Browsing by Author Mannherz, Hans Georg

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  • 2017_Book_TheActinCytoskeletonAndBacteri.pdf.jpg
  • Book

  • Authors: Mannherz, Hans Georg (2017)

  • This volume describes the mechanisms which bacteria have created to secure their survival, proliferation and dissemination by subverting the actin cytoskeleton of host cells. Bacteria have developed a veritable arsenal of toxins, effector proteins and virulence factors that allow them to modify the properties of the intracellular actin cytoskeleton for their own purposes. Bacterial factors either modify actin directly as the main component of this part of the cytoskeleton or functionally subvert regulatory or signalling proteins terminating at the actin cytoskeleton. In short, this volume provides an overview of the various tricks bacteria have evolved to ℓ́ℓact on actinℓ́ℓ in order t...

Browsing by Author Mannherz, Hans Georg

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  • 2017_Book_TheActinCytoskeletonAndBacteri.pdf.jpg
  • Book

  • Authors: Mannherz, Hans Georg (2017)

  • This volume describes the mechanisms which bacteria have created to secure their survival, proliferation and dissemination by subverting the actin cytoskeleton of host cells. Bacteria have developed a veritable arsenal of toxins, effector proteins and virulence factors that allow them to modify the properties of the intracellular actin cytoskeleton for their own purposes. Bacterial factors either modify actin directly as the main component of this part of the cytoskeleton or functionally subvert regulatory or signalling proteins terminating at the actin cytoskeleton. In short, this volume provides an overview of the various tricks bacteria have evolved to ℓ́ℓact on actinℓ́ℓ in order t...