This study investigates whether first-year, non-major students at University of Sciences –Thai Nguyen University perceive and reproduce accurate intonation contours of sentences in English after two weeks of training with WASP and Online Audio Recorder focusing on two types of intonation patterns (definite statements, yes/no questions). The study found that the learners improved their correctness in reproducing the intonation patterns according to the results and analyses of pre-test, post-test and interview . The participants also stated that the tools were beneficial, interesting to use and helpful for their learning. The study also motivates future research in some kinds of aspects related
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This study investigates whether first-year, non-major students at University of Sciences –Thai Nguyen University perceive and reproduce accurate intonation contours of sentences in English after two weeks of training with WASP and Online Audio Recorder focusing on two types of intonation patterns (definite statements, yes/no questions). The study found that the learners improved their correctness in reproducing the intonation patterns according to the results and analyses of pre-test, post-test and interview . The participants also stated that the tools were beneficial, interesting to use and helpful for their learning. The study also motivates future research in some kinds of aspects related