ArticleAuthors: Gozzo, C.B.; Terezo, A.J.; Thaines, E.H.N.S.; Sales, A.J.M.; Freitas, R.G.; Sombra, A.S.B.; Costa, M.M (2019)
BaBi4Ti4O15 (BBT) ceramics doped with magnesium oxide in the weight concentration of 0, 1 and 2% (i.e. BBB_0, BBT_1 and BBT_2, respectively), were prepared by the solidestate reaction method. X-ray diffraction analysis and impedance spectroscopy measurements were employed to study the influence of the structural characteristics on the electrical properties. The formation of the orthorhombic phase for all samples with a decrease in the unit cell volume was due to insertion of Mg2þ into Ti4þ sites. With the
increase of magnesium oxide amount there was a decrease in the value of the complex impedance, both real (ZReal), 4.75 107 U to 6.68 106 U, and imaginary (-ZImg), 2.13 107 U t...