Browsing by Author Rahman, Momin

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  • BS19_1084.pdf.jpg
  • Book

  • Authors: Rahman, Momin (2014)

  • Contents: 1. In Search of My Mother's Garden: Reflections on Migration, Gender, Sexuality and Muslim Identity -- 2. Islam versus Homosexuality as Modernity -- 3. Problematic Modernization: the Extent and Formation of Muslim Antipathy to Homosexuality -- 4. Traditions and Transformations of Muslim Homoeroticism -- 5. Queer Muslims in the Context of Contemporary Globalized LGBTIQ Identity -- 6. The Politics of Identity and the Ends of Liberation -- 7. Beginnings.

Browsing by Author Rahman, Momin

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  • BS19_1084.pdf.jpg
  • Book

  • Authors: Rahman, Momin (2014)

  • Contents: 1. In Search of My Mother's Garden: Reflections on Migration, Gender, Sexuality and Muslim Identity -- 2. Islam versus Homosexuality as Modernity -- 3. Problematic Modernization: the Extent and Formation of Muslim Antipathy to Homosexuality -- 4. Traditions and Transformations of Muslim Homoeroticism -- 5. Queer Muslims in the Context of Contemporary Globalized LGBTIQ Identity -- 6. The Politics of Identity and the Ends of Liberation -- 7. Beginnings.