Khoa học Trái đất, Không gian & Môi trường : [434]

Bạn muốn nhận thông báo về tài liệu mới của bộ sưu tập qua email?
Danh sách tài liệu trong bộ sưu tập (Sắp xếp theo "Ngày nhập " với thứ tự "Giảm dần "): Hiển thị 1-20 trong tổng số 434 tài liệu
  • BaiTapThienVan_VV_M1_07612.pdf.jpg
  • Book

  • Tác giả : - (2007)

  • Cuốn sách này gồm ba phần: Tóm tắt kiến thức và đề bài tập ; Đáp số, hướng dẫn, bài giải ; Một số phụ lục

  • 2017_Book_SensoryMotorAndBehavioralResea.pdf.jpg
  • Book

  • Tác giả : Hilbig, Reinhard. ; Gollhofer, Albert. ; Bock, Otmar. ; Manzey, Dietrich, 1956- (2017)

  • This volume of the series SpringerBriefs in Space Life Sciences describes findings from space and accompanying ground research related to spatial orientation, posture and locomotion, cognition and psychomotor function. The results are not only of importance to health and performance of astronauts during their space mission, but also impact people on Earth, especially in the ageing societies of the Western countries. The space environment produces mismatches between sensory inputs from canal and otolith afferents which are difficult to study in humans, and are therefore studied in the fish model. Brain and vestibular organ of fish are analyzed under altered gravitational conditions; pa...

  • DuHanhToiCacViSaoThienHa_AFranknoi_DMorrison_SWolff.pdf.jpg
  • Book

  • Tác giả : Fraknoi, Andrew ; Morrison, David ; Wolff, Sidney (2012)

  • Du hành tới các vì sao and thiên hà sẽ dẫn chúng ta đi xa hàng ngàn tỷ cây số để trở về với chính mình. Thiên văn học - môn học nghiên cứu về vũ trụ bên ngoài hành tinh chúng ta - là một trong những ngành khoa học hấp dẫn nhất và có tốc độ phát triển nhanh nhất.Vũ trụ rộng lớn mênh mông, tràn ngập những vật thể khổng lồ và kỳ bí nhưng vô cùng quyến rũ. Khi chúng ta nhìn lên bầu trời vào một đêm trong trẻo, những vì tinh tú lấp lánh như vô vàn hạt kim cương nạm trên một vòm đen sâu thẳm sẽ đưa chúng ta vào một giấc mơ lộng lẫy, cũng là giấc mơ đã dệt nên vô số thần thoại và cổ tích của các dân tộc. Nhưng thiên văn học không chỉ là những giấc mơ, môn học này là nền tảng cho những tri th...

  • Whole_Earth_Geophysics_An_Introductory_Textbook_for_Geologists_and_Geophysicists.pdf.jpg
  • Book

  • Tác giả : Lillie, Robert J., 1952- (1999)

  • This book is designed to introduce the principal geophysical phenomena and techniques-namely seismology, gravity, magnetism, and heat flow-to students whose primary training is in geology and who possess only a basic knowledge of physics. This text is appropriate for a variety of courses including Tectonics, Earthquake Seismology, Earthquake Geology, Reflection Seismology, and Gravity Interpretation, in addition to courses in Solid Earth Geophysics. Its abundant figures and exercises, combined with the straightforward, concise style of the text, put the essentials of geophysics well within reach of such readers.

  • The_Physics_of_the_Earth_s_Core._An_Introduction.pdf.jpg
  • Book

  • Tác giả : Melchior, Paul J. (1986)

  • Gravimetry provides us with information about the topography of the internal boundaries but, as with seismology, the solution is not unique and does not say anything about the movements. This book is the result of a request for an introductory course on the physics of the Earth's interior. I was asked to give such a course for geodesists in the summer of 1982, at Admont (Austria), by the University of Graz: the objective was above all to "open the barriers" by offering geodesists a condensed knowledge of those essential physical topics which would allow them to follow, with greater facility, the most recent developments in internal geophysics. This book is an enlarged version...

