Machine generated contents note:|g1.|tIntroduction: Extraction, National Development and Environmental News in Twenty-first-century South America --|g2.|tNews, Conflict and Environment as Social Constructions --|g3.|tEcuador and the Chevron Case: Spinning Risk, Hazard and Reward --|g4.|tBrazil and the Belo Monte Dam: "The Amazon Is Ours" --|g5.|tChile's Pascua Lama: Where Water Is Worth More than Gold --|g6.|tMediated Neo-extractivism and National Development.
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Machine generated contents note:|g1.|tIntroduction: Extraction, National Development and Environmental News in Twenty-first-century South America --|g2.|tNews, Conflict and Environment as Social Constructions --|g3.|tEcuador and the Chevron Case: Spinning Risk, Hazard and Reward --|g4.|tBrazil and the Belo Monte Dam: "The Amazon Is Ours" --|g5.|tChile's Pascua Lama: Where Water Is Worth More than Gold --|g6.|tMediated Neo-extractivism and National Development.