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dc.contributor.advisorĐỗ, Thị Mai Thanh-
dc.contributor.authorNguyễn, Phúc Cẩm Nhi-
dc.description.abstractThe research aims to seek investigation into two main areas: the manifestation of intercultural sensitivity and the changes regarding personal growth experienced by Vietnamese university students doing short-term exchange in ASEAN countries. In order to achieve the established targets, qualitive approach was adopted for data collection and analysis. Specifically, the researcher utilized three data collection instruments namely questionnaire, interview and documents analysis. Data obtained through these methods were closely examined using content analysis approach. In the end, the researcher was able to generate several conclusions based on the analyzed data. In terms of intercultural sensitivity, students showed a transition from ethnocentrism to ethnorelativism throughout their exchange as they started from stereotypes and lack of understanding about host countries to development of appreciative attitude and willingness to integrate into the host community. However, despite reaching different stages in the ethnorelative category, the students still expressed ethnocentric attitude towards certain aspects of host countries such as food or religious habits. As for personal growth, the data revealed that after exchange, students experienced improvement regarding emotional resilience, openness/ flexibility, perceptual acuity and personal autonomy. Specifically, they were able to handle different emotional issues, became more acceptant towards cultural differences and attentive to their international friends. Most importantly, several students reflected on their recognition of their self identity and increased pride in being an ASEAN citizen after going on exchange.vi
dc.format.extent97 p.vi
dc.subjectVăn hóavi
dc.titleIntercultural sensitivity and personal development of Vietnamese students participating in short-term exchange courses in asean countries = Ảnh hưởng của việc tham gia các chương trình trao đổi tại Asean đối với độ nhạy cảm văn hoá và sự phát triển cá nhân của sinh viên Việt Namvi
dc.typeFinal Year Project (FYP)vi
dc.contributor.schoolĐHQGHN - Trường Đại học Ngoại Ngữvi
Appears in Collections:ULIS - Student Reports (FYP/ESSAY)

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  • Full metadata record
    DC FieldValueLanguage
    dc.contributor.advisorĐỗ, Thị Mai Thanh-
    dc.contributor.authorNguyễn, Phúc Cẩm Nhi-
    dc.description.abstractThe research aims to seek investigation into two main areas: the manifestation of intercultural sensitivity and the changes regarding personal growth experienced by Vietnamese university students doing short-term exchange in ASEAN countries. In order to achieve the established targets, qualitive approach was adopted for data collection and analysis. Specifically, the researcher utilized three data collection instruments namely questionnaire, interview and documents analysis. Data obtained through these methods were closely examined using content analysis approach. In the end, the researcher was able to generate several conclusions based on the analyzed data. In terms of intercultural sensitivity, students showed a transition from ethnocentrism to ethnorelativism throughout their exchange as they started from stereotypes and lack of understanding about host countries to development of appreciative attitude and willingness to integrate into the host community. However, despite reaching different stages in the ethnorelative category, the students still expressed ethnocentric attitude towards certain aspects of host countries such as food or religious habits. As for personal growth, the data revealed that after exchange, students experienced improvement regarding emotional resilience, openness/ flexibility, perceptual acuity and personal autonomy. Specifically, they were able to handle different emotional issues, became more acceptant towards cultural differences and attentive to their international friends. Most importantly, several students reflected on their recognition of their self identity and increased pride in being an ASEAN citizen after going on exchange.vi
    dc.format.extent97 p.vi
    dc.subjectVăn hóavi
    dc.titleIntercultural sensitivity and personal development of Vietnamese students participating in short-term exchange courses in asean countries = Ảnh hưởng của việc tham gia các chương trình trao đổi tại Asean đối với độ nhạy cảm văn hoá và sự phát triển cá nhân của sinh viên Việt Namvi
    dc.typeFinal Year Project (FYP)vi
    dc.contributor.schoolĐHQGHN - Trường Đại học Ngoại Ngữvi
    Appears in Collections:ULIS - Student Reports (FYP/ESSAY)

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