Browsing by Author Varady , Corin

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  • USForeignPolicyAndTheMultinati.pdf.jpg
  • Book

  • Authors: Varady , Corin (2017)

  • Contents: Introduction -- Lebanon: a crowded state without a nation -- Discontinuity and legacy: US policy in Lebanon and the Middle East -- Operation Peace for Galilee and the establishment of the MNFI -- Return of the Marines and the Multinational Force II -- The Soviet-Syrian alliance and the Battle of Souk el Gharb -- The Marine barracks bombing and a 'vigorous self-defense' -- Leaving through the back door: the final days of the US intervention in Lebanon -- Conclusion: lessons for the future: the use of force in a peacemaking intervention.

Browsing by Author Varady , Corin

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  • USForeignPolicyAndTheMultinati.pdf.jpg
  • Book

  • Authors: Varady , Corin (2017)

  • Contents: Introduction -- Lebanon: a crowded state without a nation -- Discontinuity and legacy: US policy in Lebanon and the Middle East -- Operation Peace for Galilee and the establishment of the MNFI -- Return of the Marines and the Multinational Force II -- The Soviet-Syrian alliance and the Battle of Souk el Gharb -- The Marine barracks bombing and a 'vigorous self-defense' -- Leaving through the back door: the final days of the US intervention in Lebanon -- Conclusion: lessons for the future: the use of force in a peacemaking intervention.