This research investigates the problems in teaching and learning writing skill at a high school in Ha Dong district and the implementation of writing portfolios to improve students’ writing skill. It aims to find out how teachers can use writing portfolios to improve grade 10th students’ writing skill and students’ attitudes towards the implementation of writing portfolios in class. Three cycles of action research was conducted with a class of thirty six students, and the data were collected using questionnaires, teaching diaries, students’ portfolios and interviews. The findings indicated students lacked time for practising the skill, had poor background knowledge including lexical- grammar and idea limitations, and low motivation. The application of writing portfolios has helped students improve their writing performance in task achievement, coherence and cohesion, lexical resource and grammatical range and accuracy. At the end of the project, most of the participants expressed a strong consensus that writing portfolios not only had positive impacts on their writing skills but also created a positive attitude towards the subject English.
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This research investigates the problems in teaching and learning writing skill at a high school in Ha Dong district and the implementation of writing portfolios to improve students’ writing skill. It aims to find out how teachers can use writing portfolios to improve grade 10th students’ writing skill and students’ attitudes towards the implementation of writing portfolios in class. Three cycles of action research was conducted with a class of thirty six students, and the data were collected using questionnaires, teaching diaries, students’ portfolios and interviews. The findings indicated students lacked time for practising the skill, had poor background knowledge including lexical- grammar and idea limitations, and low motivation. The application of writing portfolios has helped students improve their writing performance in task achievement, coherence and cohesion, lexical resource and grammatical range and accuracy. At the end of the project, most of the participants expressed a strong consensus that writing portfolios not only had positive impacts on their writing skills but also created a positive attitude towards the subject English.