- Article
Authors: Tran, Nghi; Ta, Hoa Phuong; Vu, Van Phai; Dinh, Xuan Thanh; Nguyen, Thanh Lan; Nguyen, Dinh Thai; Nguyen, Thi Hong (2011) - World Heritage National Park Phong Nha - Ke Bang has been and is being invested by
the government in general and by Quang Binh province in particular to expand into a population
with different types of tourism in order to invite domestic and foreign tourists. Since the 60s of
20th century, the Phong Nha - Ke Bang zone has been regarded as a tourism spot that attracts the
most number of tourists among the tourism industry of Quang Binh province. However, since then
this National Park has only exploited the exterior caves and has not, together with other types of
tourism, extended its activities in ...
- Article
Authors: Nguyen, Thanh Lan; Tran, Nghi; Dang, Mai; Dinh, Xuan Thanh (2007) - There are five Quaternary sedimentary sequences in the Red River Delta, Vietnam. The
forming of each sequence is related to transgression and regression phases. The sequences, which was formed in transgression period, composed mainly of fine grained size leading to the water bearing capacity is very low and plays a role as aquicludes. Bsides, in these fine grain size layers, the contents of arsenic and iron are high, especially in dark clay, silty clay rich in organic material of swamp facies and brown, dark brown clay of flood facies so that they are stated as a source of arsenic contamination in the roundwater. For the sequences formed in regression period composed main...
- Working Paper
Authors: Tran, Nghi; Dang, Mai; Nguyen, Dinh Thai; Dinh, Xuan Thanh; Nguyen, Thanh Lan; Nguyen, Thi Hong (2012) - Tourism potential of Quang Binh province is abundant and diversity in typical sites such as white beautiful sandy beaches, the World heritage Phong Nha – Ke Bang and folk cultural types, national historical sites etc. Based on natural geographical, economical, social contidions.
Quang Binh province is divided into 5 toursim center which is very specified by typical tourist types for each of them:- Phong Nha – Ke Bang center includes cave tour, Toi cave tour, telpher tour, climbing
moutain in advanture tourist tour, fishing tour, yatch on Gianh river tour, ecological and geopark tour, 8 youth volunteer cave tour.
- Dong Hoi center includes beaches tours, sandy bars tours, ecologi...
- Article
Authors: Tran, Nghi; Nguyen, Dich Dy; Doan, Dinh Lam (2010) - The Holocene coastal zone of Mekong river plain is the result of prolonged marine-fluvial interaction. Lithofacies association in ti me and space is characterized by three depositional
system tract belonged to the upper part of a sequence stratigraphy. Based on lithology should be
divided 5 sedimentary types and 18 lithofacies distributed in stratigraphical column and in sea
bottom varying from 25m water depth to mainland coastal area. According to sequence
stratigraphy the transgressive systems tract at 5 Ky Bp, while from geochronology point of view
the boundary betweenMiddle Holocene and Late Holo...
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Authors: Tran, Nghi (2009) - -
- Article
Authors: Tran, Nghi; Dang, Mai; Ta, Hoa Phuong; Dinh, Xuan Thanh; Nguyen, Dinh Thai; Nguyen, Thanh Lan; Nguyen, Thi Hong (2011) - Today, Quang Binh province is focusing its economic development on tourism industry.
However, Quang Binh so far has not owned any concrete tourism projection for each region of the
province as well as any overall economic projection for the province. Therefore in this article, the
group of authors starts out to put forth projections for the province’s economic development based
on a panorama of sustainable economic development. The projection’s basis mainly depends on
the important tourism resource patterns: world natural heritage, projections for woodlands outside
the heritage, projections for an agricultural zone,projections for an industrial urban zone, projections for...
- Article
Authors: Tran, Nghi; Dinh, Xuan Thanh; Nguyen, Thanh Lan; Tran, Thi Thanh Nhan; Pham, Nguyen Ha Vu (2007) - Eastern Sea of Vietnam is the world's largest semi-open sea and is bounded
by archipelagos, islands, mainland and connected partially with Pacific and Indian Ocean. Its total water surface area is about 2,974,600km2. Vietnamese and foreign geoscientists have researched, got samples and mapped the geological map of Eastern Sea since 1960s but
no guidance or right method was carried out to map,especially in presenting geological units on geological map. So that, in this article, the Geological Quaternary map of Eastern Sea is created by using group of methods, methodology and literatures for sediment, geophysics,... The methodology is systematization of research results of Vietnamese...
- Article
Authors: Tran, Nghi; Dinh, Xuan Thanh; Tran, Thi Thanh Nhan; Nguyen, Dinh Thai (2009) - The sequence stratigraphy units of the Quaternary sediments at the continental shelf of Vietnam have been compared with the lithofacies and depositional cycles in relation to sea level changes.....
- Article
Authors: Tran, Nghi; Nguyen, Thanh Lan; Nguyen, Dinh Thai; Dang, Mai; Dinh, Xuan Thanh (2007) - Recently, tourism activities in Quang Binh Provincehave been growing rapidly,
especially since the Phong Nha - Ke Bang National Park was certified as the World Natural Heritage in 2004. Among the tourist sites of Quang Binh, Phong Nha and Dong Hoi tourism centers are the two places which attract the largest numbers of visitors. The rapid but unplanned tourism activities have been creating various social and environmental concerns. If appropriate planning measures are not derived from the consideration of the carrying capacities of these sites, tourism centers will be overloaded, tourism quality will bedegraded and therefore the benefit obtained
from tourism activities will be redu...