This study was to determine the impacts of Bilingual program on the ability of speaking English of a secondary Bilingual school in Hanoi. The participants were four eighth and ninth graders who have been enrolling in bilingual program. The study used qualitative method; therefore, the data was collected through classroom observation and semi-structured in-depth interview with participants: four students and two teachers. This study was based on an interpretive approach concerned with subjective meaning in a particular context with the collected data analyzed inductively.
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This study was to determine the impacts of Bilingual program on the ability of speaking English of a secondary Bilingual school in Hanoi. The participants were four eighth and ninth graders who have been enrolling in bilingual program. The study used qualitative method; therefore, the data was collected through classroom observation and semi-structured in-depth interview with participants: four students and two teachers. This study was based on an interpretive approach concerned with subjective meaning in a particular context with the collected data analyzed inductively.