  • Book

  • Tác giả : Poirier, Jean-Paul (2000)

  • Introduction to the Physics of the Earth's Interior describes the structure, composition and temperature of the deep Earth in one comprehensive volume." "Like the first edition, this will be a useful textbook for graduate and advanced undergraduate students in geophysics and mineralogy. It will also be of great value to researchers in Earth sciences, physics and materials sciencesPreface; 1. The Earth as a planet; 2. Gravity and the figure of the Earth; 3. Seismology and the internal structure of the Earth; 4. Earth's age, thermal and electrical properties; 5. Geomagnetism and paleomagnetism; Index.

  • Tectonic_evolution_of_southeast_Asia.pdf.jpg
  • Book

  • Tác giả : - (1996)

  • SE Asia is probably the finest natural geological laboratory in the world yet is still not geologically well known. It is a spectacular region in which the manifestations and processes of plate collision can be observed at present and in which their history is recorded. It is a region that must be understood if we are to understand mountain belts, arc development, marginal basin evolution and, more generally, the behaviour of the lithosphere in collision settings. Furthermore, the region is developing rapidly on the economic front, and a major part of this rapid development is built on natural resources. The geological reasons for the distribution of these resources are therefore of m...

  • Potential_Theory_in_Gravity_and_Magnetic_Applications.pdf.jpg
  • Book

  • Tác giả : Blakely, Richard J. (1995)

  • This book bridges the gap between the classic texts on potential theory and modern books on applied geophysics. Introductory chapters discuss potential theory with emphasis on those aspects particularly important to earth scientists, such as Laplace's equation, Newtonian potential, magnetic and electrostatic fields, conduction of heat, and spherical harmonic analysis. Later chapters apply these theoretical concepts specifically to the interpretation of gravity and magnetic anomalies, with emphasis on anomalies caused by crustal and lithospheric sources. The book is ideal for graduate students and researchers in applied geophysics

  • Modern_Global_Seismology.pdf.jpg
  • Book

  • Tác giả : Lay, Thorne ; Lay, Thorne Lay ; Wallace,Terry C. (1995)

  • Intended as an introduction to the field, Modern Global Seismology is a complete, self-contained primer on seismology. It features extensive coverage of all related aspects, from observational data through prediction, emphasizing the fundamental theories and physics governing seismic waves--both natural and anthropogenic. Based on thoroughly class-tested material, the text provides a unique perspective on the earths large-scale internal structure and dynamic processes, particularly earthquake sources, and on the application of theory to the dynamic processes of the earths upper skin. Authored by two experts in the field of geophysics. this insightful text is designed for the first-yea...

  • Introduction_To_Theoretical_Geoph.pdf.jpg
  • Book

  • Tác giả : Officer, Charles B. (1974)

  • It has been my intention in this book to give a coordinated treatment of the whole of theoretical geophysics. The book assumes a mathematical back ground through calculus and differential equations. It also assumes a reason able background in physics and in elementary vector analysis. The level of the book is commensurate with that of a senior undergraduate or first year graduate course. Its aim is to provide the reader with a survey of the whole of theoretical geophysics. The emphasis has been on the basic and the elementary. The expert in any one of the several disciplines covered here will find much lacking from his particular area of investigation; no apology is made for that. In ...

  • Fundamentals_of_Geophysics_Second_Edition.pdf.jpg
  • Book

  • Tác giả : Lowrie, William, 1939- (2007)

  • Preface; 1. The Earth as a planet; 2. Gravity and the figure of the Earth; 3. Seismology and the internal structure of the Earth; 4. Earth's age, thermal and electrical properties; 5. Geomagnetism and paleomagnetism; Index.

  • PhysicsOfTheEarth_A_CL1_00185.pdf.jpg
  • Book

  • Tác giả : Stacey, F. D. ; Davis, Paul M. (2008)

  • The fourth edition of Physics of the Earth m aintains the original philosophy of this classic textbook on fundam ental solid Earth geophysics, while being com pletely revised and up-dated by Frank Stacey and his new co-author Paul Davis. Building on the success of previous editions, w hich have served generations of graduate students and researchers for nearly forty years, this new edition will be an invaluable resource for graduate students looking for the necessary physical and m athem atical foundations to em bark on their own research careers in geophysics.

