- Thesis
Authors: Hồ, Thế Tùng; Advisor: Nguyen, Hoa (2022) - Memes are often seen as jokes made with the assistance of modern digital technology. Using memes has become a common social practice to create memes to serve a diverse range of purposes, and got extremely attractive to the young people. The aim of the study is to explore the ways in which representational and interactive meanings are visually and textually created to serve ideological purposes. This study adopted the framework of visual grammar by Kress and Van Leeuwen to analyze memes featuring the two presidential candidates, Donald Trump and Joe Biden. Data selected were 10 memes created during the 2020 US presidential election, featuring the two presidential candidates Donald Trum...
- Article
Authors: Nguyen, Hoa; Tran, Hoai Phuong (2007) - This paper provides an account of a project undertaken at University of Languages and
International Studies, Vietnam National University (ULISVNU) to institute an English fast‐track
program for students majoring in teaching English foreign language (TEFL) since 2001. Specifically,
it gives insights into the change we initiated and how we have managed it once we started in order
not to be overwhelmed by the process set in motion. This program can be described as a sea change
in the local context which has helped generate creative ideas for course organization, learning
activities and assessment methods. With great efforts by all stakeholders, the program...
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Authors: Nguyen, Hoa (2017) - This study focuses on how verbal humor can discursively construct identities, grounded in the assumption of social constructionism that identity is not given, but is constructed in social practice (Foucault, 1984), or discourse practices (Fairclough, 2001). I exploit a mix of Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) methods and Gricean pragmatics in the analysis of implicature-generated humor occurring in a speech delivered in the political context of a presidential election. The findings show that verbal humor (created through the use of language in contexts of situation) is not just for “fun” or “humor”, but also for performing a variety of pragmatic functions such as developing social rel...
- Thesis
Authors: Nguyễn, Thị Quỳnh Nam; Advisor: Nguyen, Hoa (2022) - The outbreak of Covid-19 pandemic has changed the society worldwide comprehensively, especially in educational sector as the teaching mode has to switch from face-to-face mode to virtual classroom. This not only affects greatly to the way teachers interact with their students but also alter the way they evaluate and make judgement to students‟ learning performance. As a consequence, all stakeholders of the education process have paid serious attention to testing and assessment during the phase of online teaching in general and to formative assessment in particular as formative assessment plays an indispensable role in the process of teaching and learning. A study with ten participants...
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Authors: Nguyen, Hoa (2019) - This paper is aimed at reexamining intercultural communication from an identity
social constructionist perspective and offering a linguistically-based research framework. The social constructionist approach holds that knowledge and reality are constructed through discourse, interactions and/or social interchange. This study maintains that language in action as communication in general serves dual purposes. It does not only build the social world, but also constructs identity - a critical issue in our global community recognized by many scholars (as most recently as Jandt, 2016; Fukuyama, 2018). Identity, though, is not just a social construct, but can operate as part of the purpose o...
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Authors: Nguyen, Hoa (2011) - Bài viết này bàn về cách tiếp cận “phân tích giao tiếp liên văn hóa - intercultural communication analysis (ICA)” trong nghiên cứu giao tiếp. Sau khi làm rõ khái niệm “phân tích giao tiếp liên văn hóa” cùng những khái niệm có liên quan khác, bài viết đề cập đến một số giá trị văn hoá mang tính phổ quát và vai trò của chúng trong giao tiếp liên văn hóa.
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Authors: Nguyen, Hoa; Tran, Thi Huong (2016) - This paper is a meta-analysis of the spread of Korean culture, often known as “Hallyu” or “the Korean Wave”, which is gaining the attention of many scholars and the public at large. It is catching on in many parts of the world, including Vietnam, and to such an extent that it is now claimed that it is being globalized and globalizing at the same time. This paper on Korean culture makes an attempt to see if there is an element of truth in this claim with special reference to Vietnam. In particular, it deals with the following relevant questions: what is the current status of Korean Culture in Vietnam? Whether it has had any impact on the host culture? and how will Korean Culture likely...
- Thesis
Authors: Nguyễn, Thị Hương; Advisor: Nguyen, Hoa (2022) - Metaphor is considered a fertile land for researchers. Traditionally, it is viewed as a figure of speech and a rhetorical device. From a perspective of cognitive linguistics, it
refers to a conceptual mechanism that allows us to understand one conceptual domain in terms of another (Lakoff & Johnson, 1980). Critical metaphor analysis (CMA) and
van Dijk’s ideological square frame are adopted by this study to investigate how metaphors of US-China relations are created and for what ideological purposes they
serve. Data selected consist of 20 articles from the American newspaper of Washington Post published in the 2017-2020 time frame. Findings identify the use of
10 metaphors with the...
- Thesis
Authors: Điêu, Thị Thu Phương; Advisor: Nguyen, Hoa (2022) - Though flipped learning has had a favorable influence on teaching English writing, its use in enhancing students‟ English writing performance has yet to be determined. The purpose of this study was to look at the impact of flipped learning on students‟ English writing skills. 45 male and female twelfth-grade students from Viet Tri High School were chosen to engage in writing activities. A qualitative and quantitative research approach was employed, with pre- and post-study writing tests, a post-study questionnaire and interview, and observation implemented. Findings reveal that flipped learning has an effect on improving students‟ English writing skills as they were able to practice w...
- Thesis
Authors: Lê, Thị Bích Ngọc; Advisor: Nguyen, Hoa (2022) - Students at grade 8 of the school where I teach in Viet Tri city, Phu Tho province are facing a serious problem of poor reading comprehension ability, which affects their learning, especially in reading lessons. A study with the participation of 40 students from one class 8C with the use of authentic materials in reading sessions was carried out to evaluate the potential impacts of using authentic texts on improving reading comprehension. Data were collected through three methods namely tests, questionnaire and interview. Quantitative and qualitative data were thematically analyzed. Findings showed that by using authentic materials in the reading class, the test results on reading com...
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Authors: Nguyen, Hoa (2011) - Within a short span of time since the end of the Korean War in the early 1950s,Korea has emerged on the world arena as an economic powerhouse and a success story which has been the envy of the world. Sea changes have taken place inKorea. World-wide interest inKorea as a nation, as an economy, or as a culture is generated. What is the cause behind all this?. This paper aims to sketch some of the defining cultural values which I believe are responsible for the Korean miracle. Some references will be made to Vietnamese culture as appropriate to deeply appreciate the similarities and as well as the differences.