Khoa học sự sống : [526]

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Danh sách tài liệu trong bộ sưu tập (Sắp xếp theo "Ngày nhập " với thứ tự "Giảm dần "): Hiển thị 1-20 trong tổng số 526 tài liệu
  • 2017_Book_HandbookOfTheProtists.pdf.jpg
  • Book

  • Tác giả : - (2017)

  • Diplomonadida -- Amoebozoan lobose amoebae (Tubulinea, Flabellinea and others) -- Retortamonadida (and Carpediemonas-like organisms) -- Opalinata -- Choanoflagellata -- Jakobida -- Kinetoplastea -- Preaxostyla -- Parabasalia -- Heterolobosea -- Archamoebae -- Protosteloid Amoebae (Protosteliida, Protosporangiida, Cavosteliida, Schizoplasmodiida, Fractoviteliida, and sporocarpic members of Vannellida, Centramoebida, and Pellitida) -- Euglenida -- Dictyostelia -- Apusomonadida -- Haplosporida -- Blastocladiales -- Chytridiomycota -- Radiolaria (Polycystinea, Phaeodarea) -- Apicomplexa -- Paramyxida -- Dinoflagellata -- Ciliophora -- Plasmodiophorida -- Labyrinthulomycetes -- Oomycetes a...

  • 2017_Book_PsychrophilesFromBiodiversityT.pdf.jpg
  • Book

  • Tác giả : - (2017)

  • This completely updated and revised second edition presents the most recent developments and advances in the field of microbial life in the cold, as well as the latest insights into the psychrophilic lifestyle. It particularly focuses on the exploitation of psychrophiles as a source of cold-active enzymes and biopolymers, and their benefits in the fields of biomedicine and bioremediation. Written by leading international experts, the book is intended for microbiologists, ecologists, molecular biologists, biochemists, environmental scientists and biotechnologists in academia and industry.The Climate of Snow and Ice as Boundary Condition for Microbial Life -- Limits for Microbial Life a...

  • 2017_Book_DiversityAndBenefitsOfMicroorg.pdf.jpg
  • Book

  • Tác giả : - (2017)

  • This book addresses the diversity of tropical microorganisms and its applications in agriculture, renewable energy production and environmental protection. It covers several tropical habitats such as rain forests, mangroves, sea and river waters and describes how microorganisms isolated from these regions can be used to control insects and plant diseases, to improve sugar cane and biofuels production among other applications. The book also aims to bring researchers' attention to the potential of tropical microorganisms for biotechnological purposes, an area that is still far from being well explored.Part I. Microorganisms in tropical environments -- Chapter 1. Diversity and Technologi...

  • 2017_Book_ComparativeEcologyOfMicroorgan.pdf.jpg
  • Book

  • Tác giả : Andrews, John H. (2017)

  • This second edition textbook offers an expanded conceptual synthesis of microbial ecology with plant and animal ecology. Drawing on examples from the biology of microorganisms and macroorganisms, this textbook provides a much-needed interdisciplinary approach to ecology. The focus is the individual organism and comparisons are made along six axes: genetic variation, nutritional mode, size, growth, life cycle, and influence of the environment. When it was published in 1991, the first edition of Comparative Ecology of Microorganisms and Macroorganisms was unique in its attempt to clearly compare fundamental ecology across the gamut of size. The explosion of molecular biology and the app...

  • 2017_Book_YeastsInNaturalEcosystemsEcolo.pdf.jpg
  • Book

  • Tác giả : - (2017)

  • This book presents an up-to-date review of the ecology of yeast communities in natural ecosystems. It focuses on their biological interactions, including mutualism, parasitism, commensalism and antagonistic interactions, and is closely connected with the volume Yeasts in Natural Ecosystems: Diversity by the same editors. Yeasts are the smallest eukaryotic organisms successfully growing under a wide range of environmental conditions. They constantly modify the environment through their own metabolic activities. Although yeasts are among the earlier colonizers of nutrient-rich substrates, their role in ecosystem processes is not limited to the consumption and transformation of simple su...

