Some researchers (e.g., Anderson, 2003 & Carrell, 1988) claim that reading is one of the most essential and important skills which language learners need to master. However, the majority of students at FIC express that reading in English is a challenging problem for them because most of the reading texts in English contain a lot of unknown words; whereas their amount of vocabulary is limited. This causes students\u201f reading comprehension to decrease sharply. Accordingly, it is necessary to find out an effective way to increase the students\u201f reading comprehension. This study is aimed at investigating the effectiveness of L1-L2 glossing in reading comprehension lessons of the first year non-English major students at Food Industry College and the students and the teacher\u201fs attitudes toward using this technique. The participants included one English teacher and 40 non-major English students from the class K8TP. The participants took part in the intervention stage in an action research project which L1-L2 glossing technique was applied in the second semester of the first academic year. The data were collected through classroom observation, survey questionnaire for students and interview for the teacher. The results showed that L1-L2 glossing improved considerably students\u201f reading comprehension in three aspects: students\u201f reading comprehension ability, motivation and vocabulary extension. In addition, the study also indicated that the teacher and most of the students had positive attitudes toward this technique. Some pedagogical implications, limitations and suggestions for further studies were included in this study.
Readership Map
Content Distribution
Some researchers (e.g., Anderson, 2003 & Carrell, 1988) claim that reading is one of the most essential and important skills which language learners need to master. However, the majority of students at FIC express that reading in English is a challenging problem for them because most of the reading texts in English contain a lot of unknown words; whereas their amount of vocabulary is limited. This causes students\u201f reading comprehension to decrease sharply. Accordingly, it is necessary to find out an effective way to increase the students\u201f reading comprehension. This study is aimed at investigating the effectiveness of L1-L2 glossing in reading comprehension lessons of the first year non-English major students at Food Industry College and the students and the teacher\u201fs attitudes toward using this technique. The participants included one English teacher and 40 non-major English students from the class K8TP. The participants took part in the intervention stage in an action research project which L1-L2 glossing technique was applied in the second semester of the first academic year. The data were collected through classroom observation, survey questionnaire for students and interview for the teacher. The results showed that L1-L2 glossing improved considerably students\u201f reading comprehension in three aspects: students\u201f reading comprehension ability, motivation and vocabulary extension. In addition, the study also indicated that the teacher and most of the students had positive attitudes toward this technique. Some pedagogical implications, limitations and suggestions for further studies were included in this study.