Browsing by Author Nguyen, Thi Thanh Huyen

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  • 1. Nguyen Thi Thanh Huyen_576-583.pdf.jpg
  • Article

  • Authors: Nguyen, Thi Thanh Huyen (2018)

  • This study aimed to describe the similarities and differences between American and Vietnamese declarations of independence regarding the use of metaphors. The method was to analyze metaphors in the two corpora separately as well as comparatively. It is argued in this study that both corpora use metaphors as a rhetorical device to serve political purposes, namely, reinforcing the strength of indictment and denunciation of the oppressive rulers, portraying the citizens‟ sufferings and encouraging them to support their new government. It is further revealed that metaphors of spiritual beliefs seemed to dominate in the American corpus, which might be explained by the unique historical Am...

  • 128.pdf.jpg
  • Article

  • Authors: Nguyen, Quang Bau; Nguyen, Van Hieu; Nguyen, Thi Thanh Huyen; Nguyen, Dinh Nam; Tran, Cong Phong (2009)

  • The acoustomagnetoelectric effect in a superlattice is investigated for an acoustic wave whose wavelength is smaller than the mean free path l of the electrons and hypersound in the ragion (where q is the acoustic wave number). All the results are compared with the normal bulk semiconductors (both theory and experiment) in the weak magnetic field region to show the difference.

  • item.jpg
  • Conference Paper

  • Authors: Nguyen, Thi Thanh Huyen; Dao, Thanh Hang (2024)

  • Nowadays, not only globally but also in Vietnam, artificial intelligence (AI) is regarded as a core technology of the Fourth Industrial Revolution. This article focuses on investigating the awareness and utilization of AI among PR professionals in Vietnam, the demand for AI training, and the advantages and challenges of integrating AI into their work through a survey involving 120 PR employees and in-depth interviews with three experts. Subsequently, the article highlights prominent issues in the application of AI in PR work and proposes corresponding solutions. The research findings will contribute to the advancement of AI technology in the PR field, simultaneously providing practica...

  • Long-range-ferromagnetism-and-magnetocaloric-effects-in-rapidly-quenched-Ni50-xCoxMn50-yAly-ribbons_2017_Journal-of-Science-Advanced-Materials-and-Dev.pdf.jpg
  • Article

  • Authors: Nguyen, Thi Mai; Nguyen, Hai Yen; Pham, Thi Thanh; Tran, Dang Thanh; Dinh, Chi Linh; Vu, Manh Quang; Nguyen, Mau Lam; Nguyen, Le Thi; Nguyen, Thi Thanh Huyen; Do, Thi Kim Anh; Nguyen, Huy Dan (2017)

  • Ni50-xCoxMn50-yAly(x=7 and 9; y=17, 18 and 19) alloy ribbons were prepared by melt-spinning with a tangential velocity of copper wheel of 40 m s-1. X-ray diffraction patterns reveal multi-crystalline phase behavior in the fabricated ribbons. The shape of thermomagnetization curves clearly depends on Co and Al concentrations. The Curie temperatures (TC) of the alloy ribbons strongly increase with increasing the Co concentration and slightly decrease with increasing the Al concentration. The martensitic-austenitic phase transition in the alloy ribbons can be manipulated by tuning Co and Al concentrations. The maximum magnetic entropy changejDSmjmaxof about 0.75 J kg-1 K-1 for a field ch...

  • item.jpg
  • Final Year Project (FYP)

  • Authors: Nguyen, Thi Thanh Huyen;  Advisor: Luong, Quynh Trang (2022)

  • Student teachers on the way to becoming qualified instructors must be prepared with not only academic knowledge but also practical experience in order to develop successful pedagogical strategies throughout the training process. Learning through peer observation is deemed to greatly contribute to this professional advancement. This study was thus conducted to investigate (1) the key practices and techniques used to teach English, which the senior pre-service teachers at the Faculty of English Language Teacher Education, University of Languages and International Studies (FELTE - ULIS) obtained from peer observation as well as (2) their opinions concerning the benefits and drawbacks of ...

