Flatfish are characterized by morphological changes from larvae to juvenile (symmetry to asymmetry with one eye migrating to the other side). The present study could collect a total of 137 specimens (larvae and juveniles) from the bank waters of the Kalong and Tien Yen estuaries in Quang Ninh Province from 2013 to 2015. A total of 137 specimens were collected and were identified to 5 species: Tephrinectes sp., Pseudorhombus arsius, Brachirus orientalis, Solea ovata and Cynoglossus sp. Among them, 4 were from the Ka Long and 2 were from the Tien Yen. In the study area, larvae and juvenile of flatfish appeared mainly in dry season (December, January and February), when temperature was low. Salinities when the fish were collected ranged from ca. 5.5 to 23.5‰ in the Kalong River and from ca. 8.1 to 26.0‰ in the Tien Yen River. They were distributed mainly in the middle part of the Kalong estuary, but mainly out of the Tien Yen estuary. Among 5 species collected, only the Solea ovata is found in both the rivers. The results indicate that regarding to the role as a nursery ground for early stages of flatfish, the Kalong estuary is more significant than the Tien Ye
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Flatfish are characterized by morphological changes from larvae to juvenile (symmetry to asymmetry with one eye migrating to the other side). The present study could collect a total of 137 specimens (larvae and juveniles) from the bank waters of the Kalong and Tien Yen estuaries in Quang Ninh Province from 2013 to 2015. A total of 137 specimens were collected and were identified to 5 species: Tephrinectes sp., Pseudorhombus arsius, Brachirus orientalis, Solea ovata and Cynoglossus sp. Among them, 4 were from the Ka Long and 2 were from the Tien Yen. In the study area, larvae and juvenile of flatfish appeared mainly in dry season (December, January and February), when temperature was low. Salinities when the fish were collected ranged from ca. 5.5 to 23.5‰ in the Kalong River and from ca. 8.1 to 26.0‰ in the Tien Yen River. They were distributed mainly in the middle part of the Kalong estuary, but mainly out of the Tien Yen estuary. Among 5 species collected, only the Solea ovata is found in both the rivers. The results indicate that regarding to the role as a nursery ground for early stages of flatfish, the Kalong estuary is more significant than the Tien Ye