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dc.contributor.advisorHuỳnh, Anh Tuấn-
dc.contributor.authorPhạm, Thị Hồng-
dc.identifier.citationPhạm, T.H. (2016). Practice of peer written feedback in paragraph writing skills among third-year students of Hanam College of Education (HCE)”. Master’s thesis, Vietnam National University, Hanoi-
dc.description.abstractThe main aim of this minor thesis is to examine the way in which the third - year students of HCE give feedback to their peer‟s written paragraphs, the difficulties students might encounter when responding to their peer‟s writing, to find out whether the method is effective. In order to get adequate information for the study, document analysis of students‟ peer written feedback and survey method were applied. The participants involved in the study were 20 third - year students from 2 classes of HCE. The data analyzing suggests that the students gave feedback on al l areas of the paragraph especially on grammar and vocabulary. And, the study results also reveal that peer feedback is effective to the students‟ learning of writing. Although the peer written feedback to students‟ writing brings the certain effectiveness , a large number of HCE still have difficulties in indicating the mistakes in their peer‟s writing and in giving suggestion to overcome those mistakes-
dc.format.extent50 p. + CD-ROM-
dc.relation.replacesLuận văn ngành Lý luận và phương pháp giảng dạy tiếng Anh (Full)-
dc.subjectKĩ năng viết đoạn-
dc.subjectCao đẳng Sư phạm Hà Nam-
dc.titlePractice of peer written feedback in paragraph writing skills among third-year students of Hanam College of Education (HCE)” . M.A. Thesis Linguist-
dc.title.alternativeThực hành phản hồi theo cặp trong kĩ năng viết đoạn của sinh viên năm thứ 3 trường Cao đẳng Sư phạm Hà Nam-
Appears in Collections:ULIS - Master Theses

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  • Full metadata record
    DC FieldValueLanguage
    dc.contributor.advisorHuỳnh, Anh Tuấn-
    dc.contributor.authorPhạm, Thị Hồng-
    dc.identifier.citationPhạm, T.H. (2016). Practice of peer written feedback in paragraph writing skills among third-year students of Hanam College of Education (HCE)”. Master’s thesis, Vietnam National University, Hanoi-
    dc.description.abstractThe main aim of this minor thesis is to examine the way in which the third - year students of HCE give feedback to their peer‟s written paragraphs, the difficulties students might encounter when responding to their peer‟s writing, to find out whether the method is effective. In order to get adequate information for the study, document analysis of students‟ peer written feedback and survey method were applied. The participants involved in the study were 20 third - year students from 2 classes of HCE. The data analyzing suggests that the students gave feedback on al l areas of the paragraph especially on grammar and vocabulary. And, the study results also reveal that peer feedback is effective to the students‟ learning of writing. Although the peer written feedback to students‟ writing brings the certain effectiveness , a large number of HCE still have difficulties in indicating the mistakes in their peer‟s writing and in giving suggestion to overcome those mistakes-
    dc.format.extent50 p. + CD-ROM-
    dc.relation.replacesLuận văn ngành Lý luận và phương pháp giảng dạy tiếng Anh (Full)-
    dc.subjectKĩ năng viết đoạn-
    dc.subjectCao đẳng Sư phạm Hà Nam-
    dc.titlePractice of peer written feedback in paragraph writing skills among third-year students of Hanam College of Education (HCE)” . M.A. Thesis Linguist-
    dc.title.alternativeThực hành phản hồi theo cặp trong kĩ năng viết đoạn của sinh viên năm thứ 3 trường Cao đẳng Sư phạm Hà Nam-
    Appears in Collections:ULIS - Master Theses

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