  • 2017_Book_YeastsInNaturalEcosystemsDiver.pdf.jpg
  • Book

  • Tác giả : - (2017)

  • This book focuses on the diversity of yeasts in aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems, including the association of yeasts with insects, invertebrate and vertebrate animals. It offers an overview of the knowledge accumulated in the course of more than 60 years of research and is closely connected with the volume Yeasts in Natural Ecosystems: Ecology by the same editors. In view of the rapid decline of many natural habitats due to anthropogenic activities and climate change, the need to study biodiversity is pressing. Rising temperatures threaten species inhabiting cold and aquatic environments, and species in terrestrial ecosystems are endangered by habitat fragmentation or loss. Most of...

  • 2017_Book_XenobioticsInTheSoilEnvironmen.pdf.jpg
  • Book

  • Tác giả : - (2017)

  • This book describes the vast variety of xenobiotics, such as pesticides, antibiotics, antibiotic resistance genes, agrochemicals and other pollutants, their interactions with the soil environment, and the currently available strategies and techniques for soil decontamination and bioremediation. Topics covered include: transport mechanisms of pollutants along the Himalayas; use of earthworms in biomonitoring; metagenomic strategies for assessing contaminated sites; xenobiotics in the food chain; phyto-chemical remediation; biodegradation by fungi; and the use of enzymes and potential microbes in biotransformation. Accordingly, the book offers a valuable guide for scientists in the fiel...

  • 2017_Book_VolatilesAndFoodSecurity.pdf.jpg
  • Book

  • Tác giả : - (2017)

  • This book presents research on volatiles produced by microbes and plants along with their biotechnological implications for sustainable agriculture. A greater understanding of how plants and microbes live together and benefit each other can provide new strategies to improve plant productivity, while at the same time helping to protect the environment and maintain global biodiversity. To date, the use of chemicals to enhance plant growth or induced resistance in plants has been limited due to the negative effects and the difficulty in determining the optimal concentrations to benefit the plant. The book discusses extensive studies on biological alternatives that avoid these problems, a...

  • 2017_Book_VirusesGenesAndCancer.pdf.jpg
  • Book

  • Tác giả : - (2017)

  • This volume focuses on virus-host cell interactions, cellular genes acquired or modulated by viruses, the pathological effects of these interactions, and therapeutic interventions. Several chapters specifically address the role of viruses and genes - such as oncogenes, proto-oncogenes, or tumor suppressor genes - in the etiology of human cancer. Oncogenic signaling by PI3 kinase, mTOR, Akt, or the major cancer drivers MYC and RAF, and the role of tumor suppressors like p53, are discussed in detail. The volume also explores the emerging role of noncoding RNAs such as microRNAs in tumorigenesis and cancer therapeutics, and offers new insights into the role of HIV-host interactions relev...

  • 2017_Book_TropicalSeaweedFarmingTrendsPr.pdf.jpg
  • Book

  • Tác giả : - (2017)

  • This book collates the latest information on Kappaphycus and Eucheuma seaweeds. The edited volume provides an important companion to anyone studying or working with what is the world's largest cultivated marine plant biomass. The contributing authors have excelled in providing information on production and present and future uses of these carrageenan-bearing seaweeds. Important elements of taxonomy, distribution and methods of cultivation and processing are presented to the reader in an accessible and easily understood format. The book provides a number of valuable opinions on value addition and MUZE technologies which highlight value-chains associated with these important red algae.<...

  • 2017_Book_TheBrazilianMicrobiome.pdf.jpg
  • Book

  • Tác giả : - (2017)

  • Brazilian Microbiome: Current status and perspectives unite a set of distinguished investigators conducting microbiome research and build a comprehensive reference book with up-to-date information regarding the Brazilian microbiome studies and trends. It covers terrestrial and host associated microbiomes, unveiling biological, biotechnological and technical aspects of research. This book is devoted to students and professionals interested in learning techniques for microbiome surveys, including culture-independent approaches, and to better understand the biology of microorganisms in nature, with emphasis to the Brazilian microbiomes.Chapter 1 The Brazilian Microbiome Project -- Chapte...

