Browsing by Author Trần, Thanh Nhàn

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  • 04051000133_Noi_dung.pdf.jpg
  • Thesis

  • Authors: Trần, Thị Nga;  Advisor: Trần, Thanh Nhàn (2010)

  • Part A will provide general information about the ration ale for choosing the theme, aim s and objectives , significance, scope, methods, and organization of the study. Part B is divided into three main chapters. In order to provide readers with literature review relevant to this study, the important notions of materials, materials evaluation, types, methods, and cr iteria for materials evaluation are discussed in chapter one . Also in this chapter, t he significant role of material s evaluation to adaptation of the course book is presented . The next chapter will give the rea ders an overview of th...

  • item.jpg
  • Conference Paper

  • Authors: Leat, David; Trần, Thanh Nhàn (2020-04)

  • The context of globalisation in general and internationalisation in education in particular has engendered both opportunities and challenges for educational institutions, educators and the learners to answer the ontological questions of our existence and purposes: who are we and who do we want to become? This article aims at reviewing the key works of prominent Western and Asian researchers and philosophers of the field namely Bernstein (2000), Thich Nhat Hanh (2013), Hermans (2003), Gee (2000), Norton and Toohey (2011), and Akkerman and Meijer (2011) to reconcile and compile a more approachable, applicable and ecological conceptualisation of identity and its identịfication. Major the...

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  • Final Year Project (FYP)

  • Authors: Lê, Huyền Linh;  Advisor: Trần, Thanh Nhàn (2022)

  • The purpose of this study is to see how an understanding of theme-rheme and thematic progression patterns affects students' writing coherence and cohesion. Using quasi-experimental design, the research conducted a five-week interventional course on ULIS first-year students, and then utilized the framework of Theme-Rheme proposed by Halliday (1994) and Eggins (2004) to analyze the differences between essays before and after the intervention of 14 participants in terms of coherence and cohesion. The results showed a significant enhancement in students’ writings, in both numerical and descriptive data, particularly fewer occurrences of incoherent errors, more effective use of themes and ...

  • item.jpg
  • Final Year Project (FYP)

  • Authors: Nguyễn, Thị Thái Hà;  Advisor: Trần, Thanh Nhàn (2022)

  • Previous literature has elaborated on the logistical, economical, pedagogical and metacognitive benefits of peer assessment. Yet prior to its adoption in the current climate of emergency remote teaching, the reliability and validity of online peer ratings remain primary concerns. These two aspects were examined in the current study, which was conducted on the essays and peer ratings of 70 highschoolers learning English as a foreign language (EFL) academic writing. Two expert raters were also recruited to rate the total 70 essays. Google Forms surveys were the instruments of choice to collect peer and expert ratings, the reliability and validity of which were subsequently analyzed usin...

  • 26_TranThanhNhan_14100150_toanvan.pdf.jpg
  • Thesis

  • Authors: Trần, Thanh Nhàn;  Advisor: Hoàng, Đình Âu; Nguyễn, Văn Sơn (2020)

  • Ở Việt Nam, tại Bệnh Viện đại học Y Hà Nội sử dụng phổ biến chụp cắt lớp vi tính 128 dãy trong chẩn đoán và làm bilan trước khi tán sỏi thận niệu quản nội soi qua da. Đề tài chẩn đoán sỏi thận niệu quản trên phim MSCT và đánh giá ảnh hưởng của sỏi thận, niệu quản đến đường bài xuất bằng MSCT

Browsing by Author Trần, Thanh Nhàn

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Showing results 1 to 16 of 16
  • 04051000133_Noi_dung.pdf.jpg
  • Thesis

  • Authors: Trần, Thị Nga;  Advisor: Trần, Thanh Nhàn (2010)

  • Part A will provide general information about the ration ale for choosing the theme, aim s and objectives , significance, scope, methods, and organization of the study. Part B is divided into three main chapters. In order to provide readers with literature review relevant to this study, the important notions of materials, materials evaluation, types, methods, and cr iteria for materials evaluation are discussed in chapter one . Also in this chapter, t he significant role of material s evaluation to adaptation of the course book is presented . The next chapter will give the rea ders an overview of th...

  • item.jpg
  • Conference Paper

  • Authors: Leat, David; Trần, Thanh Nhàn (2020-04)

  • The context of globalisation in general and internationalisation in education in particular has engendered both opportunities and challenges for educational institutions, educators and the learners to answer the ontological questions of our existence and purposes: who are we and who do we want to become? This article aims at reviewing the key works of prominent Western and Asian researchers and philosophers of the field namely Bernstein (2000), Thich Nhat Hanh (2013), Hermans (2003), Gee (2000), Norton and Toohey (2011), and Akkerman and Meijer (2011) to reconcile and compile a more approachable, applicable and ecological conceptualisation of identity and its identịfication. Major the...

  • item.jpg
  • Final Year Project (FYP)

  • Authors: Lê, Huyền Linh;  Advisor: Trần, Thanh Nhàn (2022)

  • The purpose of this study is to see how an understanding of theme-rheme and thematic progression patterns affects students' writing coherence and cohesion. Using quasi-experimental design, the research conducted a five-week interventional course on ULIS first-year students, and then utilized the framework of Theme-Rheme proposed by Halliday (1994) and Eggins (2004) to analyze the differences between essays before and after the intervention of 14 participants in terms of coherence and cohesion. The results showed a significant enhancement in students’ writings, in both numerical and descriptive data, particularly fewer occurrences of incoherent errors, more effective use of themes and ...

  • item.jpg
  • Final Year Project (FYP)

  • Authors: Nguyễn, Thị Thái Hà;  Advisor: Trần, Thanh Nhàn (2022)

  • Previous literature has elaborated on the logistical, economical, pedagogical and metacognitive benefits of peer assessment. Yet prior to its adoption in the current climate of emergency remote teaching, the reliability and validity of online peer ratings remain primary concerns. These two aspects were examined in the current study, which was conducted on the essays and peer ratings of 70 highschoolers learning English as a foreign language (EFL) academic writing. Two expert raters were also recruited to rate the total 70 essays. Google Forms surveys were the instruments of choice to collect peer and expert ratings, the reliability and validity of which were subsequently analyzed usin...

  • 26_TranThanhNhan_14100150_toanvan.pdf.jpg
  • Thesis

  • Authors: Trần, Thanh Nhàn;  Advisor: Hoàng, Đình Âu; Nguyễn, Văn Sơn (2020)

  • Ở Việt Nam, tại Bệnh Viện đại học Y Hà Nội sử dụng phổ biến chụp cắt lớp vi tính 128 dãy trong chẩn đoán và làm bilan trước khi tán sỏi thận niệu quản nội soi qua da. Đề tài chẩn đoán sỏi thận niệu quản trên phim MSCT và đánh giá ảnh hưởng của sỏi thận, niệu quản đến đường bài xuất bằng MSCT