  • Fundamentals_of_Geophysic_A_CL1_00489.pdf.jpg
  • Book

  • Tác giả : Lowrie, William (2007)

  • Preface; 1. The Earth as a planet; 2. Gravity and the figure of the Earth; 3. Seismology and the internal structure of the Earth; 4. Earth's age, thermal and electrical properties; 5. Geomagnetism and paleomagnetism; Index.

  • DiaVatLyThamDo_VL_M1_01596.pdf.jpg
  • Book

  • Tác giả : - (1983)

  • Sóng đàn hồi trong môi trường đồng nhất. Phản xạ và khúc xạ sóng đàn hồi. Cơ sở địa chấn hình học, trường sóng địa chấn, phát dao động địa chấn. Máy thu và trạm địa chấn, cơ sở lí thuyết học sóng một mạch. Tính các bộ lọc một mạch và hệ giao thoa.

  • 2017_Book_EcologyOfMeromicticLakes.pdf.jpg
  • Book

  • Tác giả : - (2017)

  • This volume presents recent advances in the research on meromictic lakes and a state-of-the art overview of this area. After an introduction to the terminology and geographic distribution of meromictic lakes, three concise chapters describe their physical, chemical and biological features. The following eight chapters present case studies of more than a dozen meromictic lakes, showing the variety of physical and biochemical processes that promote meromixis. The result is a broad picture of the ecology and biochemistry of meromictic lakes in tropical and cold regions, in man-made pit lakes and euxinic marine lakes, and in freshwater as well as hypersaline lakes. In the final chapter th...

  • 2017_Book_GeoscientistsAtCrimeScenes.pdf.jpg
  • Book

  • Tác giả : - (2017)

  • 1. Introduction to forensic geoscience / Pier Matteo Barone and Rosa Maria Di Maggio -- 2. Geological materials on the crime scene / Rosa Maria Di Maggio -- 3. Pedology applied to forensics / Rosa Maria Di Maggio -- 4. Forensic analysis of soils and geological materials / Rosa Maria Di Maggio -- 5. Remote sensing applications in forensic investigations / Maurizio D'Orefice and Roberto Graciotti...

  • Magnetic_Fabric_Methods_and_Applications.pdf.jpg
  • Book

  • Tác giả : - (2004)

  • The relationship between magnetic fabric and petrofabric is complex and depends on various factors including the composition, concentration and grain size of mineral grains. Ongoing research in geological applications is paralleled by studies of the fundamental mineral magnetic phenomena involved. The papers in this book represent the current state of investigations in magnetic anisotropy studies as a discipline that integrates geological interpretations, mineral fabric development, technical advances and rock-magnetic properties

  • The_Economics_of_Climate_Change.pdf.jpg
  • Book

  • Tác giả : Economides, George ; Papandreou, Andreas ; Sartzetakis, Eftichios ; Xepapadeas, Anastasios (2018)

  • In this process, it is crucial to create the conditions for well-informed and farsighted decisions that address risks and opportunities resulting from the changing climate. This is why, during the past decade, the Bank of Greece has been studying issues related to climate change and why we intend to continue to do so.

  • House_of_Lords,_The_Economics_of_Climate_Change,_Volume_I_Report,_Published_by_the_Authority...pdf.jpg
  • Book

  • Tác giả : - (2005)

  • The Committee, having considered various aspects of the economics of climate change, calls on the Government to give HM Treasury a more extensive role, both in examining the costs and benefits of climate change policy and presenting them to the United Kingdom public, and in the work of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).