Browsing by Author Nguyen, Thi Thanh Huyen

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Showing results 1 to 6 of 6
  • 1. Nguyen Thi Thanh Huyen_576-583.pdf.jpg
  • Article

  • Authors: Nguyen, Thi Thanh Huyen (2018)

  • This study aimed to describe the similarities and differences between American and Vietnamese declarations of independence regarding the use of metaphors. The method was to analyze metaphors in the two corpora separately as well as comparatively. It is argued in this study that both corpora use metaphors as a rhetorical device to serve political purposes, namely, reinforcing the strength of indictment and denunciation of the oppressive rulers, portraying the citizens‟ sufferings and encouraging them to support their new government. It is further revealed that metaphors of spiritual beliefs seemed to dominate in the American corpus, which might be explained by the unique historical Am...

  • 128.pdf.jpg
  • Article

  • Authors: Nguyen, Quang Bau; Nguyen, Van Hieu; Nguyen, Thi Thanh Huyen; Nguyen, Dinh Nam; Tran, Cong Phong (2009)

  • The acoustomagnetoelectric effect in a superlattice is investigated for an acoustic wave whose wavelength is smaller than the mean free path l of the electrons and hypersound in the ragion (where q is the acoustic wave number). All the results are compared with the normal bulk semiconductors (both theory and experiment) in the weak magnetic field region to show the difference.

  • item.jpg
  • Conference Paper

  • Authors: Nguyen, Thi Thanh Huyen; Dao, Thanh Hang (2024)

  • Nowadays, not only globally but also in Vietnam, artificial intelligence (AI) is regarded as a core technology of the Fourth Industrial Revolution. This article focuses on investigating the awareness and utilization of AI among PR professionals in Vietnam, the demand for AI training, and the advantages and challenges of integrating AI into their work through a survey involving 120 PR employees and in-depth interviews with three experts. Subsequently, the article highlights prominent issues in the application of AI in PR work and proposes corresponding solutions. The research findings will contribute to the advancement of AI technology in the PR field, simultaneously providing practica...

  • Long-range-ferromagnetism-and-magnetocaloric-effects-in-rapidly-quenched-Ni50-xCoxMn50-yAly-ribbons_2017_Journal-of-Science-Advanced-Materials-and-Dev.pdf.jpg
  • Article

  • Authors: Nguyen, Thi Mai; Nguyen, Hai Yen; Pham, Thi Thanh; Tran, Dang Thanh; Dinh, Chi Linh; Vu, Manh Quang; Nguyen, Mau Lam; Nguyen, Le Thi; Nguyen, Thi Thanh Huyen; Do, Thi Kim Anh; Nguyen, Huy Dan (2017)

  • Ni50-xCoxMn50-yAly(x=7 and 9; y=17, 18 and 19) alloy ribbons were prepared by melt-spinning with a tangential velocity of copper wheel of 40 m s-1. X-ray diffraction patterns reveal multi-crystalline phase behavior in the fabricated ribbons. The shape of thermomagnetization curves clearly depends on Co and Al concentrations. The Curie temperatures (TC) of the alloy ribbons strongly increase with increasing the Co concentration and slightly decrease with increasing the Al concentration. The martensitic-austenitic phase transition in the alloy ribbons can be manipulated by tuning Co and Al concentrations. The maximum magnetic entropy changejDSmjmaxof about 0.75 J kg-1 K-1 for a field ch...

  • item.jpg
  • Final Year Project (FYP)

  • Authors: Nguyen, Thi Thanh Huyen;  Advisor: Luong, Quynh Trang (2022)

  • Student teachers on the way to becoming qualified instructors must be prepared with not only academic knowledge but also practical experience in order to develop successful pedagogical strategies throughout the training process. Learning through peer observation is deemed to greatly contribute to this professional advancement. This study was thus conducted to investigate (1) the key practices and techniques used to teach English, which the senior pre-service teachers at the Faculty of English Language Teacher Education, University of Languages and International Studies (FELTE - ULIS) obtained from peer observation as well as (2) their opinions concerning the benefits and drawbacks of ...