  • 2017_Book_StaphylococcusAureus.pdf.jpg
  • Book

  • Tác giả : - (2017)

  • This volume offers a comprehensive overview of basic and applied aspects of Staphylococcus aureus, which is one of the most important human pathogens. It includes sixteen chapters that address the microbiology and immunology of S. aureus, the pathology of its key manifestations, and the current standard of care. Further, it reviews cutting-edge advances in alternative therapeutic and prophylactic approaches to antibiotics. All chapters were written by respected experts in the field ? presenting recent findings on a diverse range of aspects, they are nonetheless interlinked. As such, the book is a must-read for all researchers, clinicians and technicians engaged in basic or applied sci...

  • 2017_Book_RhizotrophsPlantGrowthPromotio.pdf.jpg
  • Book

  • Tác giả : - (2017)

  • This book describes the contributions of rhizotrophs - microbes associated with the parts of plants below ground - in sustainable agriculture. It covers a broad range of aspects, from plant growth promotion to bioremediation. It highlights the role of bacteria, actinomycetes, mycorrhizal fungi, and most interestingly protists, in the sustainability of agriculture. Further, it addresses in detail the involvement of quorum sensing signals, and the role of hydrolytic enzymes and bacteriocin in combating the phytopathogen. The book sheds light on the interaction of rhizotrophs in rhizosphere and how these microbes support plants growing under adverse stress conditions such as saline, drou...

  • 2017_Book_RhizobiumBiologyAndBiotechnolo.pdf.jpg
  • Book

  • Tác giả : - (2017)

  • This book provides a valuable contribution to the field of agriculture microbiology and pooled research in the form of a compendium describing the benign functional role of Rhizobium spp., with biotechnological perspectives on maintaining agroecosystem sustainability. Topics include the occurrence and distribution of Rhizobium; the phenotypic and molecular characteristics of Rhizobium; the impact of Rhizobium on other microbial communities in the rhizosphere; the N2-fixation ability of Rhizobium; Rhizobium and abiotic/biotic stress; Rhizobium-mediated restoration of an ecosystem; and in silico analysis of rhizobia pool, and Biotechnological perspectives of Rhizobium.

  • 2017_Book_RecentAdvancesInAppliedMicrobi.pdf.jpg
  • Book

  • Tác giả : - (2017)

  • This book is a one-stop reference resource, presenting recent research in various emerging areas of microbiology, including microbial biotechnology, microbes in health, microbial interactions, agricultural microbiology and computational approaches. Recent discoveries in microbiology have created a great deal of interest among researchers around the globe, and as as such the book discusses a number of important research topics, such as microbial enzymes and nanoparticles, bacterial polyhydroxyalkanoates, biosurfactant aided bioprocessing, autophagy and microbial pathogenesis, multidrug resistant bacteria, probiotics, rhizosphere, metal tolerant bacteria, plant- beneficial environmental...

  • 2017_Book_ProteinAndSugarExportAndAssemb.pdf.jpg
  • Book

  • Tác giả : - (2017)

  • This book focuses on the envelope of Gram-positive bacteria including its composition, the latest discoveries in the mechanisms behind its assembly, and its role in pathogenesis. Furthermore, new applications in biotechnology and vaccine development involving these bacteria are discussed in detail. This concise volume consists of eleven chapters by prominent experts in the field, which review the latest findings and current state of knowledge on a range of diverse yet interlinked aspects. This book is written for all researchers, clinicians and technicians engaged in basic or applied science projects on Gram-positive bacteria.

  • 2017_Book_Plant_MicrobeInteractionsInAgr.pdf.jpg
  • Book

  • Tác giả : - (2017)

  • This books presents an updated compilation on fundamental interaction mechanisms of microbial communities with the plant roots and rhizosphere (belowground) and leaves and aerial parts (aboveground). Plant rhizopshere recruits its own microbial composition that survive there and help plants grow and develop better under biotic and abiotic conditions. Similar is the case with the beneficial microorganisms which are applied as inoculants with characteristic functions. The mechanism of plant-microbe interactions is interesting phenomenon in biological perspectives with numerous implications in the fields. The First volume focuses on the basic and fundamental mechanisms that have been wor...