Danh sách tài liệu trong bộ sưu tập (Sắp xếp theo "Ngày nhập " với thứ tự "Giảm dần "): Hiển thị 1-20 trong tổng số 434 tài liệu

Khoa học Trái đất, Không gian & Môi trường : [434]

Bạn muốn nhận thông báo về tài liệu mới của bộ sưu tập qua email?
Danh sách tài liệu trong bộ sưu tập (Sắp xếp theo "Ngày nhập " với thứ tự "Giảm dần "): Hiển thị 1-20 trong tổng số 434 tài liệu
  • BaiTapThienVan_VV_M1_07612.pdf.jpg
  • Book

  • Tác giả : - (2007)

  • Cuốn sách này gồm ba phần: Tóm tắt kiến thức và đề bài tập ; Đáp số, hướng dẫn, bài giải ; Một số phụ lục

  • 2017_Book_SensoryMotorAndBehavioralResea.pdf.jpg
  • Book

  • Tác giả : Hilbig, Reinhard. ; Gollhofer, Albert. ; Bock, Otmar. ; Manzey, Dietrich, 1956- (2017)

  • This volume of the series SpringerBriefs in Space Life Sciences describes findings from space and accompanying ground research related to spatial orientation, posture and locomotion, cognition and psychomotor function. The results are not only of importance to health and performance of astronauts during their space mission, but also impact people on Earth, especially in the ageing societies of the Western countries. The space environment produces mismatches between sensory inputs from canal and otolith afferents which are difficult to study in humans, and are therefore studied in the fish model. Brain and vestibular organ of fish are analyzed under altered gravitational conditions; pa...

  • DuHanhToiCacViSaoThienHa_AFranknoi_DMorrison_SWolff.pdf.jpg
  • Book

  • Tác giả : Fraknoi, Andrew ; Morrison, David ; Wolff, Sidney (2012)

  • Du hành tới các vì sao and thiên hà sẽ dẫn chúng ta đi xa hàng ngàn tỷ cây số để trở về với chính mình. Thiên văn học - môn học nghiên cứu về vũ trụ bên ngoài hành tinh chúng ta - là một trong những ngành khoa học hấp dẫn nhất và có tốc độ phát triển nhanh nhất.Vũ trụ rộng lớn mênh mông, tràn ngập những vật thể khổng lồ và kỳ bí nhưng vô cùng quyến rũ. Khi chúng ta nhìn lên bầu trời vào một đêm trong trẻo, những vì tinh tú lấp lánh như vô vàn hạt kim cương nạm trên một vòm đen sâu thẳm sẽ đưa chúng ta vào một giấc mơ lộng lẫy, cũng là giấc mơ đã dệt nên vô số thần thoại và cổ tích của các dân tộc. Nhưng thiên văn học không chỉ là những giấc mơ, môn học này là nền tảng cho những tri th...

  • Whole_Earth_Geophysics_An_Introductory_Textbook_for_Geologists_and_Geophysicists.pdf.jpg
  • Book

  • Tác giả : Lillie, Robert J., 1952- (1999)

  • This book is designed to introduce the principal geophysical phenomena and techniques-namely seismology, gravity, magnetism, and heat flow-to students whose primary training is in geology and who possess only a basic knowledge of physics. This text is appropriate for a variety of courses including Tectonics, Earthquake Seismology, Earthquake Geology, Reflection Seismology, and Gravity Interpretation, in addition to courses in Solid Earth Geophysics. Its abundant figures and exercises, combined with the straightforward, concise style of the text, put the essentials of geophysics well within reach of such readers.

  • The_Physics_of_the_Earth_s_Core._An_Introduction.pdf.jpg
  • Book

  • Tác giả : Melchior, Paul J. (1986)

  • Gravimetry provides us with information about the topography of the internal boundaries but, as with seismology, the solution is not unique and does not say anything about the movements. This book is the result of a request for an introductory course on the physics of the Earth's interior. I was asked to give such a course for geodesists in the summer of 1982, at Admont (Austria), by the University of Graz: the objective was above all to "open the barriers" by offering geodesists a condensed knowledge of those essential physical topics which would allow them to follow, with greater facility, the most recent developments in internal geophysics. This book is an enlarged version...

