Thông tin siêu dữ liệu biểu ghi
Trường DC Giá trịNgôn ngữ
dc.contributor.editorBaluška, F.-
dc.description.abstractMechanical integration of plant cells / Anna Kasprowicz ... [et al.] -- Root behavior in response to aluminum toxicity / Charlotte Poschenrieder ... [et al.] -- Communication and signaling in the plant-fungus symbiosis: the mycorrhiza / Pascale Seddas ... [et al.] -- Role of y-Aminobutyrate and y-Hydroxybutyrate in plant communication / Barry J. Shelp, Wendy L. Allan, and Denis Faure -- Hemiparasitic plants: exploiting their host's inherent nature to talk / John I. Yoder, Pradeepa C. Gunathilake, and Denneal Jamison-McClung -- Host location and selection by holoparasitic plants / Mark C. Mescher, Jordan Smith, and Consuelo M. DeMoraes -- Plant innate Immunity / Jacqueline Monaghan, Tabea Weihmann, and Xin Li -- Airborne induction and priming of defenses / Martin Heil -- Chemical signaling during induced leaf movements / Minoru Ueda and Yoko Nakamura -- Aposematic (warning) coloration in plants / Simcha Lev-Yadun -- Deceptive behavior in plants. I. Pollination by sexual deception in Orchids: a host-parasite perspective / Nicolas J. Vereecken -- Deceptive behavior in plants. II. Food deception by plants: from generalized systems to specialized floral mimicry / Jana Jersáková, Steven D. Johnson, and Andreas Jürgens -- Cognition in plants / Paco Calvo and Fred Keijzer -- Memorization of abiotic stimuli in plants: a complex role for calcium / Camile Ripol ... [et al.] -- Plants and animals: convergent evolution in action? / František Baluška and Stefano Mancuso.-
dc.format.extent313 p.-
dc.rights©2009 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg-
dc.subjectPlant ecophysiology.en_US
dc.titlePlant-environment interactions: from sensory plant biology to active plant behavioren_US
Trong bộ sưu tập: Khoa học Vật lý & Kỹ thuật

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  • Thông tin siêu dữ liệu biểu ghi
    Trường DC Giá trịNgôn ngữ
    dc.contributor.editorBaluška, F.-
    dc.description.abstractMechanical integration of plant cells / Anna Kasprowicz ... [et al.] -- Root behavior in response to aluminum toxicity / Charlotte Poschenrieder ... [et al.] -- Communication and signaling in the plant-fungus symbiosis: the mycorrhiza / Pascale Seddas ... [et al.] -- Role of y-Aminobutyrate and y-Hydroxybutyrate in plant communication / Barry J. Shelp, Wendy L. Allan, and Denis Faure -- Hemiparasitic plants: exploiting their host's inherent nature to talk / John I. Yoder, Pradeepa C. Gunathilake, and Denneal Jamison-McClung -- Host location and selection by holoparasitic plants / Mark C. Mescher, Jordan Smith, and Consuelo M. DeMoraes -- Plant innate Immunity / Jacqueline Monaghan, Tabea Weihmann, and Xin Li -- Airborne induction and priming of defenses / Martin Heil -- Chemical signaling during induced leaf movements / Minoru Ueda and Yoko Nakamura -- Aposematic (warning) coloration in plants / Simcha Lev-Yadun -- Deceptive behavior in plants. I. Pollination by sexual deception in Orchids: a host-parasite perspective / Nicolas J. Vereecken -- Deceptive behavior in plants. II. Food deception by plants: from generalized systems to specialized floral mimicry / Jana Jersáková, Steven D. Johnson, and Andreas Jürgens -- Cognition in plants / Paco Calvo and Fred Keijzer -- Memorization of abiotic stimuli in plants: a complex role for calcium / Camile Ripol ... [et al.] -- Plants and animals: convergent evolution in action? / František Baluška and Stefano Mancuso.-
    dc.format.extent313 p.-
    dc.rights©2009 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg-
    dc.subjectPlant ecophysiology.en_US
    dc.titlePlant-environment interactions: from sensory plant biology to active plant behavioren_US
    Trong bộ sưu tập: Khoa học Vật lý & Kỹ thuật

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