of domestic enterprises and individuals to be self- protective from global economy integration.

  • 39_TheImpactofTheTrans_PacificPartnershipAgreement_NguyenHongNgoc_2016_E_T700261.pdf.jpg
  • Final Year Project (FYP)

  • Authors: Nguyen, Hong Ngoc;  Advisor: Nguyen, Dang Tuan Minh (2016)

  • The key findings of this study are summarized below: The knowledge of bank’s representatives about TPP agreement is good. A11 the respondents also affirm that TPP is an important agreement for Vietnam which can creates both positive and negative sides on banking sector. The banking aspects that are affected by TPP agreement include: legal aspect, investment aspect, market access aspect and bank restructuring. In which, bank restructuring is considered as one of the aspects that is affected most because the impacts TPP creates for this aspect can be beyond the control of the government. Besides, the necessity of Vietnam bank restructuring is emphasized when Vietnam’s banks still exist ...