  • 2017_Book_Mycorrhiza_NutrientUptakeBioco.pdf.jpg
  • Book

  • Tác giả : - (2017)

  • This is the fourth updated and revised edition of a well-received book that emphasises on fungal diversity, plant productivity and sustainability. It contains new chapters written by leading experts in the field. This book is an up-to-date overview of current progress in mycorrhiza and association with plant productivity and environmental sustainability. The result is a must hands-on guide, ideally suited for agri-biotechnology, soil biology, fungal biology including mycorrrhiza and stress management, academia and researchers. The topic of this book is particularly relevant to researchers involved in mycorrhiza, especially to food security, plant microbe interaction and environmental ...

  • 2017_Book_MolecularMarkersInMycology.pdf.jpg
  • Book

  • Tác giả : - (2017)

  • 1. Molecular Diversity and Detection of Endophytic Fungi Based on Their Antimicrobial Biosynthetic Genes -- 2. Molecular Markers and Their Use in Taxonomic Characterization of Trichoderma spp -- 3. Molecular Diversity of Oleaginous Fungi from Virgin Soils and Their Potentiality of Biodiesel Production -- 4. Application of Real-Time PCR for Identification and Detection of Fungi -- 5. DNA Bar-Coding for Diagnostics and Monitoring of Plant Pathogens

  • 2017_Book_ModernTopicsInThePhototrophicP.pdf.jpg
  • Book

  • Tác giả : - (2017)

  • This book offers authoritative contributions by world experts actively working on different aspects of phototrophic prokaryotes. Providing up-to-date information in this rapidly advancing field, it covers the range of topics that are currently the focus of research with this group of organisms. As essentially single-celled organisms, phototrophic prokaryotes process many environmental signals and use this information to optimize their metabolism, growth rate, DNA replication and cell division. Phototrophic prokaryotes are collectively of great interest for a number of different fundamental and applied perspectives and have long served as models for understanding such basic fundamental...

Danh sách tài liệu trong bộ sưu tập (Sắp xếp theo "Ngày nhập " với thứ tự "Giảm dần "): Hiển thị 1-20 trong tổng số 526 tài liệu

Khoa học sự sống : [526]

Bạn muốn nhận thông báo về tài liệu mới của bộ sưu tập qua email?
Danh sách tài liệu trong bộ sưu tập (Sắp xếp theo "Ngày nhập " với thứ tự "Giảm dần "): Hiển thị 1-20 trong tổng số 526 tài liệu
  • 2017_Book_HandbookOfTheProtists.pdf.jpg
  • Book

  • Tác giả : - (2017)

  • Diplomonadida -- Amoebozoan lobose amoebae (Tubulinea, Flabellinea and others) -- Retortamonadida (and Carpediemonas-like organisms) -- Opalinata -- Choanoflagellata -- Jakobida -- Kinetoplastea -- Preaxostyla -- Parabasalia -- Heterolobosea -- Archamoebae -- Protosteloid Amoebae (Protosteliida, Protosporangiida, Cavosteliida, Schizoplasmodiida, Fractoviteliida, and sporocarpic members of Vannellida, Centramoebida, and Pellitida) -- Euglenida -- Dictyostelia -- Apusomonadida -- Haplosporida -- Blastocladiales -- Chytridiomycota -- Radiolaria (Polycystinea, Phaeodarea) -- Apicomplexa -- Paramyxida -- Dinoflagellata -- Ciliophora -- Plasmodiophorida -- Labyrinthulomycetes -- Oomycetes a...

  • 2017_Book_PsychrophilesFromBiodiversityT.pdf.jpg
  • Book

  • Tác giả : - (2017)

  • This completely updated and revised second edition presents the most recent developments and advances in the field of microbial life in the cold, as well as the latest insights into the psychrophilic lifestyle. It particularly focuses on the exploitation of psychrophiles as a source of cold-active enzymes and biopolymers, and their benefits in the fields of biomedicine and bioremediation. Written by leading international experts, the book is intended for microbiologists, ecologists, molecular biologists, biochemists, environmental scientists and biotechnologists in academia and industry.The Climate of Snow and Ice as Boundary Condition for Microbial Life -- Limits for Microbial Life a...

