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dc.contributor.editorDonoso, Sofia ; Bülow, Marisa von
dc.description.abstractContents: 1. Introduction: Social movements in contemporary Chile -- 2. Shifting relationships between social movements and institutional politics -- 3. "Outsider" and "insider" strategies: Chile's Student Movement, 1990-2014 -- 4. From cooperation to confrontation: The Mapuche Movement and its political impact, 1990-2014 -- 5. Democratizing the flows of democracy: Patagonia sin Represas in the awakening of Chile's civil society -- 6. Feminism and gender policies in post-dictatorship Chile (1990-2010) -- 7. Coping with neoliberalism through legal mobilization: the Chilean labor movement's new tactics and allies -- 8. Chilean social movements and party politics in comparative perspective: Conceptualizing Latin America's "third generation" of anti-neoliberal protest -- 9. Post-transition social movements in Chile in comparative perspective.
dc.format.extent289 p.
dc.publisherPalgrave Macmillan
dc.rights©The Editor(s) (if applicable) and The Author(s)
dc.subjectPolitical science; Social movements -- Chile; SOCIAL SCIENCE -- General; Politics and government; Social movements; Political Science -- Public Policy -- Social Policy; Politics and government; Social justice; Chile -- Politics and government; Chile; Elec
dc.titleSocial movements in Chile : organization, trajectories, and political consequences
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  • Full metadata record
    DC FieldValueLanguage
    dc.contributor.editorDonoso, Sofia ; Bülow, Marisa von
    dc.description.abstractContents: 1. Introduction: Social movements in contemporary Chile -- 2. Shifting relationships between social movements and institutional politics -- 3. "Outsider" and "insider" strategies: Chile's Student Movement, 1990-2014 -- 4. From cooperation to confrontation: The Mapuche Movement and its political impact, 1990-2014 -- 5. Democratizing the flows of democracy: Patagonia sin Represas in the awakening of Chile's civil society -- 6. Feminism and gender policies in post-dictatorship Chile (1990-2010) -- 7. Coping with neoliberalism through legal mobilization: the Chilean labor movement's new tactics and allies -- 8. Chilean social movements and party politics in comparative perspective: Conceptualizing Latin America's "third generation" of anti-neoliberal protest -- 9. Post-transition social movements in Chile in comparative perspective.
    dc.format.extent289 p.
    dc.publisherPalgrave Macmillan
    dc.rights©The Editor(s) (if applicable) and The Author(s)
    dc.subjectPolitical science; Social movements -- Chile; SOCIAL SCIENCE -- General; Politics and government; Social movements; Political Science -- Public Policy -- Social Policy; Politics and government; Social justice; Chile -- Politics and government; Chile; Elec
    dc.titleSocial movements in Chile : organization, trajectories, and political consequences
    Appears in Collections:Khoa học xã hội và hành vi

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