  • Book

  • Tác giả : Poirier, Jean-Paul (2000)

  • Introduction to the Physics of the Earth's Interior describes the structure, composition and temperature of the deep Earth in one comprehensive volume." "Like the first edition, this will be a useful textbook for graduate and advanced undergraduate students in geophysics and mineralogy. It will also be of great value to researchers in Earth sciences, physics and materials sciencesPreface; 1. The Earth as a planet; 2. Gravity and the figure of the Earth; 3. Seismology and the internal structure of the Earth; 4. Earth's age, thermal and electrical properties; 5. Geomagnetism and paleomagnetism; Index.

  • Tectonic_evolution_of_southeast_Asia.pdf.jpg
  • Book

  • Tác giả : - (1996)

  • SE Asia is probably the finest natural geological laboratory in the world yet is still not geologically well known. It is a spectacular region in which the manifestations and processes of plate collision can be observed at present and in which their history is recorded. It is a region that must be understood if we are to understand mountain belts, arc development, marginal basin evolution and, more generally, the behaviour of the lithosphere in collision settings. Furthermore, the region is developing rapidly on the economic front, and a major part of this rapid development is built on natural resources. The geological reasons for the distribution of these resources are therefore of m...

  • Potential_Theory_in_Gravity_and_Magnetic_Applications.pdf.jpg
  • Book

  • Tác giả : Blakely, Richard J. (1995)

  • This book bridges the gap between the classic texts on potential theory and modern books on applied geophysics. Introductory chapters discuss potential theory with emphasis on those aspects particularly important to earth scientists, such as Laplace's equation, Newtonian potential, magnetic and electrostatic fields, conduction of heat, and spherical harmonic analysis. Later chapters apply these theoretical concepts specifically to the interpretation of gravity and magnetic anomalies, with emphasis on anomalies caused by crustal and lithospheric sources. The book is ideal for graduate students and researchers in applied geophysics

  • Modern_Global_Seismology.pdf.jpg
  • Book

  • Tác giả : Lay, Thorne ; Lay, Thorne Lay ; Wallace,Terry C. (1995)

  • Intended as an introduction to the field, Modern Global Seismology is a complete, self-contained primer on seismology. It features extensive coverage of all related aspects, from observational data through prediction, emphasizing the fundamental theories and physics governing seismic waves--both natural and anthropogenic. Based on thoroughly class-tested material, the text provides a unique perspective on the earths large-scale internal structure and dynamic processes, particularly earthquake sources, and on the application of theory to the dynamic processes of the earths upper skin. Authored by two experts in the field of geophysics. this insightful text is designed for the first-yea...

  • Introduction_To_Theoretical_Geoph.pdf.jpg
  • Book

  • Tác giả : Officer, Charles B. (1974)

  • It has been my intention in this book to give a coordinated treatment of the whole of theoretical geophysics. The book assumes a mathematical back ground through calculus and differential equations. It also assumes a reason able background in physics and in elementary vector analysis. The level of the book is commensurate with that of a senior undergraduate or first year graduate course. Its aim is to provide the reader with a survey of the whole of theoretical geophysics. The emphasis has been on the basic and the elementary. The expert in any one of the several disciplines covered here will find much lacking from his particular area of investigation; no apology is made for that. In ...

  • Fundamentals_of_Geophysics_Second_Edition.pdf.jpg
  • Book

  • Tác giả : Lowrie, William, 1939- (2007)

  • Preface; 1. The Earth as a planet; 2. Gravity and the figure of the Earth; 3. Seismology and the internal structure of the Earth; 4. Earth's age, thermal and electrical properties; 5. Geomagnetism and paleomagnetism; Index.

  • PhysicsOfTheEarth_A_CL1_00185.pdf.jpg
  • Book

  • Tác giả : Stacey, F. D. ; Davis, Paul M. (2008)

  • The fourth edition of Physics of the Earth m aintains the original philosophy of this classic textbook on fundam ental solid Earth geophysics, while being com pletely revised and up-dated by Frank Stacey and his new co-author Paul Davis. Building on the success of previous editions, w hich have served generations of graduate students and researchers for nearly forty years, this new edition will be an invaluable resource for graduate students looking for the necessary physical and m athem atical foundations to em bark on their own research careers in geophysics.