  • 2017_Book_DiversityAndBenefitsOfMicroorg.pdf.jpg
  • Book

  • Tác giả : - (2017)

  • This book addresses the diversity of tropical microorganisms and its applications in agriculture, renewable energy production and environmental protection. It covers several tropical habitats such as rain forests, mangroves, sea and river waters and describes how microorganisms isolated from these regions can be used to control insects and plant diseases, to improve sugar cane and biofuels production among other applications. The book also aims to bring researchers' attention to the potential of tropical microorganisms for biotechnological purposes, an area that is still far from being well explored.Part I. Microorganisms in tropical environments -- Chapter 1. Diversity and Technologi...

  • 2017_Book_ComparativeEcologyOfMicroorgan.pdf.jpg
  • Book

  • Tác giả : Andrews, John H. (2017)

  • This second edition textbook offers an expanded conceptual synthesis of microbial ecology with plant and animal ecology. Drawing on examples from the biology of microorganisms and macroorganisms, this textbook provides a much-needed interdisciplinary approach to ecology. The focus is the individual organism and comparisons are made along six axes: genetic variation, nutritional mode, size, growth, life cycle, and influence of the environment. When it was published in 1991, the first edition of Comparative Ecology of Microorganisms and Macroorganisms was unique in its attempt to clearly compare fundamental ecology across the gamut of size. The explosion of molecular biology and the app...

  • 2017_Book_YeastsInNaturalEcosystemsEcolo.pdf.jpg
  • Book

  • Tác giả : - (2017)

  • This book presents an up-to-date review of the ecology of yeast communities in natural ecosystems. It focuses on their biological interactions, including mutualism, parasitism, commensalism and antagonistic interactions, and is closely connected with the volume Yeasts in Natural Ecosystems: Diversity by the same editors. Yeasts are the smallest eukaryotic organisms successfully growing under a wide range of environmental conditions. They constantly modify the environment through their own metabolic activities. Although yeasts are among the earlier colonizers of nutrient-rich substrates, their role in ecosystem processes is not limited to the consumption and transformation of simple su...

  • 2017_Book_YeastsInNaturalEcosystemsDiver.pdf.jpg
  • Book

  • Tác giả : - (2017)

  • This book focuses on the diversity of yeasts in aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems, including the association of yeasts with insects, invertebrate and vertebrate animals. It offers an overview of the knowledge accumulated in the course of more than 60 years of research and is closely connected with the volume Yeasts in Natural Ecosystems: Ecology by the same editors. In view of the rapid decline of many natural habitats due to anthropogenic activities and climate change, the need to study biodiversity is pressing. Rising temperatures threaten species inhabiting cold and aquatic environments, and species in terrestrial ecosystems are endangered by habitat fragmentation or loss. Most of...

  • 2017_Book_XenobioticsInTheSoilEnvironmen.pdf.jpg
  • Book

  • Tác giả : - (2017)

  • This book describes the vast variety of xenobiotics, such as pesticides, antibiotics, antibiotic resistance genes, agrochemicals and other pollutants, their interactions with the soil environment, and the currently available strategies and techniques for soil decontamination and bioremediation. Topics covered include: transport mechanisms of pollutants along the Himalayas; use of earthworms in biomonitoring; metagenomic strategies for assessing contaminated sites; xenobiotics in the food chain; phyto-chemical remediation; biodegradation by fungi; and the use of enzymes and potential microbes in biotransformation. Accordingly, the book offers a valuable guide for scientists in the fiel...

  • 2017_Book_VolatilesAndFoodSecurity.pdf.jpg
  • Book

  • Tác giả : - (2017)

  • This book presents research on volatiles produced by microbes and plants along with their biotechnological implications for sustainable agriculture. A greater understanding of how plants and microbes live together and benefit each other can provide new strategies to improve plant productivity, while at the same time helping to protect the environment and maintain global biodiversity. To date, the use of chemicals to enhance plant growth or induced resistance in plants has been limited due to the negative effects and the difficulty in determining the optimal concentrations to benefit the plant. The book discusses extensive studies on biological alternatives that avoid these problems, a...

