Browsing by Author Adhikary, Sharad P.

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  • Atmospheric Environment Volume 37 issue 9-10 2003 [doi 10.1016%2Fs1352-2310%2802%2901009-9] Gregory R Carmichael; Martin Ferm; Narisara Thongboonchoo; Jung- -- Measurements of sulfur dioxide, ozone an.pdf.jpg
  • Article

  • Authors: Carmichael, Gregory R.; Ferm, Martin; Thongboonchoo, Narisara; Woo, Jung-Hun; Chan, L.Y.; Murano, Kentaro; Pham, Hung Viet; Mossberg, Carl; Bala, Rajasekhlar; Boonjawat, Jariya; Upatum, Pramote; Mohan, Manju; Adhikary, Sharad P.; Shrestha, Arun B.; Pienaar, J.J.; Brunke, Ernst B.; Chen, Tai; Jie, Tang; Guoan, Ding; Peng, Leong Chow; Dhiharto, Sri; Harjanto, Hery; Jose, Aida M.; Kimani, Wilson; Kirouane, Abdelmalek; Lacaux, Jean-Pierre; Richard, Sandrine; Barturen, Osvaldo; Cerda, Jorge Carrasco; Athayde, Augusto; Tavares, Tania; Cotrina, Jose Silva; Bilici, Erdal (2003)

  • Measurements of gaseous SO2, NH3, and O3 using IVL passive sampler technology were obtained during a pilot measurement program initiated as a key component of the newly established WMO/GAW Urban Research Meteorology and Environment (GURME) project. Monthly measurements were obtained at 50 stations in Asia, Africa, South America, and Europe. The median SO2 concentrations vary from a high of 13 ppb at Linan, China, to <0.03 ppb at four stations. At 30 of 50 regional stations, the observed median concentrations are <1 ppb. Median ammonia concentrations range from 20 ppb at Dhangadi, India, to <1 ppb at nine stations. At 27 of regional stations, the ambient ammonia levels exceed 1 ppb. Th...

Browsing by Author Adhikary, Sharad P.

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  • Atmospheric Environment Volume 37 issue 9-10 2003 [doi 10.1016%2Fs1352-2310%2802%2901009-9] Gregory R Carmichael; Martin Ferm; Narisara Thongboonchoo; Jung- -- Measurements of sulfur dioxide, ozone an.pdf.jpg
  • Article

  • Authors: Carmichael, Gregory R.; Ferm, Martin; Thongboonchoo, Narisara; Woo, Jung-Hun; Chan, L.Y.; Murano, Kentaro; Pham, Hung Viet; Mossberg, Carl; Bala, Rajasekhlar; Boonjawat, Jariya; Upatum, Pramote; Mohan, Manju; Adhikary, Sharad P.; Shrestha, Arun B.; Pienaar, J.J.; Brunke, Ernst B.; Chen, Tai; Jie, Tang; Guoan, Ding; Peng, Leong Chow; Dhiharto, Sri; Harjanto, Hery; Jose, Aida M.; Kimani, Wilson; Kirouane, Abdelmalek; Lacaux, Jean-Pierre; Richard, Sandrine; Barturen, Osvaldo; Cerda, Jorge Carrasco; Athayde, Augusto; Tavares, Tania; Cotrina, Jose Silva; Bilici, Erdal (2003)

  • Measurements of gaseous SO2, NH3, and O3 using IVL passive sampler technology were obtained during a pilot measurement program initiated as a key component of the newly established WMO/GAW Urban Research Meteorology and Environment (GURME) project. Monthly measurements were obtained at 50 stations in Asia, Africa, South America, and Europe. The median SO2 concentrations vary from a high of 13 ppb at Linan, China, to <0.03 ppb at four stations. At 30 of 50 regional stations, the observed median concentrations are <1 ppb. Median ammonia concentrations range from 20 ppb at Dhangadi, India, to <1 ppb at nine stations. At 27 of regional stations, the ambient ammonia levels exceed 1 ppb. Th...