  • Fundamentals_of_Geophysic_A_CL1_00489.pdf.jpg
  • Book

  • Tác giả : Lowrie, William (2007)

  • Preface; 1. The Earth as a planet; 2. Gravity and the figure of the Earth; 3. Seismology and the internal structure of the Earth; 4. Earth's age, thermal and electrical properties; 5. Geomagnetism and paleomagnetism; Index.

  • DiaVatLyThamDo_VL_M1_01596.pdf.jpg
  • Book

  • Tác giả : - (1983)

  • Sóng đàn hồi trong môi trường đồng nhất. Phản xạ và khúc xạ sóng đàn hồi. Cơ sở địa chấn hình học, trường sóng địa chấn, phát dao động địa chấn. Máy thu và trạm địa chấn, cơ sở lí thuyết học sóng một mạch. Tính các bộ lọc một mạch và hệ giao thoa.

  • 2017_Book_EcologyOfMeromicticLakes.pdf.jpg
  • Book

  • Tác giả : - (2017)

  • This volume presents recent advances in the research on meromictic lakes and a state-of-the art overview of this area. After an introduction to the terminology and geographic distribution of meromictic lakes, three concise chapters describe their physical, chemical and biological features. The following eight chapters present case studies of more than a dozen meromictic lakes, showing the variety of physical and biochemical processes that promote meromixis. The result is a broad picture of the ecology and biochemistry of meromictic lakes in tropical and cold regions, in man-made pit lakes and euxinic marine lakes, and in freshwater as well as hypersaline lakes. In the final chapter th...

  • 2017_Book_GeoscientistsAtCrimeScenes.pdf.jpg
  • Book

  • Tác giả : - (2017)

  • 1. Introduction to forensic geoscience / Pier Matteo Barone and Rosa Maria Di Maggio -- 2. Geological materials on the crime scene / Rosa Maria Di Maggio -- 3. Pedology applied to forensics / Rosa Maria Di Maggio -- 4. Forensic analysis of soils and geological materials / Rosa Maria Di Maggio -- 5. Remote sensing applications in forensic investigations / Maurizio D'Orefice and Roberto Graciotti...

  • Magnetic_Fabric_Methods_and_Applications.pdf.jpg
  • Book

  • Tác giả : - (2004)

  • The relationship between magnetic fabric and petrofabric is complex and depends on various factors including the composition, concentration and grain size of mineral grains. Ongoing research in geological applications is paralleled by studies of the fundamental mineral magnetic phenomena involved. The papers in this book represent the current state of investigations in magnetic anisotropy studies as a discipline that integrates geological interpretations, mineral fabric development, technical advances and rock-magnetic properties

  • The_Economics_of_Climate_Change.pdf.jpg
  • Book

  • Tác giả : Economides, George ; Papandreou, Andreas ; Sartzetakis, Eftichios ; Xepapadeas, Anastasios (2018)

  • In this process, it is crucial to create the conditions for well-informed and farsighted decisions that address risks and opportunities resulting from the changing climate. This is why, during the past decade, the Bank of Greece has been studying issues related to climate change and why we intend to continue to do so.

  • House_of_Lords,_The_Economics_of_Climate_Change,_Volume_I_Report,_Published_by_the_Authority...pdf.jpg
  • Book

  • Tác giả : - (2005)

  • The Committee, having considered various aspects of the economics of climate change, calls on the Government to give HM Treasury a more extensive role, both in examining the costs and benefits of climate change policy and presenting them to the United Kingdom public, and in the work of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).

Danh sách tài liệu trong bộ sưu tập (Sắp xếp theo "Ngày nhập " với thứ tự "Giảm dần "): Hiển thị 1-20 trong tổng số 434 tài liệu