  • 2017_Book_VirusesGenesAndCancer.pdf.jpg
  • Book

  • Tác giả : - (2017)

  • This volume focuses on virus-host cell interactions, cellular genes acquired or modulated by viruses, the pathological effects of these interactions, and therapeutic interventions. Several chapters specifically address the role of viruses and genes - such as oncogenes, proto-oncogenes, or tumor suppressor genes - in the etiology of human cancer. Oncogenic signaling by PI3 kinase, mTOR, Akt, or the major cancer drivers MYC and RAF, and the role of tumor suppressors like p53, are discussed in detail. The volume also explores the emerging role of noncoding RNAs such as microRNAs in tumorigenesis and cancer therapeutics, and offers new insights into the role of HIV-host interactions relev...

  • 2017_Book_TropicalSeaweedFarmingTrendsPr.pdf.jpg
  • Book

  • Tác giả : - (2017)

  • This book collates the latest information on Kappaphycus and Eucheuma seaweeds. The edited volume provides an important companion to anyone studying or working with what is the world's largest cultivated marine plant biomass. The contributing authors have excelled in providing information on production and present and future uses of these carrageenan-bearing seaweeds. Important elements of taxonomy, distribution and methods of cultivation and processing are presented to the reader in an accessible and easily understood format. The book provides a number of valuable opinions on value addition and MUZE technologies which highlight value-chains associated with these important red algae.<...

  • 2017_Book_TheBrazilianMicrobiome.pdf.jpg
  • Book

  • Tác giả : - (2017)

  • Brazilian Microbiome: Current status and perspectives unite a set of distinguished investigators conducting microbiome research and build a comprehensive reference book with up-to-date information regarding the Brazilian microbiome studies and trends. It covers terrestrial and host associated microbiomes, unveiling biological, biotechnological and technical aspects of research. This book is devoted to students and professionals interested in learning techniques for microbiome surveys, including culture-independent approaches, and to better understand the biology of microorganisms in nature, with emphasis to the Brazilian microbiomes.Chapter 1 The Brazilian Microbiome Project -- Chapte...

  • 2017_Book_StaphylococcusAureus.pdf.jpg
  • Book

  • Tác giả : - (2017)

  • This volume offers a comprehensive overview of basic and applied aspects of Staphylococcus aureus, which is one of the most important human pathogens. It includes sixteen chapters that address the microbiology and immunology of S. aureus, the pathology of its key manifestations, and the current standard of care. Further, it reviews cutting-edge advances in alternative therapeutic and prophylactic approaches to antibiotics. All chapters were written by respected experts in the field ? presenting recent findings on a diverse range of aspects, they are nonetheless interlinked. As such, the book is a must-read for all researchers, clinicians and technicians engaged in basic or applied sci...

  • 2017_Book_RhizotrophsPlantGrowthPromotio.pdf.jpg
  • Book

  • Tác giả : - (2017)

  • This book describes the contributions of rhizotrophs - microbes associated with the parts of plants below ground - in sustainable agriculture. It covers a broad range of aspects, from plant growth promotion to bioremediation. It highlights the role of bacteria, actinomycetes, mycorrhizal fungi, and most interestingly protists, in the sustainability of agriculture. Further, it addresses in detail the involvement of quorum sensing signals, and the role of hydrolytic enzymes and bacteriocin in combating the phytopathogen. The book sheds light on the interaction of rhizotrophs in rhizosphere and how these microbes support plants growing under adverse stress conditions such as saline, drou...

  • 2017_Book_RhizobiumBiologyAndBiotechnolo.pdf.jpg
  • Book

  • Tác giả : - (2017)

  • This book provides a valuable contribution to the field of agriculture microbiology and pooled research in the form of a compendium describing the benign functional role of Rhizobium spp., with biotechnological perspectives on maintaining agroecosystem sustainability. Topics include the occurrence and distribution of Rhizobium; the phenotypic and molecular characteristics of Rhizobium; the impact of Rhizobium on other microbial communities in the rhizosphere; the N2-fixation ability of Rhizobium; Rhizobium and abiotic/biotic stress; Rhizobium-mediated restoration of an ecosystem; and in silico analysis of rhizobia pool, and Biotechnological perspectives of Rhizobium.

