Issues covered in this paper include: + Population issues: Population growth rate in the Vietnam upland areas was under very high level during the last ten years, especially in the Tay Nguyen region. Rapid population growth in the upland areas was caused mainy by migration both in free emigration and government's emigrate policy from lowland areas to upland areas. The current status of population distribution, population constructure and quality of population in some upland areas are still not suitable: The rate of Kinh people has been increasing with a very high level, youthful rate is very high while old people rate is still low, ethnic minorities's knowledge is low compared with Kinh people. population growth situation in the upland areas have had negative impacts on the upland's sustainable development in the terms of socio-economic, natural resources - environmenta and culture + Economic issues: Economic Growth rate in the 3 areas of upland region has been increased in past ten years, especially in the Tay nguyen region, however, upland's development has been falling behind other areas of Vietnam, in general. The GDP rate of 3 upland regions make up only 11,1% of the total national GDP, lower than figure in the last 10 years. (15,4%). Agriculture plays a very important role in the economic structure in the upland (32-53% while the national rate is only 25%). The level of industriliasation and mordernisation according to value indicators and growth rate is still at the lowest level compared with country as a whole. Average income per capita of 2000 in Tay Nguyen region is at the highest level (344,700/person), but the number of poor households is at highest, make up 21,2% (national rate is 13,3%). Agro-forestry production in the upland areas has been considerably improved during last ten years: production value and growth rate are risen. In the economic retransformation there is a promoted replacement of crops: industrial tree, fruit tree and livestock, some concentrated production regions were established, the average food productivity per capita has risen, and poverty has been considerablely reduced... However, Agricultural land in some areas has encroached upon forest land, farming at the low level, agricultural production value is much lower compared with other lowland areas. The forest cover increased, but quality of forest is still not high. + Social issues: Uplan social has a lot of fluctuation both in positive and negative side and also include irrational and unstable. On of the bigest fluctuation was caused by both free emigration and government's emigrate policy from lowland areas to upland areas, especially Tay Nguyen and NorthEast area, this has caused many changes in the society and life of the ethnic minorities. Viet nam's Party and Government always conside for the life of ethinic minorities groups as well as social security. developed policies enfored by Party and Government have got many achievements, such as: Resetlement and Fixed Cultivation program, forest land allocation; Hunger eradication and poverty reduction program; especially 135 programme; village central 82 construction, infrastructure promotion like: hydroelectricity, electricity network, roads, schools, clinics, watter supply; development of culture and information... However, there are stillsocial problems accouring in the upland areas such as: the union of community in some areas was weak, economic sectors are in the incoherent operation, dispute on land, traditional culture has been become dim or under the influence of mixed culture from outside, the local cultural characteristics has not been protected as it should be./
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Issues covered in this paper include: + Population issues: Population growth rate in the Vietnam upland areas was under very high level during the last ten years, especially in the Tay Nguyen region. Rapid population growth in the upland areas was caused mainy by migration both in free emigration and government's emigrate policy from lowland areas to upland areas. The current status of population distribution, population constructure and quality of population in some upland areas are still not suitable: The rate of Kinh people has been increasing with a very high level, youthful rate is very high while old people rate is still low, ethnic minorities's knowledge is low compared with Kinh people. population growth situation in the upland areas have had negative impacts on the upland's sustainable development in the terms of socio-economic, natural resources - environmenta and culture + Economic issues: Economic Growth rate in the 3 areas of upland region has been increased in past ten years, especially in the Tay nguyen region, however, upland's development has been falling behind other areas of Vietnam, in general. The GDP rate of 3 upland regions make up only 11,1% of the total national GDP, lower than figure in the last 10 years. (15,4%). Agriculture plays a very important role in the economic structure in the upland (32-53% while the national rate is only 25%). The level of industriliasation and mordernisation according to value indicators and growth rate is still at the lowest level compared with country as a whole. Average income per capita of 2000 in Tay Nguyen region is at the highest level (344,700/person), but the number of poor households is at highest, make up 21,2% (national rate is 13,3%). Agro-forestry production in the upland areas has been considerably improved during last ten years: production value and growth rate are risen. In the economic retransformation there is a promoted replacement of crops: industrial tree, fruit tree and livestock, some concentrated production regions were established, the average food productivity per capita has risen, and poverty has been considerablely reduced... However, Agricultural land in some areas has encroached upon forest land, farming at the low level, agricultural production value is much lower compared with other lowland areas. The forest cover increased, but quality of forest is still not high. + Social issues: Uplan social has a lot of fluctuation both in positive and negative side and also include irrational and unstable. On of the bigest fluctuation was caused by both free emigration and government's emigrate policy from lowland areas to upland areas, especially Tay Nguyen and NorthEast area, this has caused many changes in the society and life of the ethnic minorities. Viet nam's Party and Government always conside for the life of ethinic minorities groups as well as social security. developed policies enfored by Party and Government have got many achievements, such as: Resetlement and Fixed Cultivation program, forest land allocation; Hunger eradication and poverty reduction program; especially 135 programme; village central 82 construction, infrastructure promotion like: hydroelectricity, electricity network, roads, schools, clinics, watter supply; development of culture and information... However, there are stillsocial problems accouring in the upland areas such as: the union of community in some areas was weak, economic sectors are in the incoherent operation, dispute on land, traditional culture has been become dim or under the influence of mixed culture from outside, the local cultural characteristics has not been protected as it should be./
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