Browsing by Author Yoshioka, Daijiro

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  • Statistical_Physics_by_Daijiro_Yoshioka.pdf.jpg
  • Book

  • Authors: Yoshioka, Daijiro (2007)

  • 1. Thermal equilibrium and the principle of equal probability -- 2. Entropy -- 3. The partition function and the free energy -- 4. Ideal gases -- 5. The heat capacity of a solid, and black-body radiation -- 6. The elasticity of rubber -- 7. Magnetic materials -- 8. First-order phase transitions -- 9. Second-order phase transitions -- 10. Dense gases -- ideal gases at low temperature -- A. Formulas related to the factorial function -- B. The Gaussian distribution function -- C. Lagrange's method of undetermined multipliers -- D. Volume of a hypersphere -- E. Hyperbolic functions -- F. Boundary conditions -- G. The Riemann zeta function.

  • Statistical_Physics_An_Introduction.pdf.jpg
  • Book

  • Authors: Yoshioka, Daijiro (2007)

  • 1. Thermal equilibrium and the principle of equal probability -- 2. Entropy -- 3. The partition function and the free energy -- 4. Ideal gases -- 5. The heat capacity of a solid, and black-body radiation -- 6. The elasticity of rubber -- 7. Magnetic materials -- 8. First-order phase transitions -- 9. Second-order phase transitions -- 10. Dense gases -- ideal gases at low temperature -- A. Formulas related to the factorial function -- B. The Gaussian distribution function -- C. Lagrange's method of undetermined multipliers -- D. Volume of a hypersphere -- E. Hyperbolic functions -- F. Boundary conditions -- G. The Riemann zeta function

Browsing by Author Yoshioka, Daijiro

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Showing results 1 to 2 of 2
  • Statistical_Physics_by_Daijiro_Yoshioka.pdf.jpg
  • Book

  • Authors: Yoshioka, Daijiro (2007)

  • 1. Thermal equilibrium and the principle of equal probability -- 2. Entropy -- 3. The partition function and the free energy -- 4. Ideal gases -- 5. The heat capacity of a solid, and black-body radiation -- 6. The elasticity of rubber -- 7. Magnetic materials -- 8. First-order phase transitions -- 9. Second-order phase transitions -- 10. Dense gases -- ideal gases at low temperature -- A. Formulas related to the factorial function -- B. The Gaussian distribution function -- C. Lagrange's method of undetermined multipliers -- D. Volume of a hypersphere -- E. Hyperbolic functions -- F. Boundary conditions -- G. The Riemann zeta function.

  • Statistical_Physics_An_Introduction.pdf.jpg
  • Book

  • Authors: Yoshioka, Daijiro (2007)

  • 1. Thermal equilibrium and the principle of equal probability -- 2. Entropy -- 3. The partition function and the free energy -- 4. Ideal gases -- 5. The heat capacity of a solid, and black-body radiation -- 6. The elasticity of rubber -- 7. Magnetic materials -- 8. First-order phase transitions -- 9. Second-order phase transitions -- 10. Dense gases -- ideal gases at low temperature -- A. Formulas related to the factorial function -- B. The Gaussian distribution function -- C. Lagrange's method of undetermined multipliers -- D. Volume of a hypersphere -- E. Hyperbolic functions -- F. Boundary conditions -- G. The Riemann zeta function