Browsing by Author Baase, Sara. ; Van Gelder, Allen.

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  • Computer_Algorithms_Introduction_to_Design_and_Analysis_PDFDrive.com_.pdf.jpg
  • Book

  • Authors: Baase, Sara. ; Van Gelder, Allen. (-)

  • Drawing upon combined decades of teaching experience, Professors Sara Baase and Allen Van Gelder have extensively revised this best seller on algorithm design and analysis to make it the most current and accessible book available. This edition features an increased emphasis on algorithm design techniques such as divide-and-conquer and greedy algorithms, along with the addition of new topics and exercises. It continues the tradition of solid mathematical analysis and clear writing style that made it so popular in previous editions.

Browsing by Author Baase, Sara. ; Van Gelder, Allen.

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  • Computer_Algorithms_Introduction_to_Design_and_Analysis_PDFDrive.com_.pdf.jpg
  • Book

  • Authors: Baase, Sara. ; Van Gelder, Allen. (-)

  • Drawing upon combined decades of teaching experience, Professors Sara Baase and Allen Van Gelder have extensively revised this best seller on algorithm design and analysis to make it the most current and accessible book available. This edition features an increased emphasis on algorithm design techniques such as divide-and-conquer and greedy algorithms, along with the addition of new topics and exercises. It continues the tradition of solid mathematical analysis and clear writing style that made it so popular in previous editions.