  • 2017_Book_RecentAdvancesInAppliedMicrobi.pdf.jpg
  • Book

  • Tác giả : - (2017)

  • This book is a one-stop reference resource, presenting recent research in various emerging areas of microbiology, including microbial biotechnology, microbes in health, microbial interactions, agricultural microbiology and computational approaches. Recent discoveries in microbiology have created a great deal of interest among researchers around the globe, and as as such the book discusses a number of important research topics, such as microbial enzymes and nanoparticles, bacterial polyhydroxyalkanoates, biosurfactant aided bioprocessing, autophagy and microbial pathogenesis, multidrug resistant bacteria, probiotics, rhizosphere, metal tolerant bacteria, plant- beneficial environmental...

  • 2017_Book_ProteinAndSugarExportAndAssemb.pdf.jpg
  • Book

  • Tác giả : - (2017)

  • This book focuses on the envelope of Gram-positive bacteria including its composition, the latest discoveries in the mechanisms behind its assembly, and its role in pathogenesis. Furthermore, new applications in biotechnology and vaccine development involving these bacteria are discussed in detail. This concise volume consists of eleven chapters by prominent experts in the field, which review the latest findings and current state of knowledge on a range of diverse yet interlinked aspects. This book is written for all researchers, clinicians and technicians engaged in basic or applied science projects on Gram-positive bacteria.

  • 2017_Book_Plant_MicrobeInteractionsInAgr.pdf.jpg
  • Book

  • Tác giả : - (2017)

  • This books presents an updated compilation on fundamental interaction mechanisms of microbial communities with the plant roots and rhizosphere (belowground) and leaves and aerial parts (aboveground). Plant rhizopshere recruits its own microbial composition that survive there and help plants grow and develop better under biotic and abiotic conditions. Similar is the case with the beneficial microorganisms which are applied as inoculants with characteristic functions. The mechanism of plant-microbe interactions is interesting phenomenon in biological perspectives with numerous implications in the fields. The First volume focuses on the basic and fundamental mechanisms that have been wor...

  • 2017_Book_Mycorrhiza_NutrientUptakeBioco.pdf.jpg
  • Book

  • Tác giả : - (2017)

  • This is the fourth updated and revised edition of a well-received book that emphasises on fungal diversity, plant productivity and sustainability. It contains new chapters written by leading experts in the field. This book is an up-to-date overview of current progress in mycorrhiza and association with plant productivity and environmental sustainability. The result is a must hands-on guide, ideally suited for agri-biotechnology, soil biology, fungal biology including mycorrrhiza and stress management, academia and researchers. The topic of this book is particularly relevant to researchers involved in mycorrhiza, especially to food security, plant microbe interaction and environmental ...

  • 2017_Book_MolecularMarkersInMycology.pdf.jpg
  • Book

  • Tác giả : - (2017)

  • 1. Molecular Diversity and Detection of Endophytic Fungi Based on Their Antimicrobial Biosynthetic Genes -- 2. Molecular Markers and Their Use in Taxonomic Characterization of Trichoderma spp -- 3. Molecular Diversity of Oleaginous Fungi from Virgin Soils and Their Potentiality of Biodiesel Production -- 4. Application of Real-Time PCR for Identification and Detection of Fungi -- 5. DNA Bar-Coding for Diagnostics and Monitoring of Plant Pathogens

  • 2017_Book_ModernTopicsInThePhototrophicP.pdf.jpg
  • Book

  • Tác giả : - (2017)

  • This book offers authoritative contributions by world experts actively working on different aspects of phototrophic prokaryotes. Providing up-to-date information in this rapidly advancing field, it covers the range of topics that are currently the focus of research with this group of organisms. As essentially single-celled organisms, phototrophic prokaryotes process many environmental signals and use this information to optimize their metabolism, growth rate, DNA replication and cell division. Phototrophic prokaryotes are collectively of great interest for a number of different fundamental and applied perspectives and have long served as models for understanding such basic fundamental...

Danh sách tài liệu trong bộ sưu tập (Sắp xếp theo "Ngày nhập " với thứ tự "Giảm dần "): Hiển thị 1-20 trong tổng số 526 tài liệu